H 12 Inside Information

12.000 {h} Inside Information
12.001 {p} For a long spoke:
12.002 {p} “Now is the Reward.”
12.003 {p} You are familiar at.
12.004 {p} “If you mean me?”
12.005 {p} He did not necessary.
12.006 {p} The most that much.
12.007 {ps} The stars were below.
12.008 {p} After a while on.
12.009 {ps} “Now you are home!”
12.010 {p} He did not thought.
12.011 {p} It was. As him.
12.012 {p} It was at Smaug!
12.013 {ps} There he lay, light.
12.014 {p} Smaug lay, with guessed.
12.015 {p} To say that count.
12.016 {ps} He gazed for note.
12.017 {p} Then Bilbo fled. that.”
12.018 {p} Nor did he. service.
12.019 {ps} The dwarves were tremble.
12.020 {p} Then the dwarves cup!
12.021 {p} Thieves! Fire! Murder! Gate.
12.022 {p} To hunt the dragon.
12.023 {p} There they would here.”
12.024 {p} Roused by these valley!”
12.025 {p} “They will be nothing.”
12.026 {p} “Nonsense!” said Thorin, quick!”
12.027 {p} Those were perhaps them.
12.028 {p} A whirring noise came.
12.029 {p} They had barely gone.
12.030 {p} “That’ll be the watch!”
12.031 {p} It was not mountain-sides.
12.032 {p} He guessed from eyes.
12.033 {p} When morning came time.
12.034 {p} They debated long soon.
12.035 {p} “What else do rabbit.”
12.036 {p} After that of politely.
12.037 {p} “I have no home.”
12.038 {p} “Never mind that to-day?”
12.039 {p} “Well, if you night.
12.040 {p} “Now I will experience.”
12.041 {p} Naturally the dwarves napping.
12.042 {p} The sun was seen.
12.043 {p} “Old Smaug is suspicious.
12.044 {p} Smaug certainly looked spoke.
12.045 {ps} “Well, thief! I spare!”
12.046 {p} But Bilbo was them.”
12.047 {p} “Do you now?” it.
12.048 {p} “Truly songs and Bilbo.
12.049 {p} “You have nice ask?”
12.050 {p} “You may indeed! unseen.”
12.051 {p} “So I can name.”
12.052 {p} “I am the number.”
12.053 {p} “Lovely titles!” sneered off.”
12.054 {p} “I am he me.”
12.055 {p} “These don’t sound Smaug.
12.056 {p} “I am the riddling.
12.057 {p} “That’s better!” said you!”
12.058 {ps} This of course inside.
12.059 {p} “I thought so that!”
12.060 {p} “Very well, O help!”
12.061 {p} “Dwarves!” said Bilbo surprise.
12.062 {p} “Don’t talk to mightily.
12.063 {p} “I suppose you lucky.”
12.064 {ps} Bilbo was now again.
12.065 {p} “You don’t know hither.”
12.066 {p} “Ha! Ha! You time.
12.067 {p} “I don’t know Esgaroth.
12.068 {p} You will hardly Under-Hill.
12.069 {p} Now a nasty personality.
12.070 {p} “I tell you,” enemies?”
12.071 {p} Then Smaug really end.
12.072 {p} “Revenge!” he snorted, death!”
12.073 {p} “I have always that.”
12.074 {p} The dragon stopped me.”
12.075 {p} “I might have diamonds!”
12.076 {p} “Yes, it is that?”
12.077 {p} “Dazzlingly marvellous! Perfect! shell!”
12.078 {p} After he had tunnel.
12.079 {p} It was an sense.
12.080 {p} “Never laugh at well.
12.081 {ps} The afternoon was escaped.
12.082 {p} But the hobbit back.
12.083 {p} “Drat the bird!” him.”
12.084 {p} “Leave him alone!” elsewhere.”
12.085 {p} “Well, he’ll have thrush-language.”
12.086 {p} “Why what has tale!”
12.087 {p} So Bilbo told Lake-men.”
12.088 {p} “Well, well! It waistcoat.”
12.089 {p} That turned the grew.
12.090 {p} At last he it.”
12.091 {p} “You are very him.”
12.092 {p} “I don’t know, door.”
12.093 {p} He seemed so talking.
12.094 {p} The talk turned like!”
12.095 {p} From that the Thrain.
12.096 {p} “The Arkenstone! The Moon!”
12.097 {p} But the enchanted below.
12.098 {p} Darkness grew deeper late!”
12.099 {p} Something in his Mountain!
12.100 {p} And not a below.
12.101 {p} Smaug had left be.
12.102 {p} After he had Mountain!”
12.103 {p} He rose in River.