H 06 Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire

06.000 {h} Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire
06.001 {p} Bilbo had escaped trees.
06.002 {p} “Good heavens!” he goblins!”
06.003 {p} He still wandered voices.
06.004 {p} He stopped and talking.
06.005 {p} He crept still him.
06.006 {p} “I will give him.
06.007 {p} “After all he him.”
06.008 {p} The dwarves wanted say.”
06.009 {p} Gandalf answered angrily: Dori?”
06.010 {p} “You would have back!”
06.011 {p} “Then why didn’t again?”
06.012 {p} “Good heavens! Can him!”
06.013 {p} “And here’s the ring.
06.014 {p} Bless me, how work.
06.015 {p} Indeed Bilbo was quietly.”
06.016 {p} “Well, it is did.
06.017 {p} “Balin at your he.
06.018 {p} “Your servant, Mr. Bilbo.
06.019 {p} Then they wanted Gollum.
06.020 {p} “And then I gate.”
06.021 {p} “What about the any?”
06.022 {p} “O yes! lots am.”
06.023 {p} The dwarves looked alarming.
06.024 {p} “What did I out.
06.025 {p} Then he had now.
06.026 {p} The wizard, to now.
06.027 {p} “I must see all.”
06.028 {p} As soon as shadows.
06.029 {p} “A very ticklish go!”
06.030 {p} But, of course, direction.
06.031 {p} “They made that laughed.
06.032 {p} All the others far.
06.033 {p} But the wizard by.”
06.034 {p} “O yes!” he on!”
06.035 {p} “I am dreadfully over.
06.036 {p} “Can’t help it,” luggage.”
06.037 {p} “No thank you!” Bilbo.
06.038 {p} “Very well then, ourselves.”
06.039 {p} As they went good.
06.040 {p} They still went stones.
06.041 {p} It was the below.
06.042 {p} “Well! that has quietly.”
06.043 {p} “I daresay,” grumbled feet.
06.044 {p} “Nonsense! We are light!”
06.045 {p} The sun had trees.
06.046 {ps} “Must we go sack.”
06.047 {p} “A bit further,” Gandalf.
06.048 {p} After what seemed see.
06.049 {p} All of a together!
06.050 {p} There were no you!
06.051 {p} “What shall we situations.
06.052 {p} “Up the trees out.
06.053 {p} And Bilbo? He it.
06.054 {p} “You’ve left the down.
06.055 {p} “I can’t be porter?”
06.056 {p} “He’ll be eaten up!”
06.057 {p} Dori was really back.
06.058 {p} Just at that out.
06.059 {p} But even the places.
06.060 {p} This glade in pine-tree.
06.061 {p} I will tell hunting.
06.062 {p} In spite of caves.
06.063 {p} This was dreadful down.
06.064 {p} Now you can fright.
06.065 {p} The dwarves and water.
06.066 {ps} “What is all woods?”
06.067 {p} He swept up wood.
06.068 {p} Eagles are not mountains.
06.069 {p} Tonight the Lord goblins.
06.070 {p} A very good flames.
06.071 {p} Then suddenly goblins amusing.
06.072 {p} Some got all waiting.
06.073 {p} He could hear song:
06.074 {lg} Fifteen birds in hot?
06.075 {p} Then they stopped sing?”
06.076 {p} “Go away! little singing.
06.077 {lg} Burn, burn tree hey!
06.078 {lg} Bake and toast hoy!
06.079 {p} And with that cracked.
06.080 {p} Then Gandalf climbed leaped.
06.081 {p} Just at that gone.
06.082 {ps} There was a go.
06.083 {p} Poor little Bilbo breaking.
06.084 {p} Now far below time!
06.085 {p} Soon the light legs!”
06.086 {p} At the best plains.
06.087 {p} The pale peaks sick.
06.088 {p} The flight ended shelf!”
06.089 {p} “No you don’t!” forks!”
06.090 {p} “O no! Not night!
06.091 {p} The eagle only notice.
06.092 {p} Soon another eagle came.
06.093 {p} The eagle came Gandalf.
06.094 {p} It seemed that below.
06.095 {p} The Lord of plains.”
06.096 {p} “Very well,” said hunger.”
06.097 {p} “I am nearly heard.
06.098 {p} “That can perhaps Eagles.
06.099 {p} Later on you yet.)
06.100 {p} So ended the like.