H 14 Fire and Water

14.000 {h} Fire and Water
14.001 {p} Now if you before.
14.002 {p} The men of dark.
14.003 {p} Suddenly it flickered faded.
14.004 {p} “Look!” said one. there.”
14.005 {p} “Perhaps the King again.”
14.006 {p} “Which king?” said known.”
14.007 {p} “You are always cheerful!”
14.008 {p} Then suddenly a hurrying.
14.009 {p} There was once arms!”
14.010 {p} Then warning trumpets unprepared.
14.011 {p} Before long, so wings.
14.012 {p} Amid shrieks and through.
14.013 {p} Roaring he swept arrow.
14.014 {p} Fire leaped from ablaze.
14.015 {p} Fire leaped from marshes.
14.016 {ps} Already men were lake.
14.017 {p} That was the years.
14.018 {p} But there was time.
14.019 {p} Suddenly out of Dale.
14.020 {p} “Wait! Wait!” it heard.
14.021 {p} Then Bard drew wings.
14.022 {p} “Arrow!” said the well!”
14.023 {p} The dragon swooped ruin.
14.024 {p} Full on the Bard.
14.025 {ps} The waxing moon realized.
14.026 {p} They gathered in it.
14.027 {p} “He may have lost!”
14.028 {p} And in the eyes.
14.029 {p} “Bard is not dragon!”
14.030 {p} “King Bard! King teeth.
14.031 {p} “Girion was lord riches.”
14.032 {p} “We will have shore.
14.033 {p} “I am the orphans?”
14.034 {p} As you see, deliberately!
14.035 {p} “Fools!” said Bard. men.
14.036 {p} At length he me.”
14.037 {p} Then he strode food.
14.038 {p} Now everywhere Bard hunger.
14.039 {p} Meanwhile Bard took Smaug.
14.040 {p} The Elvenking had caves.
14.041 {p} “That will be age.
14.042 {p} But the king, aid.
14.043 {p} Their plans were carcase.
14.044 {p} But all the lands.