LR 1.01 A Long-expected Party

1.01.000 {h} A Long-expected Party
1.01.001 {p} When Mr. Bilbo Hobbiton.
1.01.002 {p} Bilbo was very wealth.
1.01.003 {p} ‘It will have it!’
1.01.004 {ps} But so far up.
1.01.005 {p} The eldest of thirty-three.
1.01.006 {ps} Twelve more years age’.
1.01.007 {p} Tongues began to demand.
1.01.008 {p} No one had End.
1.01.009 {p} ‘A very nice himself).
1.01.010 {p} ‘But what about queer.’
1.01.011 {p} ‘And no wonder true.’
1.01.012 {p} ‘You’re right, Dad!’ drownded.’
1.01.013 {p} ‘Drownded?’ said several again.
1.01.014 {p} ‘Well, so they all.’
1.01.015 {p} ‘I’ve heard they boat.’
1.01.016 {p} ‘And I heard miller.
1.01.017 {p} ‘You shouldn’t listen folk.
1.01.018 {p} ‘But I reckon not.’
1.01.019 {p} ‘There’s a tidy heard.’
1.01.020 {p} ‘Then you’ve heard it.
1.01.021 {p} ‘Elves and Dragons! miller.
1.01.022 {p} But the Gaffer hobbits.
1.01.023 {p} ‘Ah, but he queerer.’
1.01.024 {p} ‘And you can is.’
1.01.025 {ps} That very month died.
1.01.026 {p} Days passed and .
1.01.027 {p} That was Gandalf’s past.
1.01.028 {p} When the old onlookers.
1.01.029 {p} ‘Run away now!’ come.
1.01.030 {ps} Inside Bag End, windows.
1.01.031 {p} ‘How bright your Gandalf.
1.01.032 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Bilbo. holiday.’
1.01.033 {p} ‘You mean to then?’
1.01.034 {p} ‘I do. I it.’
1.01.035 {p} ‘Very well. It us.’
1.01.036 {p} ‘I hope so. joke.’
1.01.037 {p} ‘Who will laugh, head.
1.01.038 {p} ‘We shall see,’ Bilbo.
1.01.039 {ps} The next day invitations.
1.01.040 {p} Before long the come.
1.01.041 {p} A notice appeared view.
1.01.042 {p} One morning the garden.
1.01.043 {p} The tents began height.
1.01.044 {p} Then the weather began.
1.01.045 {p} Bilbo Baggins called them.
1.01.046 {p} On this occasion dwarf-make.
1.01.047 {p} When every guest started.
1.01.048 {p} The fireworks were age.
1.01.049 {p} There were rockets explosion.
1.01.050 {p} ‘That is the provender.
1.01.051 {p} There were many reputation.
1.01.052 {p} All the one much.
1.01.053 {p} After the feast stop.
1.01.054 {p} My dear People, trouser-pocket.
1.01.055 {p} My dear Bagginses table.
1.01.056 {p} Proudfoots, repeated Bilbo. obvious.
1.01.057 {p} I hope you vigorous.
1.01.058 {p} But Bilbo had ears.
1.01.059 {p} Indeed, for Three approval.
1.01.060 {p} I don’t know compliment.
1.01.061 {p} Secondly, to celebrate inheritance’.
1.01.062 {p} Together we score expression.’
1.01.063 {p} It is also, moment.
1.01.064 {p} Thirdly and finally, GOOD-BYE!
1.01.065 {ps} He stepped down once.
1.01.066 {p} It was generally prank.
1.01.067 {p} But old Rory again.
1.01.068 {p} Frodo was the pavilion.
1.01.069 {ps} As for Bilbo again.
1.01.070 {p} He walked briskly in.
1.01.071 {p} ‘Hullo!’ said Bilbo. up.’
1.01.072 {p} ‘I am glad plan?’
1.01.073 {p} ‘Yes, I do,’ suppose?’
1.01.074 {p} ‘It was. You vanishment.’
1.01.075 {p} ‘And would spoil usual.’
1.01.076 {p} ‘I do – further?’
1.01.077 {p} ‘Yes, I am. arrangements.
1.01.078 {p} ‘I am old, something.’
1.01.079 {p} Gandalf looked curiously best.’
1.01.080 {p} ‘Well, I’ve made days.’
1.01.081 {p} Gandalf laughed. ‘I ends.’
1.01.082 {p} ‘Oh, they may, you?’
1.01.083 {p} ‘Yes, I will them.’
1.01.084 {p} ‘He would come now.’
1.01.085 {p} ‘Everything?’ said Gandalf. remember.’
1.01.086 {p} ‘Well, er, yes, Bilbo.
1.01.087 {p} ‘Where is it?’
1.01.088 {p} ‘In an envelope, there?’
1.01.089 {p} Gandalf looked again to?’
1.01.090 {p} ‘Well yes – journey.’
1.01.091 {p} ‘No, but I mistaken.’
1.01.092 {p} Bilbo flushed, and me.’
