LR 1.04 A Short Cut to Mushrooms

1.04.000 {h} A Short Cut to Mushrooms
1.04.001 {p} In the morning out.
1.04.002 {p} Sam was sitting Elves.
1.04.003 {p} ‘They have left insisted.’
1.04.004 {p} Frodo sat down Pippin.
1.04.005 {p} ‘To walk to food.
1.04.006 {p} ‘Do you think him.
1.04.007 {p} ‘Yes, probably,’ said us.’
1.04.008 {p} ‘Did you find Gildor?’
1.04.009 {p} ‘Not much – evasively.
1.04.010 {p} ‘Did you ask sniffing?’
1.04.011 {p} ‘We didn’t discuss full.
1.04.012 {p} ‘You should have. important.’
1.04.013 {p} ‘In that case think!’
1.04.014 {p} ‘Good heavens!’ said green.
1.04.015 {p} From Frodo’s mind singing.
1.04.016 {p} ‘No! I could him.
1.04.017 {p} ‘Well, Sam!’ he helped.’
1.04.018 {p} ‘Very good, sir!’
1.04.019 {p} ‘You still mean me?’
1.04.020 {p} ‘I do.’
1.04.021 {p} ‘It is going back.’
1.04.022 {p} ‘If you don’t laughed.’
1.04.023 {p} ‘Who are they, about?’
1.04.024 {p} ‘The Elves, sir. Wonderful!’
1.04.025 {p} ‘They are,’ said view?’
1.04.026 {p} ‘They seem a were.’
1.04.027 {p} Frodo looked at thoughtful.
1.04.028 {p} ‘Do you feel asked.
1.04.029 {p} ‘Yes, sir. I me.’
1.04.030 {p} ‘I don’t altogether. together.’
1.04.031 {p} Frodo finished his Pippin.
1.04.032 {p} ‘All ready to go.’
1.04.033 {p} ‘You slept late, thinking.’
1.04.034 {p} ‘I have finished here.’
1.04.035 {p} ‘Then you are country.’
1.04.036 {p} ‘We can cut stand.’
1.04.037 {p} ‘Short cuts make field.’
1.04.038 {p} ‘It is less it.’
1.04.039 {p} ‘All right!’ said it.’
1.04.040 {p} ‘That settles it!’ Sam?’
1.04.041 {p} ‘I will go Eastfarthing).
1.04.042 {p} ‘Then if we Pippin.
1.04.043 {ps} It was already line.
1.04.044 {p} He soon found grimly.
1.04.045 {p} Sam Gamgee looked down.
1.04.046 {p} ‘Look!’ he said, figure.
1.04.047 {p} They at once coming?’
1.04.048 {p} They stood still, on.’
1.04.049 {p} Going on was River.
1.04.050 {p} ‘Why, this is right.’
1.04.051 {p} They waded the side.
1.04.052 {p} After half an now.’
1.04.053 {p} ‘It is no yet.’
1.04.054 {ps} They went on them.
1.04.055 {p} Frodo propped his softly:
1.04.056 {lg} Ho! Ho! Ho! by.
1.04.057 {p} Ho! Ho! Ho! leaves.
1.04.058 {p} ‘And what do before.’
1.04.059 {p} ‘It was not voice.’
1.04.060 {p} No more was off.
1.04.061 {ps} Before long the could.
1.04.062 {p} At first they behind.
1.04.063 {p} They passed along stopped.
1.04.064 {p} ‘I know these trees.’
1.04.065 {p} ‘One trouble after surprise.
1.04.066 {p} ‘What’s wrong with guard.’
1.04.067 {p} ‘I know,’ said me.’
1.04.068 {p} Pippin laughed. ‘Well, time.’
1.04.069 {ps} They went along lane.
1.04.070 {p} Suddenly as they lads!’
1.04.071 {p} Frodo and Sam growling.
1.04.072 {p} Through the gate asked.
1.04.073 {p} ‘Good afternoon, Mr. Pippin.
1.04.074 {p} The farmer looked it.’
1.04.075 {p} ‘What fellow do Pippin.
1.04.076 {p} ‘Then you haven’t Took.’
1.04.077 {p} It seemed plain anxiously.
1.04.078 {p} The farmer laughed. free.
1.04.079 {p} Pippin introduced the arm.
1.04.080 {p} ‘Well, if that talk.’
1.04.081 {p} They went into ago.
1.04.082 {p} After a few turn.
1.04.083 {p} ‘Now, Mr. Peregrin,’ you.’
1.04.084 {p} ‘Well, no,’ answered Ferry.’
1.04.085 {p} ‘If you were me?’
1.04.086 {p} They waited anxiously fellow.
1.04.087 {p} ‘“Good-day to you!” still.
1.04.088 {p} ‘“I come from bold.
1.04.089 {p} ‘“Be off!” I time.”
1.04.090 {p} ‘“Baggins has left,” gold.”
1.04.091 {p} ‘“No you won’t,” dogs.”
1.04.092 {p} ‘He gave a that?’
1.04.093 {p} Frodo sat for last.
1.04.094 {p} ‘Then I’ll tell hear?’
1.04.095 {p} Frodo said nothing: disconcerting.
1.04.096 {p} ‘Well, Mr. Frodo,’ of.’
1.04.097 {p} ‘Maybe you’re right,’ fire.
1.04.098 {p} Maggot looked at caught?’
1.04.099 {p} ‘I was thinking chance.’
1.04.100 {p} ‘You’ll be welcome pleased!’
1.04.101 {p} ‘And so should Ferry.’
1.04.102 {p} ‘Ah! but wait sort.’
1.04.103 {p} Frodo now accepted bones.
1.04.104 {p} When they had door.
1.04.105 {p} ‘You be careful back!’
1.04.106 {p} ‘I will!’ said causeway.
1.04.107 {p} Maggot got down fields.
1.04.108 {p} ‘It’s going to tonight.’
1.04.109 {ps} It was five fog.
1.04.110 {p} They reached the them.
1.04.111 {p} Maggot jumped down air.
1.04.112 {p} ‘You’d better be waggon.
1.04.113 {p} Clop-clop, clop-clop. The them.
1.04.114 {p} ‘Hallo there!’ called ahead.
1.04.115 {p} ‘Now then!’ said going?’
1.04.116 {p} ‘I want Mr. farmer.
1.04.117 {p} ‘Mr. Merry!’ he cried.
1.04.118 {p} ‘Yes, of course! fog.
1.04.119 {p} Frodo sprang out duck-pond?’
1.04.120 {p} ‘No, I caught thick.’
1.04.121 {p} He backed the good-nights.
1.04.122 {p} They watched the rising.