H 17 The Clouds Burst

17.000 {h} The Clouds Burst
17.001 {p} Next day the changed.
17.002 {p} “That will be messenger.
17.003 {p} About midday the wood.
17.004 {p} “Hail Thorin!” said mind?”
17.005 {p} “My mind does me.”
17.006 {p} “Is there then gold?”
17.007 {p} “Nothing that you offer.”
17.008 {p} “What of the morning.
17.009 {p} Then Thorin was while.
17.010 {p} Thorin at length thieves?”
17.011 {p} “We are not own.”
17.012 {p} “How came you rage.
17.013 {p} “I gave it fright.
17.014 {p} “You! You!” cried rabbit.
17.015 {p} “By the beard arms.
17.016 {p} “Stay! Your wish say!”
17.017 {p} “You all seem rats?”
17.018 {p} “Dear me! Dear that!”
17.019 {p} “I will,” said him.
17.020 {p} “Get down now down.”
17.021 {p} “What about the Bilbo.
17.022 {p} “That shall follow down!”
17.023 {p} “Until then we Bard.
17.024 {p} “You are not yet.”
17.025 {p} “They may indeed,” reward.
17.026 {p} And so Bilbo going.
17.027 {p} “Farewell!” he cried friends.”
17.028 {p} “Be off!” called swift!”
17.029 {p} “Not so hasty!” farewell!”
17.030 {p} With that they speed.
17.031 {ps} That day passed grim.
17.032 {p} Trumpets called men Bilbo.
17.033 {p} “We are sent guarded.
17.034 {p} Bard, of course, numbers.
17.035 {p} These were, in bank.
17.036 {p} “Fools!” laughed Bard, rested!”
17.037 {p} But the Elvenking blows.”
17.038 {p} But he reckoned debated.
17.039 {p} Suddenly without a joined.
17.040 {p} Still more suddenly wings.
17.041 {p} “Halt!” cried Gandalf, train!”
17.041-fn {fn} Son of Azog. p.24
17.042 {p} Amazement and confusion voices.
17.043 {p} “Come!” called Gandalf. us!”
17.044 {p} So began a assault.
17.045 {p} This is the help.
17.046 {p} Soon the thunder dread.
17.047 {p} “To the Mountain!” time!”
17.048 {p} On the Southern disorder.
17.049 {p} It was a swordsman.
17.050 {p} The elves were blood.
17.051 {p} Just as the swords.
17.052 {p} Panic came upon above.
17.053 {p} Goblins had scaled tide.
17.054 {p} Day drew on. Ravenhill.
17.055 {p} Suddenly there was fire.
17.056 {p} Rocks were hurled him.
17.057 {p} “To me! To valley.
17.058 {p} Down, heedless of ranks.
17.059 {p} Already behind him down.
17.060 {p} On all this end.
17.061 {p} That did not it.”
17.062 {p} The clouds were glow.
17.063 {p} “The Eagles! The coming!”
17.064 {p} Bilbo’s eyes were North.
17.065 {p} “The Eagles! the Mountain.
17.066 {p} “The Eagles!” cried more.