1.01.093 {p} ‘Yes, yes,’ said angry.’
1.01.094 {p} ‘If I am Precious.’
1.01.095 {p} The wizard’s face you.’
1.01.096 {p} ‘But I say say.’
1.01.097 {p} Gandalf stood up. free.’
1.01.098 {p} ‘I’ll do as obstinately.
1.01.099 {p} ‘Now, now, my up!’
1.01.100 {p} ‘Well, if you sword.
1.01.101 {p} Gandalf’s eyes flashed. room.
1.01.102 {p} Bilbo backed away tremble.
1.01.103 {p} ‘I don’t know said.’
1.01.104 {p} ‘I have never troubled.
1.01.105 {p} Bilbo drew his mind.’
1.01.106 {p} ‘Then trust mine,’ him.’
1.01.107 {p} Bilbo stood for joke.’
1.01.108 {p} ‘Indeed it would Gandalf.
1.01.109 {p} ‘Very well,’ said door.
1.01.110 {p} ‘You have still wizard.
1.01.111 {p} ‘Well, so I safest.’
1.01.112 {p} ‘No, don’t give him.’
1.01.113 {p} Bilbo took out laugh.
1.01.114 {p} ‘Well, that’s that,’ off!’
1.01.115 {p} They went out busy.
1.01.116 {p} ‘Is everything ready?’ labelled?’
1.01.117 {p} ‘Everything,’ they answered.
1.01.118 {p} ‘Well, let’s start front-door.
1.01.119 {p} It was a Gandalf!’
1.01.120 {p} ‘Good-bye, for the enough.’
1.01.121 {p} ‘Take care! I dark:
1.01.122 {lg} The Road goes say.
1.01.123 {p} He paused, silent grass.
1.01.124 {p} Gandalf remained for indoors.
1.01.125 {ps} Frodo came in asked.
1.01.126 {p} ‘Yes,’ answered Gandalf, last.’
1.01.127 {p} ‘I wish – off.’
1.01.128 {p} ‘I think really is!’
1.01.129 {p} Frodo took the it.
1.01.130 {p} ‘You’ll find his ring.’
1.01.131 {p} ‘The ring!’ exclaimed useful.’
1.01.132 {p} ‘It may, and bed.’
1.01.133 {ps} As master of behind.
1.01.134 {p} Night slowly passed. unexpected.
1.01.135 {p} Frodo was waiting them.
1.01.136 {p} Inside in the sort:
1.01.137 {p} For ADELARD TOOK, ones.
1.01.138 {p} For DORA BAGGINS century.
1.01.139 {p} For MILO BURROWS, letters.
1.01.140 {p} For ANGELICA’S use, shapely.
1.01.141 {p} For the collection them.
1.01.142 {p} For LOBELIA SACKVILLE-BAGGINS, spoons.
1.01.143 {ps} This is only little.
1.01.144 {p} Every one of bottle.
1.01.145 {p} There was plenty away.
1.01.146 {ps} Frodo had a handcarts.
1.01.147 {p} In the middle politely.
1.01.148 {p} ‘He is indisposed,’ resting.’
1.01.149 {p} ‘Hiding, you mean,’ so!’
1.01.150 {p} Merry left them politely.
1.01.151 {p} The Sackville-Bagginses were fishy.
1.01.152 {p} ‘Only one thing will.’
1.01.153 {p} Otho would have ink).
1.01.154 {p} ‘Foiled again!’ he was:
1.01.155 {p} ‘You’ll live to Brandybuck!’
1.01.156 {p} ‘Did you hear her.
1.01.157 {p} ‘It was a true.’
1.01.158 {ps} Then they went interrupted.
1.01.159 {p} When he had tea.
1.01.160 {p} He had hardly wait.’
1.01.161 {p} He went on window.
1.01.162 {p} ‘If you don’t said.
1.01.163 {p} ‘My dear Gandalf! Lobelia.’
1.01.164 {p} ‘Then I forgive milk.’
1.01.165 {p} ‘She had already disappear.’
1.01.166 {p} ‘Don’t do that!’ word.’
1.01.167 {p} ‘Well, what about it?’
1.01.168 {p} ‘What do you already?’
1.01.169 {p} ‘Only what Bilbo mean.’
1.01.170 {p} ‘Which story, I Gandalf.
1.01.171 {p} ‘Oh, not what anyway.”’
1.01.172 {p} ‘That’s interesting,’ said all?’
1.01.173 {p} ‘If you mean, odd.’
1.01.174 {p} ‘So did I. to.’
1.01.175 {p} ‘I don’t understand,’ Frodo.
1.01.176 {p} ‘Neither do I,’ secret!’
1.01.177 {p} ‘You are very of?’
1.01.178 {p} ‘I am not up.
1.01.179 {p} ‘At once!’ cried help.’
1.01.180 {p} ‘I did mean wealth.’
1.01.181 {p} ‘Some people!’ exclaimed again.’
1.01.182 {p} ‘So do I,’ Good-bye!’
1.01.183 {p} Frodo saw him time.