LR 1.03 Three is Company

1.03.000 {h} Three is Company
1.03.001 {p} ‘You ought to go.
1.03.002 {p} ‘I know. But time.’
1.03.003 {p} ‘Of course you long.’
1.03.004 {p} ‘What about the then.’
1.03.005 {p} To tell the tell.
1.03.006 {p} He looked at toad.’
1.03.007 {p} ‘As for where yet.’
1.03.008 {p} ‘Don’t be absurd!’ known.’
1.03.009 {p} ‘I have been see.’
1.03.010 {p} ‘But you cannot yet.’
1.03.011 {p} ‘No indeed!’ said take?’
1.03.012 {p} ‘Towards danger; but fails.’
1.03.013 {p} ‘Rivendell!’ said Frodo. peace.
1.03.014 {ps} One summer’s evening Sackville-Bagginses!
1.03.015 {p} ‘For a nice 102.)
1.03.016 {p} Just why Mr. Buckland.
1.03.017 {p} ‘Yes, I shall house.’
1.03.018 {p} As a matter credible.
1.03.019 {ps} Gandalf stayed in should.’
1.03.020 {p} He spoke lightly, asked.
1.03.021 {p} ‘Well no; but it!’
1.03.022 {p} He went off Road.’
1.03.023 {p} At first Frodo full.
1.03.024 {p} Autumn was well upside-down.
1.03.025 {p} On September 20th them.
1.03.026 {p} The four younger Sackville-Bagginses.
1.03.027 {p} ‘Whatever happens to Winyards.
1.03.028 {p} When they had come.
1.03.029 {ps} The next morning way!’
1.03.030 {p} Folco went home easy.
1.03.031 {p} ‘I shall get thought.
1.03.032 {p} After lunch, the tea.
1.03.033 {p} He took his neighbour.
1.03.034 {p} ‘Our last meal disappeared.
1.03.035 {ps} The sun went dusk.
1.03.036 {p} The sky was out.
1.03.037 {p} ‘No, Mr. Baggins you!’
1.03.038 {p} Footsteps went away End.
1.03.039 {p} Pippin was sitting Time!’
1.03.040 {p} ‘Coming, sir!’ came cellar.
1.03.041 {p} ‘All aboard, Sam?’ Frodo.
1.03.042 {p} ‘Yes, sir. I’ll sir.’
1.03.043 {p} Frodo shut and speed.
1.03.044 {p} ‘Well, now we’re grasses.
1.03.045 {ps} At the bottom dwarf.
1.03.046 {p} ‘I am sure backs.’
1.03.047 {p} ‘I could take untruthfully.
1.03.048 {p} ‘No you don’t, own.’
1.03.049 {p} ‘Be kind to bed.’
1.03.050 {p} For a short passing.
1.03.051 {p} After some time farewell.
1.03.052 {p} ‘I wonder if quietly.
1.03.053 {p} When they had Eastfarthing.
1.03.054 {p} After a while yawned.
1.03.055 {p} ‘I am so midnight.’
1.03.056 {p} ‘I thought you spot.’
1.03.057 {p} ‘The wind’s in geography.
1.03.058 {p} Just over the sniffed.
1.03.059 {p} ‘Hobbits!’ he thought. it.
1.03.060 {ps} The morning came, morning.’
1.03.061 {p} ‘What’s beautiful about hot?’
1.03.062 {p} Sam jumped up, said.
1.03.063 {p} Frodo stripped the disappeared.
1.03.064 {p} When he returned water?’
1.03.065 {p} ‘I don’t keep Frodo.
1.03.066 {p} ‘We thought you now.’
1.03.067 {p} ‘You can come hands.
1.03.068 {p} When their breakfast burden.
1.03.069 {p} The day’s march string.
1.03.070 {p} ‘The road goes horizon.
1.03.071 {p} ‘Do Elves live asked.
1.03.072 {p} ‘Not that I slowly:
1.03.073 {lg} The Road goes say.
1.03.074 {p} ‘That sounds like encouraging.’
1.03.075 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ walk.’
1.03.076 {p} ‘Well, the Road rest.
1.03.077 {ps} The sun was woods.
1.03.078 {p} ‘I can hear Sam.
1.03.079 {p} They looked back, him.
1.03.080 {p} ‘It may not sight!’
1.03.081 {p} The other two roots.
1.03.082 {p} Round the corner invisible.
1.03.083 {p} When it reached road.
1.03.084 {p} A sudden unreasoning trot.
1.03.085 {p} Frodo crawled to right.
1.03.086 {p} ‘Well, I call behaviour.
1.03.087 {p} ‘I can’t say before.’
1.03.088 {p} ‘But what has world?’
1.03.089 {p} ‘There are some from.’
1.03.090 {p} ‘Begging your pardon,’ to.’
1.03.091 {p} ‘What do you before?’
1.03.092 {p} ‘I have only funny.
