H 07 Queer Lodgings

07.000 {h} Queer Lodgings
07.001 {p} The next morning start.
07.002 {p} This time he tighter.
07.003 {p} “Don’t pinch!” said flying?”
07.004 {p} Bilbo would have bit.
07.005 {p} After a good giants.
07.006 {p} Quickly now to passengers.
07.007 {p} “Farewell!” they cried, eagles.
07.008 {p} “May the wind reply.
07.009 {p} And so they now.
07.010 {p} There was a done.
07.011 {p} “I always meant to.”
07.012 {p} The dwarves groaned fare!’”
07.013 {p} They begged him it.”
07.014 {ps} After that they elms.
07.015 {p} “And why is side.
07.016 {p} “He called it well.”
07.017 {p} “Who calls it? it?”
07.018 {p} “The Somebody I easily.”
07.019 {p} The dwarves all on.
07.020 {p} “Yes it certainly skin-changer.”
07.021 {p} “What! a furrier, Bilbo.
07.022 {p} “Good gracious heavens, of.
07.023 {p} “At any rate himself.”
07.024 {ps} Bilbo and the ground.
07.025 {p} It was the them.
07.026 {p} “If one was am!”
07.027 {p} They were bigger gold.
07.028 {p} “We are getting bee-pastures.”
07.029 {ps} After a while scramble.
07.030 {p} “You had better him.
07.031 {p} They soon came air.
07.032 {p} The wizard and buildings.
07.033 {p} “They have gone Gandalf.
07.034 {p} Soon they reached shoulder.
07.035 {p} “Ugh! here they forward.
07.036 {p} “Who are you tunic.
07.037 {p} “I am Gandalf,” wizard.
07.038 {p} “Never heard of eyebrows.
07.039 {p} “That is Mr. Mirkwood?”
07.040 {p} “Yes; not a want?”
07.041 {p} “To tell you mountains.”
07.042 {p} “Goblins?” said the for?”
07.043 {p} “We did not tale.”
07.044 {p} “Then you had house.
07.045 {p} Following him they steps.
07.046 {p} Here they sat before.
07.047 {p} “I was coming wizard.
07.048 {p} “Or two? I Beorn.
07.049 {p} “Well to tell may.”
07.050 {p} “Go on, call away!”
07.051 {p} So Gandalf gave them.
07.052 {p} “One or three dwarves!”
07.053 {p} “Thorin Oakenshield, at again.
07.054 {p} “I don’t need way?”
07.055 {p} “They are on you.”
07.056 {p} “Go on telling, polite.
07.057 {p} “There was a companions...”
07.058 {p} “Do you call several?”
07.059 {p} “Well, no. As two.”
07.060 {p} “Where are they? home?”
07.061 {p} “Well, no. They entertain.”
07.062 {p} “Go on, whistle Beorn.
07.063 {p} Gandalf whistled again; minutes.
07.064 {p} “Hullo!” said Beorn. jack-in-the-boxes!”
07.065 {p} “Nori at your them.
07.066 {p} “Thank you! When ended.”
07.067 {p} “As soon as ponies—”
07.068 {p} “Troop of ponies? troop?”
07.069 {p} “O no! As comical.
07.070 {p} “Troop, was right,” wagging!”
07.071 {p} “Balin and Dwalin,” surprised.
07.072 {p} “Now go on wizard.
07.073 {p} “Where was I? flash—”
07.074 {p} “Good!” growled Beorn. then.”
07.075 {p} “—and slipped inside many?’”
07.076 {p} “A dozen! That’s boxes?”
07.077 {p} “Well, yes, there bowing.
07.078 {p} “That’s enough!” said Gandalf!”
07.079 {p} So Gandalf went left!”
07.080 {p} “Fourteen! That’s the party.”
07.081 {p} “Well, of course you.”
07.082 {p} “O let ’em woods.
07.083 {p} When Gandalf came fireworks!”
07.084 {p} “Well,” said Gandalf fir-trees....”
07.085 {p} “Good heavens!” growled it.”
07.086 {p} “And so do are.”
07.087 {p} In came Bifur two.
07.088 {p} “Well, now there porch!
07.089 {p} By the time garden.
07.090 {p} “A very good eat!”
07.091 {p} “Yes please!” they much!”
07.092 {ps} Inside the hall fire.
07.093 {p} Then baa—baa—baa! was year.
07.094 {p} There they had Mirkwood.
07.095 {p} The dwarves listened all.
07.096 {p} They sat long start.
07.097 {p} The great door while:
07.098 {lg} The wind was beneath.
07.099 {lg} The wind came mould.
07.100 {lg} The wind went released.
07.101 {lg} The grasses hissed, rent.
07.102 {lg} It passed the air.
07.103 {lg} It left the light.
07.104 {p} Bilbo began to Gandalf.
07.105 {p} “It is time peril.”
07.106 {p} Bilbo found that roof.
07.107 {p} There was a fears.
07.108 {ps} It was full eyes.
07.109 {p} “Get up lazybones,” you.”
07.110 {p} Up jumped Bilbo. breakfast?”
07.111 {p} “Mostly inside us,” out.”
07.112 {p} “Where is Gandalf?” could.
07.113 {p} “O! out and puzzled.
07.114 {p} “Where is our cried.
07.115 {p} “One question at breakfast.”
07.116 {p} At last Gandalf distance.
07.117 {p} “I have been silent.
07.118 {p} Bilbo thought he theirs.”
07.119 {p} “So I did. sleepy.”
07.120 {p} The hobbit felt before.
07.121 {p} Next morning they more!”
07.122 {p} So they all them.
07.123 {p} “It was a himself.
07.124 {p} “What did you suddenly.
07.125 {p} “Come and see!” offer.
07.126 {p} This is what reason.
07.127 {p} “That is all again.”
07.128 {ps} They thanked him, end.
07.129 {p} All that morning pace.
07.130 {p} As soon as Mountain.
07.131 {p} “The goblins,” Beorn may!”
07.132 {p} That is why goblins.
07.133 {p} Still the next notice!”
07.134 {p} Next day they ground.
07.135 {p} “Well, here is borrowed.”
07.136 {p} The dwarves were forest.”
07.137 {p} “What about the back.”
07.138 {p} “I don’t, because it.”
07.139 {p} “What about your then?”
07.140 {p} “I will look it!”
07.141 {p} Then they knew mind.
07.142 {p} “Now we had morning!”
07.143 {p} When tomorrow morning back.
07.144 {p} “Don’t you worry!” short.”
07.145 {p} Then at last them.
07.146 {p} Now Gandalf too himself.
07.147 {p} “Good-bye!” said Gandalf again.”
07.148 {p} “Do we really hobbit.
07.149 {p} “Yes, you do!” laughed.
07.150 {p} “No! no!” said round?”
07.151 {p} “There is, if you.”
07.152 {p} “Very comforting you talk!”
07.153 {p} “Good-bye then, and PATH!”
07.154 {p} Then he galloped forest.