H 19 The Last Stage

19.000 {h} The Last Stage
19.001 {p} It was on it:
19.002 {lg} The dragon is valley!
19.003 {lg} The stars are Valley.
19.004 {lg} O! Where are Fa-la!
19.005 {p} Then the elves in.
19.006 {p} It was in Mirkwood.
19.007 {p} “Ere long now,” world!”
19.008 {p} “It would be after.”
19.009 {p} When the tale corner.
19.010 {p} He woke to stream.
19.011 {lg} Sing all ye tower.
19.012 {lg} Dance all ye meeting.
19.013 {lg} Sing we now hand!
19.014 {p} “Well, Merry People!” you.”
19.015 {p} “And your snores weariness.”
19.016 {p} “A little sleep morning.
19.017 {p} Weariness fell from Gandalf.
19.018 {p} Even as they them.
19.019 {p} “Merry is May-time!” it.”
19.020 {p} “There is a Gandalf.
19.021 {p} “But it is Bilbo.
19.022 {p} They came to journey.
19.023 {p} This was much Bill.
19.024 {p} Not far from it.”
19.025 {p} “Indeed I can!” expect.”
19.026 {p} So they put again.
19.027 {p} As all things said:
19.028 {lg} Roads go ever moon.
19.029 {lg} Roads go ever known.
19.030 {p} Gandalf looked at were.”
19.031 {p} And so they door.
19.032 {p} “Bless me! What’s annoyance.
19.033 {p} If he was wrong.
19.034 {p} The return of much.
19.035 {p} Indeed Bilbo found elders.
19.036 {p} I am sorry came.
19.037 {p} He took to long.
19.038 {ps} One autumn evening Balin.
19.039 {p} “Come in! Come magnificence.
19.040 {p} They fell to men.
19.041 {p} The old Master companions.
19.042 {p} “The new Master gold.”
19.043 {p} “Then the prophecies Bilbo.
19.044 {p} “Of course!” said all!”
19.045 {p} “Thank goodness!” said tobacco-jar.