H 08 Flies and Spiders

08.000 {h} Flies and Spiders
08.001 {p} They walked in listened.
08.002 {p} As their eyes altogether.
08.003 {p} There were black guess.
08.004 {p} It was not suffocated.
08.005 {p} The nights were big.”
08.006 {p} Although it was darkness.
08.007 {p} All this went squirrels.
08.008 {p} They were thirsty bank.
08.009 {p} Bilbo kneeling on side!”
08.010 {p} “How far away them.
08.011 {p} “Not at all yards.”
08.012 {p} “Twelve yards! I swim.”
08.013 {p} “Can any of rope?”
08.014 {p} “What’s the good doubt.”
08.015 {p} “I don’t believe water.”
08.016 {p} “Dori is the about.”
08.017 {p} Fili thought he stream.
08.018 {p} Splash it fell rope.”
08.019 {p} Fili picked up strength.
08.020 {p} “Steady!” said Bilbo, catch.”
08.021 {p} It did. The current.
08.022 {p} “It was tied stronger.”
08.023 {p} “Who’ll cross first?” Bilbo.
08.024 {p} “I shall,” said Bombur.”
08.025 {p} “I’m always last today.”
08.026 {p} “You should not you.”
08.027 {p} “There aren’t any hobbit.
08.028 {p} “Give me another back.”
08.029 {p} In this way still.
08.030 {p} Before they could disappeared.
08.031 {p} They could still do.
08.032 {p} They were still it.
08.033 {p} There they sat them.
08.034 {p} “Stop! stop!” shouted useless.
08.035 {p} They were a again.
08.036 {p} But they did smell.
08.037 {p} About four days forest.
08.038 {p} Still Bombur slept left.
08.039 {p} Two days later oaks.
08.040 {p} “Is there no path.”
08.041 {p} Of course “somebody” falling).
08.042 {p} In the end seen.
08.043 {p} He looked at below.
08.044 {p} Actually, as I was.
08.045 {p} “The forest goes feel.
08.046 {ps} That night they Bombur.
08.047 {p} He woke up since.
08.048 {p} When he heard drink.”
08.049 {p} “You need not commons.”
08.050 {p} There was nothing sleep.
08.051 {p} “No you don’t!” enough.”
08.052 {p} All the same again.”
08.053 {p} At that very forest.”
08.054 {p} They all looked, track.
08.055 {p} “It looks as Beorn.
08.056 {p} “A feast would Thorin.
08.057 {p} “But without a together.
08.058 {p} After a good merrily.
08.059 {p} The smell of morning.
08.060 {p} There was nothing whisper:
08.061 {p} “The lights are them.”
08.062 {p} Up they all him.”
08.063 {p} When they got fell.
08.064 {p} If it had answer.
08.065 {p} They were just all.
08.066 {p} “I was having dinner.”
08.067 {p} “Good heavens! he them.”
08.068 {p} “They are the again.
08.069 {p} But that was saying:
08.070 {p} “There’s a regular harps!”
08.071 {p} After lying and midst.
08.072 {p} Dead silence fell cries.
08.073 {p} Bilbo found himself darkness.
08.074 {ps} That was one over.
08.075 {p} Then the great while.
08.076 {p} There was the sheath.
08.077 {p} “I will give Sting.”
08.078 {p} After that he dwarves.
08.079 {p} “O! why did alone.”
08.080 {p} In the end coming.
08.081 {p} He had picked dwarves!
08.082 {p} “It was a inside.”
08.083 {p} “Aye, they’ll make another.
08.084 {p} “Don’t hang ’em guess.”
08.085 {p} “Kill ’em, I while.”
08.086 {p} “They’re dead now, first.
08.087 {p} “That they are you.”
08.088 {p} With that one hood.
08.089 {p} To the fattest time.
08.090 {p} The others laughed. kicking!”
08.091 {p} “I’ll soon put branch.
08.092 {ps} Bilbo saw that up.
08.093 {p} The next stone snares.
08.094 {p} Bilbo, however, soon voice.
08.095 {p} This is what sang:
08.096 {lg} Old fat spider me?
08.097 {lg} Old Tomnoddy, all tree!
08.098 {p} Not very good anybody.
08.099 {p} Off Bilbo scuttled song:
08.100 {lg} Lazy Lob and me!
08.101 {lg} Here am I, crazy.
08.102 {p} With that he singing.
08.103 {p} The spiders saw back.
08.104 {p} He had precious dead.
08.105 {p} Bilbo’s next job bundle.
08.106 {p} “Fili or Kili,” wire.
08.107 {p} Somehow or other poisoned.
08.108 {p} In this way ever.
08.109 {p} Bilbo immediately went hiss:
08.110 {p} “Now we see two.”
08.111 {p} While this was battle.
08.112 {p} Suddenly Bilbo noticed Bilbo.
08.113 {p} “Come down! Come dwarves.
08.114 {p} Down the dwarves hopeless.
08.115 {p} Then the battle tree.
08.116 {p} In the end helped.
08.117 {p} “I am going elf-fires.”
08.118 {p} It was difficult vanished.
08.119 {p} Soon there came stopped.
08.120 {p} Hoping desperately that threads.
08.121 {p} Things were looking side.
08.122 {p} “Go on! Go stinging!”
08.123 {p} And he did. colony.
08.124 {p} The dwarves then breath.
08.125 {p} There they lay eat.
08.126 {p} But there was himself.
08.127 {p} “Gollum! Well I’m while.
08.128 {p} All of a asked.
08.129 {p} It was a watching.
08.130 {p} Thorin had been away.
08.131 {p} The feasting people People.
08.132 {p} In a great enemies.
08.133 {p} It was also him.
08.134 {p} The king looked starving.
08.135 {p} “Why did you king.
08.136 {p} “We did not starving.”
08.137 {p} “Where are your doing?”
08.138 {p} “I don’t know, forest.”
08.139 {p} “What were you forest?”
08.140 {p} “Looking for food starving.”
08.141 {p} “But what brought angrily.
08.142 {p} At that Thorin word.
08.143 {p} “Very well!” said years.”
08.144 {p} Then the elves upon.
08.145 {p} There in the usefulness.