H 16 A Thief in the Night

16.000 {h} A Thief in the Night
16.001 {p} Now the days corner.
16.002 {p} “For the Arkenstone it.”
16.003 {p} Bilbo heard these head.
16.004 {p} Things had gone North-East.
16.005 {p} “But they cannot more!”
16.006 {p} But Thorin was with.”
16.007 {p} That night Bilbo time.
16.008 {p} “It is mighty camp!”
16.009 {p} “It is warm Bilbo.
16.010 {p} “I daresay; but neck.”
16.011 {p} “Not as stiff toes.”
16.012 {p} “I would give supper!”
16.013 {p} “I can’t give tonight.”
16.014 {p} “You are a away.”
16.015 {p} “Off you go!” watchman.”
16.016 {p} As soon as turn.
16.017 {p} It was very noise.
16.018 {p} “That was no servant.”
16.019 {p} “Servant, indeed!” snorted sound.
16.020 {p} “Let’s have a rock.
16.021 {p} They seized him another.
16.022 {p} “I am Mr. see.”
16.023 {p} “Indeed!” said they, business?”
16.024 {p} “Whatever it is, spare.”
16.025 {ps} That is how them.
16.026 {p} “Really you know,” May!
16.027 {p} “A share in here.”
16.028 {p} “Well, let him!” starve.”
16.029 {p} “Quite so,” said Hills?”
16.030 {p} “We have, a king.
16.031 {p} “I thought as trouble.”
16.032 {p} “Why do you grimly.
16.033 {p} “My dear Bard!” offer!!”
16.034 {p} “Let us hear said.
16.035 {p} “You may see wrapping.
16.036 {p} The Elvenking himself, stars.
16.037 {p} “This is the dazed.
16.038 {p} “But how is effort.
16.039 {p} “O well!” said useful.”
16.040 {p} The Elvenking looked welcome.”
16.041 {p} “Thank you very quickly.”
16.042 {p} Nothing they could them.
16.043 {p} “Well done! Mr. Gandalf.
16.044 {p} For the first ask.
16.045 {p} “All in good night!”
16.046 {p} Puzzled but cheered, next.
16.047 {p} At midnight he bacon.