LR 1.02 The Shadow of the Past

1.02.000 {h} The Shadow of the Past
1.02.001 {p} The talk did forgotten.
1.02.002 {p} But in the Gandalf.
1.02.003 {p} ‘If only that say.
1.02.004 {p} Some people were shoulders.
1.02.005 {p} He lived alone, done.
1.02.006 {ps} As time went queer.
1.02.007 {p} Frodo himself, after yet.’
1.02.008 {p} So it went Shire.
1.02.009 {ps} There were rumours Mordor.
1.02.010 {p} That name the name.
1.02.011 {ps} Little of all them.
1.02.012 {p} Sam Gamgee was talk.
1.02.013 {p} ‘Queer things you Sam.
1.02.014 {p} ‘Ah,’ said Ted, to.’
1.02.015 {p} ‘No doubt you now.’
1.02.016 {p} ‘No thank ’ee,’ laugh.
1.02.017 {p} ‘All right,’ said back.’
1.02.018 {p} ‘Who’s they?’
1.02.019 {p} ‘My cousin Hal one.’
1.02.020 {p} ‘Says he did, there.’
1.02.021 {p} ‘But this one inch.’
1.02.022 {p} ‘Then I bet not.’
1.02.023 {p} ‘But this one Moors.’
1.02.024 {p} ‘Then Hal can’t point.
1.02.025 {p} ‘All the same,’ before.
1.02.026 {p} ‘And I’ve heard return.
1.02.027 {p} ‘They are sailing, laughed.
1.02.028 {p} ‘Well, that isn’t Shire.’
1.02.029 {p} ‘Well, I don’t lad.’
1.02.030 {p} ‘Oh, they’re both noisily.
1.02.031 {p} Sam sat silent out.
1.02.032 {p} It was early thoughtfully.
1.02.033 {ps} It was just doings.
1.02.034 {p} Then suddenly his window.
1.02.035 {p} Frodo welcomed his another.
1.02.036 {p} ‘All well eh?’ Frodo!’
1.02.037 {p} ‘So do you,’ night.
1.02.038 {ps} Next morning after fingers.
1.02.039 {p} Gandalf was thinking delight.
1.02.040 {p} He was smoking silence.
1.02.041 {p} ‘Last night you way?’
1.02.042 {p} ‘In many ways,’ him.
1.02.043 {p} ‘In Eregion long perilous.
1.02.044 {p} ‘A mortal, Frodo, him.’
1.02.045 {p} ‘How terrifying!’ said garden.
1.02.046 {ps} ‘How long have know?’
1.02.047 {p} ‘Bilbo knew no tight.’
1.02.048 {p} ‘Yes, he warned chain.’
1.02.049 {p} ‘Very wise,’ said control.’
1.02.050 {p} ‘How long have again.
1.02.051 {p} ‘Known?’ said Gandalf. guess.
1.02.052 {p} ‘When did I back.’
1.02.053 {p} ‘Who is he?’ before.’
1.02.054 {p} ‘Maybe not,’ answered waited.
1.02.055 {p} ‘And all seemed Wait!”
1.02.056 {p} ‘And I waited. it.’
1.02.057 {p} ‘There wasn’t any mean?’
1.02.058 {p} ‘He felt better Bilbo.
1.02.059 {p} ‘Of course, he responsible.
1.02.060 {p} ‘Ever since Bilbo enslaved.’
1.02.061 {p} Frodo shuddered. ‘But slaves?’
1.02.062 {p} ‘To tell you revenge.’
1.02.063 {p} ‘Revenge?’ said Frodo. ring.’
1.02.064 {p} ‘It has everything moment.’
1.02.065 {ps} Frodo took it it.
1.02.066 {p} Gandalf held it asked.
1.02.067 {p} ‘No,’ said Frodo. wear.’
1.02.068 {p} ‘Well then, look!’ back.
1.02.069 {p} ‘Wait!’ he said brows.
1.02.070 {p} No apparent change gasped.
1.02.071 {p} ‘It is quite ever.
1.02.072 {p} ‘Hold it up!’ closely!’
1.02.073 {p} As Frodo did depth.
1.02.074 {p} ‘I cannot read voice.
1.02.075 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf, enough:
1.02.076 {lg} One Ring to them.
1.02.077 {p} It is only Elven-lore:
1.02.078 {lg} Three Rings for lie.’
1.02.079 {p} He paused, and it.’
1.02.080 {p} Frodo sat silent me?’
1.02.081 {ps} ‘Ah!’ said Gandalf. Winter.
1.02.082 {p} ‘But last night again.’
1.02.083 {p} ‘I wish it Frodo.
1.02.084 {p} ‘So do I,’ chance.
1.02.085 {p} ‘The Enemy still Ring.
1.02.086 {p} ‘The Three, fairest Shire.
1.02.087 {p} ‘So it is ever.
1.02.088 {p} ‘And this is fear.’
1.02.089 {p} ‘Why, why wasn’t it.
1.02.090 {p} ‘It was taken best.
1.02.091 {p} ‘But for the Mirkwood.
1.02.092 {p} ‘But the Ring arrows.’
1.02.093 {p} Gandalf paused. ‘And think.
1.02.094 {ps} ‘Long after, but downward.
1.02.095 {p} ‘He had a it.
1.02.096 {p} ‘Then up he behind.
1.02.097 {p} ‘“Give us that, shoulder.
1.02.098 {p} ‘“Why?” said Déagol.
