H 13 Not at Home

13.000 {h} Not at Home
13.001 {p} In the meanwhile, ever.
13.002 {p} Thorin spoke: “Let again.
13.003 {p} “We are trapped!” here.”
13.004 {p} But somehow, just waistcoat.
13.005 {p} “Come, come!” he me.”
13.006 {p} In desperation they side.
13.007 {p} “Now do be risks!”
13.008 {p} Down, down they hall!
13.009 {p} There he lay tongue.
13.010 {p} At length Mr. me!”
13.011 {p} Faint echoes ran answer.
13.012 {p} Bilbo got up, turn.
13.013 {p} “Now I wonder turns.”
13.014 {p} “Light!” he cried. light?”
13.015 {ps} The dwarves, of tunnel.
13.016 {p} “Sh! sh!” they tunnel.
13.017 {p} After a while watched.
13.018 {p} They saw the reason.
13.019 {p} It was the rainbow.
13.020 {p} Suddenly Bilbo’s arm pocket.
13.021 {p} “Now I am it.
13.022 {p} Now he went hall.
13.023 {p} He went on, out!
13.024 {p} “Only a bat, West?”
13.025 {p} “Thorin! Balin! Oin! altogether.
13.026 {p} Faintly the dwarves “help!”
13.027 {p} “Now what on squeaking.”
13.028 {p} They waited a burglar.”
13.029 {p} “It is about moment.”
13.030 {p} Gloin lit several lights.
13.031 {p} “Only a bat fierce.
13.032 {p} The dwarves indeed them.
13.033 {p} Fili and Kili one.
13.034 {p} Now the dwarves stones.
13.035 {p} “Mr. Baggins!” he this!”
13.036 {p} With that he head.
13.037 {p} “I feel magnificent,” handy!”
13.038 {p} All the same bowls!”
13.039 {p} “Thorin!” he cried long!”
13.040 {p} “You speak the longing.
13.041 {p} Their glittering mail coming.
13.042 {p} Though all the draughts.
13.043 {p} The steps were burnt.
13.044 {p} “This is the Gate.”
13.045 {p} They passed through full.
13.046 {p} “There is the it!”
13.047 {p} Out of a threshold.
13.048 {p} A whirl of Dale.
13.049 {p} “Well!” said Bilbo, cold!”
13.050 {p} It was. A sun.
13.051 {p} Suddenly Bilbo realized bit!”
13.052 {p} “Quite right!” said Mountain.”
13.053 {p} “How far is hobbit.
13.054 {p} “Five hours march, there.”
13.055 {p} “Dear me!” grumbled hole?”
13.056 {p} As a matter tell.
13.057 {p} “Come, come!” said redecorated!”
13.058 {p} “That won’t be us!”
13.059 {p} That idea disturbed right.
13.060 {p} “We must move head.”
13.061 {p} “It’s a cold parts.”
13.062 {p} “Come on! Come path!”
13.063 {ps} Under the rocky journeys.)
13.064 {p} After that they West.
13.065 {p} Here they found West.
13.066 {p} “Here,” said Balin, seen.”
13.067 {p} “Not much use, steeple.
13.068 {p} “We must take to-day.”
13.069 {p} “Hear, hear!” cried ground.
13.070 {p} In the rock-chamber out.