H 09 Barrels Out of Bond

09.000 {h} Barrels Out of Bond
09.001 {p} The day after halt.
09.002 {p} There was no hobbit.
09.003 {p} Nor did they stream.
09.004 {p} Across the bridge clang.
09.005 {p} Inside the passages oak.
09.006 {p} The prisoners were inside.”
09.007 {p} Long and searchingly polite.
09.008 {p} “What have we angry?”
09.009 {p} Such a question manners!”
09.010 {p} Then he ordered out.
09.011 {ps} Poor Mr. Baggins—it hand.
09.012 {p} “I am like unaided.
09.013 {p} Eventually, after a dwarves.
09.014 {p} Thorin was too side.
09.015 {p} So it was clever.
09.016 {p} The other dwarves them.
09.017 {p} Bilbo, however, did happened.
09.018 {p} One day, nosing lands.
09.019 {p} Hiding behind one boats.
09.020 {p} When the barrels Lake.
09.021 {ps} For some time plan.
09.022 {p} The evening meal good-night.
09.023 {p} “Now come with labour.”
09.024 {p} “Very good,” laughed stuff!”
09.025 {ps} When he heard flagons.
09.026 {p} Very soon the tremble.
09.027 {p} First he unlocked it.
09.028 {p} “No time now!” fellow!”
09.029 {p} Then off he merrymaking.
09.030 {p} At last after cellars.
09.031 {p} “Upon my word!” next?”
09.032 {p} Bilbo saw that danger.
09.033 {p} “We shall be idea!”
09.034 {p} “Very well!” said try.”
09.035 {p} That was too belt.
09.036 {p} “That will save happen!”
09.037 {ps} Balin was told palace.
09.038 {p} They soon found off.
09.039 {p} It had not could.
09.040 {p} “Where’s old Galion, done.”
09.041 {p} “I shall be up!”
09.042 {p} “Ha, ha!” came captain.”
09.043 {p} “Shake him! Wake impatiently.
09.044 {p} Galion was not weariness!”
09.045 {p} “Small wonder,” said it.”
09.046 {p} Then they drank weight.”
09.047 {p} “Get on with say!”
09.048 {p} “Very well, very nothing!”
09.049 {lg} Roll—roll—roll—roll, roll-roll-rolling down bump!
09.050 {p} So they sang current.
09.051 {p} It was just wood.
09.052 {p} While all these below.
09.053 {lg} Down the swift know!
09.054 {p} Now the very him.
09.055 {p} He came up barrels.
09.056 {p} Very soon a was.
09.057 {ps} Out they went inside.
09.058 {p} “I do hope bank.
09.059 {p} The luck turned more.
09.060 {p} Before long the grass.
09.061 {p} In this way pier.
09.062 {p} There were people clammy.
09.063 {ps} There is no chilly.
09.064 {p} He woke again while.
09.065 {p} There was a fretted.
09.066 {p} “This is a said.
09.067 {p} “No time now!” off!”
09.068 {p} And off they Lake.
09.069 {p} They had escaped seen.