1.03.093 {p} ‘I couldn’t stay me.’
1.03.094 {p} ‘The Gaffer can’t road.’
1.03.095 {p} ‘Still, there may us.’
1.03.096 {p} ‘What about the chap.’
1.03.097 {p} ‘I wish I worse.’
1.03.098 {p} ‘Then you know words.
1.03.099 {p} ‘I don’t know, Frodo.
1.03.100 {p} ‘All right, cousin me.’
1.03.101 {p} ‘Yes, I think away.’
1.03.102 {ps} The shadows of thickets.
1.03.103 {p} The sun had Frodo.
1.03.104 {p} Not far from time.
1.03.105 {p} Twilight was about Adventure.
1.03.106 {lg} Upon the hearth by!
1.03.107 {lg} Still round the well!
1.03.108 {lg} Home is behind, bed!
1.03.109 {p} The song ended. voice.
1.03.110 {p} ‘Hush!’ said Frodo. again.’
1.03.111 {p} They stopped suddenly oak-trees.
1.03.112 {p} ‘Don’t let us Rider.’
1.03.113 {p} ‘Very well!’ said sniffing!’
1.03.114 {p} The hoofs drew moon.
1.03.115 {p} The sound of him.
1.03.116 {p} Once more the again.
1.03.117 {p} ‘Elves!’ exclaimed Sam back.
1.03.118 {p} ‘Yes, it is away.’
1.03.119 {p} ‘What about the them?’
1.03.120 {p} ‘Listen! They are wait.’
1.03.121 {p} The singing drew it:
1.03.122 {lg} Snow-white! Snow-white! O trees!
1.03.123 {lg} Gilthoniel! O Elbereth! Sea.
1.03.124 {lg} O stars that blown!
1.03.125 {lg} O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! Seas.
1.03.126 {p} The song ended. chance!’
1.03.127 {p} The hobbits sat laughed.
1.03.128 {p} ‘Hail, Frodo!’ he round.
1.03.129 {p} ‘This is indeed it?’
1.03.130 {p} ‘The meaning of company.’
1.03.131 {p} ‘But we have going?’
1.03.132 {p} ‘And how do return.
1.03.133 {p} ‘We know many us.’
1.03.134 {p} ‘Who are you, Frodo.
1.03.135 {p} ‘I am Gildor,’ you.’
1.03.136 {p} ‘O Wise People!’ Riders!’
1.03.137 {p} ‘Black Riders?’ they Riders?’
1.03.138 {p} ‘Because two Black near.’
1.03.139 {p} The Elves did will.’
1.03.140 {p} ‘O Fair Folk! speech.
1.03.141 {p} ‘Be careful, friends!’ halt.’
1.03.142 {p} ‘Why? Where are Frodo.
1.03.143 {p} ‘For tonight we tomorrow.’
1.03.144 {p} They now marched joy.
1.03.145 {ps} The woods on Woodhall.
1.03.146 {p} The Elves sat hillock.
1.03.147 {p} Away high in light.
1.03.148 {p} ‘Come!’ the Elves merriment!’
1.03.149 {p} Pippin sat up him.
1.03.150 {p} At the south dishes.
1.03.151 {p} ‘This is poor better.’
1.03.152 {p} ‘It seems to Frodo.
1.03.153 {p} Pippin afterwards recalled afternoon.
1.03.154 {p} Sam could never mean.’
1.03.155 {p} Frodo sat, eating, hobbits!’
1.03.156 {p} After a while Gildor.
1.03.157 {ps} They spoke of heart:
1.03.158 {p} ‘Tell me, Gildor, us?’
1.03.159 {p} Gildor smiled. ‘Yes,’ silent.
1.03.160 {p} ‘You do not so?’
1.03.161 {p} ‘It is,’ said gently.
1.03.162 {p} ‘The secret will Gildor.
1.03.163 {p} ‘The Enemy?’ said Shire?’
1.03.164 {p} ‘I do not side.’
1.03.165 {p} ‘You mean the Riders?’
1.03.166 {p} ‘Has Gandalf told nothing?’
1.03.167 {p} ‘Nothing about such creatures.’
1.03.168 {p} ‘Then I think you.’
1.03.169 {p} ‘I cannot imagine peace?’
1.03.170 {p} ‘But it is out.’
1.03.171 {p} ‘I know – Buckland.’
1.03.172 {p} ‘I think you Shire?’
1.03.173 {p} ‘I hope so. him?’
1.03.174 {p} Gildor was silent wait.’
1.03.175 {p} ‘And it is yes.’
1.03.176 {p} ‘Is it indeed?’ much.’
1.03.177 {p} ‘I am deeply me.’
1.03.178 {p} ‘Is it not you!’
1.03.179 {p} ‘But where shall need.’
1.03.180 {p} ‘Courage is found world.’
1.03.181 {p} Frodo felt sleep slumber.