H 02 Roast Mutton

02.000 {h} Roast Mutton
02.001 {p} Up jumped Bilbo, him.
02.002 {p} “Don’t be a Gandalf.
02.003 {p} “My dear fellow,” wait.”
02.004 {p} “What message?” said fluster.
02.005 {p} “Great Elephants!” said mantelpiece!”
02.006 {p} “What’s that got fourteen!”
02.007 {p} “If you had note-paper).
02.008 {p} This is what read:
02.009 {lt.p} “Thorin and Company for.
02.010 {lt.p} “Thinking it unnecessary punctual,
02.011 {lt.cl.p} “We have the remain
02.012 {lt.cl.p} “Yours deeply
02.013 {lt.cl.p} “Thorin & Co.”
02.014 {p} “That leaves you Gandalf.
02.015 {p} “But—,” said Bilbo.
02.016 {p} “No time for wizard.
02.017 {p} “But—,” said Bilbo again.
02.018 {p} “No time for go!”
02.019 {p} To the end more.
02.020 {p} Very puffed he pocket-handkerchief!
02.021 {p} “Bravo!” said Balin him.
02.022 {p} Just then all Bilbo.
02.023 {p} “Up you two Thorin.
02.024 {p} “I’m awfully sorry,” precise.”
02.025 {p} “Don’t be precise,” luggage.”
02.026 {p} That’s how they beard.
02.027 {p} They had not all.
02.028 {p} At first they dry.
02.029 {p} “To think it that!
02.030 {p} Still the dwarves north.
02.031 {p} It was nearly on?”
02.032 {p} Not until then all!
02.033 {ps} “Just when a often).
02.034 {p} They decided in it.
02.035 {p} Then one of breakfast.
02.036 {p} There they all twinkling.
02.037 {p} When they had night.
02.038 {p} Others said: “These fight.
02.039 {p} That settled it. dark.
02.040 {p} Suddenly the red ahead.
02.041 {p} “Now it is can.”
02.042 {p} Off Bilbo had saw.
02.043 {p} Three very large all.
02.044 {p} “Mutton yesterday, mutton trolls.
02.045 {p} “Never a blinking jug.
02.046 {p} William choked. “Shut sleeve.
02.047 {p} Yes, I am cheerily.
02.048 {p} Bilbo knew it. William.
02.049 {p} Bert and Tom beginning!”
02.050 {p} It was! Trolls’ tree.
02.051 {p} “Blimey, Bert, look William.
02.052 {p} “What is it?” up.
02.053 {p} “Lumme, if I yer?”
02.054 {p} “Bilbo Baggins, a him.
02.055 {p} “A burrahobbit?” said them.
02.056 {p} “What’s a burrahobbit William.
02.057 {p} “And can yer Tom.
02.058 {p} “Yer can try,” skewer.
02.059 {p} “He wouldn’t make boned.”
02.060 {p} “P’raps there are him.
02.061 {p} “Yes, lots,” said afterwards.
02.062 {p} “What d’yer mean?” time.
02.063 {p} “What I say,” supper.”
02.064 {p} “Poor little blighter,” go!”
02.065 {p} “Not till he talks!”
02.066 {p} “I won’t have anyway.”
02.067 {p} “You’re a fat evening.”
02.068 {p} “And you’re a lout!”
02.069 {p} “And I won’t eye.
02.070 {p} Then there was ever.
02.071 {p} That would have firelight.
02.072 {p} Right in the down.
02.073 {p} “There’s more to it!”
02.074 {p} “I reckon you’re light.”
02.075 {p} And so they fire.
02.076 {p} “That’ll teach ’em,” cornered.
02.077 {p} Thorin came last—and about?”
02.078 {p} “It’s trolls!” said he.
02.079 {p} “O! are they?” face.
02.080 {p} Tom got the him.
02.081 {ps} It was just it.
02.082 {p} “No good roasting William’s.
02.083 {p} “Don’t start the night.”
02.084 {p} “Who’s a-arguing?” said spoken.
02.085 {p} “You are,” said Bert.
02.086 {p} “You’re a liar,” knives.
02.087 {p} “No good boiling Tom’s.
02.088 {p} “Shut up!” said more.”
02.089 {p} “Shut up yerself!” know.”
02.090 {p} “You’re a booby,” William.
02.091 {p} “Booby yerself!” said Tom.
02.092 {p} And so the time.
02.093 {p} “Who shall we voice.
02.094 {p} “Better sit on talking.
02.095 {p} “Don’t talk to he?”
02.096 {p} “The one with Bert.
02.097 {p} “Nonsense, the one William’s.
02.098 {p} “I made sure Bert.
02.099 {p} “Yellow it was,” William.
02.100 {p} “Then what did Bert.
02.101 {p} “I never did. it.”
02.102 {p} “That I never you.”
02.103 {p} “Two to one, Bert.
02.104 {p} “Who are you William.
02.105 {p} “Now stop it!” it!”
02.106 {p} “Dawn take you William.
02.107 {p} “Excellent!” said Gandalf, them.
02.108 {p} The next thing satisfied.
02.109 {p} “Silly time to food!”
02.110 {p} “And that’s just it!”
02.111 {p} They searched about, incantations.
02.112 {p} “Would this be stone.
02.113 {p} “Why on earth hilts.
02.114 {p} Gandalf and Thorin hobbit.
02.115 {p} “These look like them.”
02.116 {p} “Let’s get out fire.
02.117 {p} After that they East.
02.118 {p} “Where did you along.
02.119 {p} “To look ahead,” he.
02.120 {p} “And what brought time?”
02.121 {p} “Looking behind,” said he.
02.122 {p} “Exactly!” said Thorin; plain?”
02.123 {p} “I went on Rivendell.”
02.124 {p} “Where’s that?” asked Bilbo.
02.125 {p} “Don’t interrupt!” said strangers.
02.126 {p} “I immediately had anywhere!”
02.127 {p} “Thank you!” said Thorin.