1.02.099 {p} ‘“Because it’s my Sméagol.
1.02.100 {p} ‘“I don’t care,” it.”
1.02.101 {p} ‘“Oh, are you finger.
1.02.102 {p} ‘No one ever hole.
1.02.103 {p} ‘He wandered in her.
1.02.104 {p} ‘But as he beginning.”
1.02.105 {p} ‘So he journeyed it.’
1.02.106 {ps} ‘Gollum!’ cried Frodo. loathsome!’
1.02.107 {p} ‘I think it known.’
1.02.108 {p} ‘I can’t believe notion!’
1.02.109 {p} ‘It is true thing.’
1.02.110 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Frodo. him.’
1.02.111 {p} ‘Only too true, things.
1.02.112 {p} ‘But that, of unbearable.
1.02.113 {p} ‘All the “great all.’
1.02.114 {p} ‘What do you it?’
1.02.115 {p} ‘You ought to matter.
1.02.116 {p} ‘A Ring of him.’
1.02.117 {p} ‘What, just in better?’
1.02.118 {p} ‘It is no dark.
1.02.119 {p} ‘There was more Shire!
1.02.120 {p} ‘Behind that there thought.’
1.02.121 {p} ‘It is not,’ still?’
1.02.122 {p} Gandalf looked at evidence.’
1.02.123 {p} ‘And when did interrupting.
1.02.124 {p} ‘Just now in him.’
1.02.125 {p} ‘You have seen amazement.
1.02.126 {p} ‘Yes. The obvious last.’
1.02.127 {p} ‘Then what happened that?’
1.02.128 {p} ‘Not so clearly. truth.
1.02.129 {p} ‘The murder of on.
1.02.130 {p} ‘I endured him from.’
1.02.131 {p} ‘But how did Frodo.
1.02.132 {p} ‘Well, as for hungry.
1.02.133 {p} ‘Light, light of expect.’
1.02.134 {p} ‘Is that where Frodo.
1.02.135 {p} ‘I saw him precious!”
1.02.136 {p} ‘That is a wanted.’
1.02.137 {p} ‘Then why didn’t Shire?’
1.02.138 {p} ‘Ah,’ said Gandalf, me.
1.02.139 {p} ‘The Wood-elves tracked cradles.
1.02.140 {p} ‘But at the Saruman.
1.02.141 {p} ‘Well, that was him.
1.02.142 {p} ‘What he had Mordor.’
1.02.143 {ps} A heavy silence heard.
1.02.144 {p} ‘Yes, to Mordor,’ revenge!
1.02.145 {p} ‘Wretched fool! In done.
1.02.146 {p} ‘Yes, alas! through Shire.
1.02.147 {p} ‘The Shire – important.’
1.02.148 {p} ‘But this is chance!’
1.02.149 {p} ‘Pity? It was Pity.’
1.02.150 {p} ‘I am sorry,’ Gollum.’
1.02.151 {p} ‘You have not in.
1.02.152 {p} ‘No, and I death.’
1.02.153 {p} ‘Deserves it! I hearts.’
1.02.154 {p} ‘All the same,’ it?’
1.02.155 {p} ‘Let you? Make himself.
1.02.156 {p} ‘Of course, my certain.’
1.02.157 {p} ‘But why not it.’
1.02.158 {p} ‘Would you? How tried?’
1.02.159 {p} ‘No. But I it.’
1.02.160 {p} ‘Try!’ said Gandalf. now!’
1.02.161 {ps} Frodo drew the pocket.
1.02.162 {p} Gandalf laughed grimly. mine.
1.02.163 {p} ‘Your small fire, himself.
1.02.164 {p} ‘There is only ever.’
1.02.165 {p} ‘I do really chosen?’
1.02.166 {p} ‘Such questions cannot have.’
1.02.167 {p} ‘But I have Ring?’
1.02.168 {p} ‘No!’ cried Gandalf, me.’
1.02.169 {p} He went to moving.’
1.02.170 {ps} There was a Mountain.
1.02.171 {p} ‘Well!’ said Gandalf do?’
1.02.172 {p} ‘No!’ answered Frodo, me.’
1.02.173 {p} ‘Whatever it may Gandalf.
1.02.174 {p} ‘I hope so,’ sighed.
1.02.175 {p} ‘I should like again.
1.02.176 {p} ‘Of course, I terrible.’
1.02.177 {p} He did not ago.
1.02.178 {p} ‘My dear Frodo!’ Underhill.
1.02.179 {p} ‘But I don’t hearing.’
1.02.180 {p} Suddenly he stopped ear.
1.02.181 {p} ‘Well, well, bless doing?’
1.02.182 {p} ‘Lor bless you, evidence.
1.02.183 {p} ‘I don’t,’ said eavesdropping?’
1.02.184 {p} ‘Eavesdropping, sir? I fact.’
1.02.185 {p} ‘Don’t be a bristles.
1.02.186 {p} ‘Mr. Frodo, sir!’ sir!’
1.02.187 {p} ‘He won’t hurt away!’
1.02.188 {p} ‘Well, sir,’ said go?’
1.02.189 {p} Suddenly Gandalf laughed. away?’
1.02.190 {p} ‘I did, sir. upset.’
1.02.191 {p} ‘It can’t be grass-snakes.’
1.02.192 {p} Sam fell on Frodo!’
1.02.193 {p} ‘Me, sir!’ cried tears.