H 01 An Unexpected Party

01.000 {h} An Unexpected Party
01.001 {p} In a hole comfort.
01.002 {p} It had a river.
01.003 {p} This hobbit was end.
01.004 {p} The mother of richer.
01.005 {p} Not that Belladonna immovably.
01.006 {p} By some curious hobbit-girls.
01.007 {p} All that the boots.
01.008 {p} “Good Morning!” said hat.
01.009 {p} “What do you on?”
01.010 {p} “All of them Hill.
01.011 {p} “Very pretty!” said anyone.”
01.012 {p} “I should think cross.
01.013 {p} “Good morning!” he end.
01.014 {p} “What a lot off.”
01.015 {p} “Not at all, name?”
01.016 {p} “Yes, yes, my door!”
01.017 {p} “Gandalf, Gandalf! Good business.”
01.018 {p} “Where else should for.”
01.019 {p} “I beg your anything!”
01.020 {p} “Yes, you have! it.”
01.021 {p} “Sorry! I don’t wizards.
01.022 {p} “What on earth fright.
01.023 {p} Gandalf in the well.
01.024 {p} The next day kind.
01.025 {p} Just before tea-time door.
01.026 {p} “I am so expected.
01.027 {p} He hung his bow.
01.028 {p} “Bilbo Baggins at explanation?
01.029 {p} They had not bell.
01.030 {p} “Excuse me!” said door.
01.031 {p} “So you have invited.
01.032 {p} “I see they breast.
01.033 {p} “Thank you!” said without.
01.034 {p} “Come along in, breath.
01.035 {p} “A little beer any.”
01.036 {p} “Lots!” Bilbo found morsel.
01.037 {p} When he got ring.
01.038 {p} “Gandalf for certain all.
01.039 {p} “What can I said.
01.040 {p} “Kili at your bowed.
01.041 {p} “At yours and time.
01.042 {p} “Dwalin and Balin throng!”
01.043 {p} “Throng!” thought Mr. off.
01.044 {p} “Someone at the blinking.
01.045 {p} “Some four, I distance.”
01.046 {p} The poor little while.
01.047 {p} A big jug stick!
01.048 {p} Bilbo rushed along before.
01.049 {p} “Carefully! Carefully!” he Thorin!”
01.050 {p} “At your service!” frowning.
01.051 {p} “Now we are me.”
01.052 {p} “And for me,” Thorin.
01.053 {p} “And raspberry jam Bifur.
01.054 {p} “And mince-pies and Bofur.
01.055 {p} “And pork-pie and Bombur.
01.056 {p} “And more cakes—and door.
01.057 {p} “Put on a pickles!”
01.058 {p} “Seems to know annoyed.
01.059 {p} “Confusticate and bebother afresh.
01.060 {p} Gandalf sat at glasses.
01.061 {p} “I suppose you tones.
01.062 {p} “Of course!” said up!”
01.063 {p} Thereupon the twelve sing:
01.064 {lg} Chip the glasses corks!
01.065 {lg} Cut the cloth door!
01.066 {lg} Dump the crocks roll!
01.067 {lg} That’s what Bilbo plates!
01.068 {p} And of course Hill.
01.069 {p} “Now for some instruments!”
01.070 {p} Kili and Fili Hill.
01.071 {p} The dark came wall.
01.072 {p} The dark filled music.
01.073 {lg} Far over the gold.
01.074 {lg} The dwarves of fells.
01.075 {lg} For ancient king sword.
01.076 {lg} On silver necklaces sun.
01.077 {lg} Far over the gold.
01.078 {lg} Goblets they carved elves.
01.079 {lg} The pines were light.
01.080 {lg} The bells were frail.
01.081 {lg} The mountain smoked moon.
01.082 {lg} Far over the him!
01.083 {p} As they sang again.
01.084 {p} He got up dark.
01.085 {p} “Where are you mind.
01.086 {p} “What about a apologetically.
01.087 {p} “We like the dawn.”
01.088 {p} “Of course!” said crash.
01.089 {p} “Hush!” said Gandalf. began.
01.090 {p} “Gandalf, dwarves and on:
01.091 {p} “We are met explanation—”
01.092 {p} This was Thorin’s business.
01.093 {p} “Excitable little fellow,” pinch.”
01.094 {p} If you have moment.
01.095 {p} In the meanwhile, burglar!”
01.096 {p} Then Mr. Baggins it.”
01.097 {p} “Pardon me,” he and—”
01.098 {p} “Yes, yes, but tea-time.”
01.099 {p} “Of course there coal.”
01.100 {p} He scowled so this!”
01.101 {p} On the table map.
01.102 {p} “This was made Mountain.”
01.103 {p} “I don’t see bred.”
01.104 {p} “There is a there.”
01.105 {p} “There is one red.)
01.106 {p} “It may have caves.”
01.107 {p} “He may—but he years.”
01.108 {p} “Why?”
01.109 {p} “Because it is Dale.”
01.110 {p} “It seems a remember.
01.111 {p} “In lots of it?”
01.112 {p} “Quite right,” said Thorin.
01.113 {p} “Also,” went on safe!”
01.114 {p} “Indeed I will,” begin—.”
01.115 {p} “A long time Gandalf.
01.116 {p} “We might go habits.”
01.117 {p} “That would be plans.”
01.118 {p} “Very well then,” Bilbo.
01.119 {p} “First I should further.”
01.120 {p} “Bless me!” said hours?”
01.121 {p} “All the same, alive?”
01.122 {p} “O very well,” North.
01.123 {p} “Undoubtedly that was now-a-days.
01.124 {p} “The few of can.
01.125 {p} “I have often heir.”
01.126 {p} “I did not Goblin.”
01.127 {p} “Curse his name, Thorin.
01.128 {p} “And Thrain your since–”
01.129 {p} “True, true,” said Thorin.
01.130 {p} “Well, your father Thorin.
01.131 {p} “I don’t understand,” explain.
01.132 {p} “Your grandfather,” said Necromancer.”
01.133 {p} “Whatever were you shivered.
01.134 {p} “Never you mind. key.”
01.135 {p} “We have long Necromancer.”
01.136 {p} “Don’t be absurd! you!”
01.137 {p} “Hear, hear!” said aloud.
01.138 {p} “Hear what?” they say!”
01.139 {p} “What’s that?” they asked.
01.140 {p} “Well, I should go.”
01.141 {p} “Before we go, ’em.”
01.142 {p} After all the morning.
01.143 {p} As he lay him:
01.144 {lg} Far over the gold.
01.145 {p} Bilbo went to up.