LR 1.05 A Conspiracy Unmasked

1.05.000 {h} A Conspiracy Unmasked
1.05.001 {p} ‘Now we had in.’
1.05.002 {p} They turned down side.
1.05.003 {p} Merry led the Brandybucks.
1.05.004 {ps} Long ago Gorhendad Hall.
1.05.005 {p} The people in swim.
1.05.006 {p} Their land was Shire.
1.05.007 {ps} The ferry-boat moved End.
1.05.008 {p} The four hobbits whisper:
1.05.009 {p} ‘Look back, Mr. anything?’
1.05.010 {p} On the far lamps.
1.05.011 {p} ‘What in the Merry.
1.05.012 {p} ‘Something that is seen.
1.05.013 {p} ‘Thank goodness you river?’
1.05.014 {p} ‘They can go it?’
1.05.015 {p} ‘I’ll tell you talk.’
1.05.016 {p} ‘All right! You things.’
1.05.017 {p} ‘We had our another.’
1.05.018 {p} ‘You shall have darkness.
1.05.019 {ps} It was some country.
1.05.020 {p} At last they door.
1.05.021 {p} As they walked house.
1.05.022 {p} ‘Well, what do yesterday.’
1.05.023 {p} Frodo looked round. bed.
1.05.024 {p} ‘It’s delightful!’ he all.’
1.05.025 {ps} The travellers hung steam.
1.05.026 {p} ‘A bath!’ cried Meriadoc!’
1.05.027 {p} ‘Which order shall Peregrin.’
1.05.028 {p} ‘Trust me to quick!’
1.05.029 {p} Merry and Fatty bath-songs.
1.05.030 {lg} Sing hey! for thing!
1.05.031 {lg} O! Sweet is steams.
1.05.032 {lg} O! Water cold back.
1.05.033 {lg} O! Water is feet!
1.05.034 {p} There was a high.
1.05.035 {p} Merry went to hair.
1.05.036 {p} ‘There’s so much said.
1.05.037 {p} ‘Lawks!’ said Merry, you.’
1.05.038 {ps} They had supper hope.
1.05.039 {p} ‘Yes we shall!’ Pippin.
1.05.040 {p} ‘They’re mine!’ said them.’
1.05.041 {p} Hobbits have a fire.
1.05.042 {p} ‘We’ll clear up possible.’
1.05.043 {p} ‘We have all Riders.’
1.05.044 {p} ‘And what are they?’
1.05.045 {p} ‘Black figures riding silent.
1.05.046 {p} ‘I should think Frodo?’
1.05.047 {p} ‘Cousin Frodo has treasure.’
1.05.048 {p} ‘That was only anything.’
1.05.049 {p} ‘Old Maggot is bad.’
1.05.050 {p} ‘I think,’ answered themselves.
1.05.051 {p} ‘It’s coming out nodded.
1.05.052 {p} ‘Well!’ said Frodo begin.’
1.05.053 {p} ‘I think I myself.’
1.05.054 {p} ‘What do you anxiously.
1.05.055 {p} ‘Just this, my you.’
1.05.056 {p} Frodo opened his Gandalf.’
1.05.057 {p} ‘Good heavens!’ said then?’
1.05.058 {p} ‘Oh no!’ said easily!’
1.05.059 {p} ‘But I must me!’
1.05.060 {p} ‘You do not adventure.’
1.05.061 {p} ‘My dear and peril.’
1.05.062 {p} ‘Of course we Enemy.’
1.05.063 {p} ‘The Ring!’ said amazed.
1.05.064 {p} ‘Yes, the Ring,’ you.’
1.05.065 {p} ‘Go on!’ said faintly.
1.05.066 {p} ‘It was the trouser-pocket.
1.05.067 {p} ‘After that I book.’
1.05.068 {p} ‘You have read safe?’
1.05.069 {p} ‘Not too safe, Frodo?’
1.05.070 {p} ‘No. It was away.’
1.05.071 {p} ‘Well, as I him.’
1.05.072 {p} ‘Where is he?’ cupboard.
1.05.073 {p} ‘Step forward, Sam!’ up.’
1.05.074 {p} ‘Sam!’ cried Frodo, foolish.
1.05.075 {p} ‘Yes, sir!’ said trust.’
1.05.076 {p} ‘But it does Frodo.
1.05.077 {p} Sam looked at hounds.’
1.05.078 {p} ‘And after all, it.’
1.05.079 {p} ‘I don’t deny sure.
1.05.080 {p} ‘You are a evening.’
1.05.081 {p} ‘Good! That’s settled. occasion.
1.05.082 {p} It was made tune:
1.05.083 {lg} Farewell we call tall.
1.05.084 {lg} To Rivendell, where tell.
1.05.085 {lg} With foes ahead, sped.
1.05.086 {lg} We must away! day!
1.05.087 {p} ‘Very good!’ said rate.’
1.05.088 {p} ‘Oh! That was day?’
1.05.089 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ preparation.’
1.05.090 {p} ‘The answer to food.’
1.05.091 {p} ‘It seems to Gandalf?’
1.05.092 {p} ‘That all depends Crickhollow.’
1.05.093 {ps} Frodo sat for direction.’
1.05.094 {p} ‘But that can Riders.’
1.05.095 {p} ‘Not quite,’ said start.’
1.05.096 {p} ‘But you won’t there.’
1.05.097 {p} ‘Oh yes they quiet.’
1.05.098 {p} ‘Well, do as long.’
1.05.099 {p} Fond as he prove.
1.05.100 {p} ‘Excellent!’ said Frodo, tomorrow.’
1.05.101 {p} ‘Well, that’s that,’ come.’
1.05.102 {p} ‘You wait till tomorrow.’
1.05.103 {p} ‘It’s no good day.’
1.05.104 {ps} When at last later.
1.05.105 {p} Then he heard thunder.