H 04 Over Hill and under Hill

04.000 {h} Over Hill and under Hill
04.001 {p} There were many pass.
04.002 {p} Long days after stone.
04.003 {p} “The summer is it.
04.004 {ps} He knew that light.
04.005 {p} Bilbo had never mountainsides.
04.006 {p} “This won’t do football.”
04.007 {p} “Well, if you himself.
04.008 {p} The end of occasion.
04.009 {p} Soon Fili and inside.”
04.010 {p} “Have you thoroughly unoccupied.
04.011 {p} “Yes, yes!” they back.”
04.012 {p} That, of course, end.
04.013 {p} It seemed quite them.
04.014 {p} It turned out to.
04.015 {p} At that he size.
04.016 {p} Out jumped the dead.
04.017 {p} The crack closed time.
04.018 {p} Now there came well.
04.019 {lg} Clap! Snap! the lad!
04.020 {lg} Clash, crash! Crush, lad!
04.021 {lg} Swish, smack! Whip lad!
04.022 {p} It sounded truly cavern.
04.023 {p} It was lit goblins.
04.024 {p} I am afraid row.
04.025 {p} There in the themselves.
04.026 {p} “Who are these Goblin.
04.027 {p} “Dwarves, and this!” Porch.”
04.028 {p} “What do you say?”
04.029 {p} “Thorin the dwarf enough!
04.030 {p} “Um!” said the you!”
04.031 {p} “We were on all.
04.032 {p} “He is a lair.
04.033 {p} The Great Goblin it.
04.034 {p} “Murderers and elf-friends!” open.
04.035 {p} Just at that goblins.
04.036 {p} The yells and mad.
04.037 {p} Suddenly a sword darkness.
04.038 {p} The sword went on.
04.039 {p} “Quicker, quicker!” said relit.”
04.040 {p} “Half a minute!” heart.
04.041 {p} Then Gandalf lit corner.
04.042 {p} “Are we all go!”
04.043 {p} On they went. backs.
04.044 {p} Still goblins go tired.
04.045 {p} “Why, O why back.
04.046 {p} “Why, O why terror.
04.047 {p} At this point Thorin!”
04.048 {p} There was nothing come.
04.049 {p} It was quite bats.
04.050 {p} That is why along.
04.051 {p} Quite suddenly Dori, more.