LR 1.06 The Old Forest

1.06.000 {h} The Old Forest
1.06.001 {p} Frodo woke suddenly. bewildered.
1.06.002 {p} ‘What is it!’ off.’
1.06.003 {p} Soon after six house.
1.06.004 {p} In their shed cobwebs.
1.06.005 {p} ‘How are you Fredegar.
1.06.006 {p} ‘Follow me!’ said side.
1.06.007 {p} Here Fatty Bolger day!’
1.06.008 {p} ‘If there are tunnel.
1.06.009 {p} It was dark ominous.
1.06.010 {p} ‘There!’ said Merry. Forest.’
1.06.011 {p} ‘Are the stories Pippin.
1.06.012 {p} ‘I don’t know made.’
1.06.013 {p} ‘Is it only Pippin.
1.06.014 {p} ‘There are various find.’
1.06.015 {ps} The hobbits now growths.
1.06.016 {p} Merry alone seemed lies!’
1.06.017 {p} They picked a blow.
1.06.018 {p} There was not you!’
1.06.019 {p} The others halted before.
1.06.020 {p} ‘I should not good.’
1.06.021 {p} Frodo began to ahead.
1.06.022 {p} ‘Well, well!’ he away!’
1.06.023 {ps} The light grew Forest.
1.06.024 {p} The hobbits felt all.
1.06.025 {p} But after a murmur.
1.06.026 {lg} O! Wanderers in fail
1.06.027 {p} Fail – even them.
1.06.028 {p} ‘They do not chorus!’
1.06.029 {p} He spoke cheerfully, it.
1.06.030 {ps} They now hurried crown.
1.06.031 {p} The hobbits led smoke.
1.06.032 {p} ‘That,’ said Merry, were.’
1.06.033 {p} The others looked view.
1.06.034 {p} The sun on veiled.
1.06.035 {p} On the south-eastern itself.
1.06.036 {ps} At length they wood.
1.06.037 {p} At first their downwards.
1.06.038 {ps} After an hour it.
1.06.039 {p} The afternoon was them.
1.06.040 {p} After stumbling along creaking.
1.06.041 {p} ‘Well, now I explore.’
1.06.042 {p} He passed out eventually.’
1.06.043 {p} ‘I dare say!’ go?’
1.06.044 {p} ‘No,’ said Merry, of.’
1.06.045 {p} There being nothing across.
1.06.046 {ps} The hobbits began eyes.
1.06.047 {p} Frodo felt his flies!’
1.06.048 {p} Frodo did not stupidly.
1.06.049 {p} Suddenly Frodo himself grass.
1.06.050 {p} Merry and Pippin willow.
1.06.051 {p} Frodo lay for minute.’
1.06.052 {p} Half in a tree.
1.06.053 {ps} Sam sat down all!’
1.06.054 {p} He pulled himself fast.
1.06.055 {p} He rushed back spluttered.
1.06.056 {p} ‘Do you know, in!’
1.06.057 {p} ‘You were dreaming sleepy.’
1.06.058 {p} ‘What about the having.’
1.06.059 {p} They went round pincers.
1.06.060 {p} Frodo and Sam useless.
1.06.061 {p} ‘What a foul laughter.
1.06.062 {p} ‘I suppose we Sam.
1.06.063 {p} ‘I brought a use.’
1.06.064 {p} ‘Wait a minute!’ fire!’
1.06.065 {p} ‘We might,’ said inside.’
1.06.066 {p} ‘We might try hatchet.
1.06.067 {p} Quickly they gathered yell.
1.06.068 {p} ‘Put it out! so!’
1.06.069 {p} ‘Who? What?’ shouted tree.
1.06.070 {p} ‘Put it out! witless.
1.06.071 {p} Suddenly he stopped. nonsense:
1.06.072 {lg} Hey dol! merry Bombadillo!
1.06.073 {p} Half hopeful and song:
1.06.074 {lg} Hey! Come merry singing?
1.06.075 {p} Frodo and Sam water-lilies.
1.06.076 {p} ‘Help!’ cried Frodo out.
1.06.077 {p} ‘Whoa! Whoa! steady lilies!’
1.06.078 {p} ‘My friends are breathlessly.
1.06.079 {p} ‘Master Merry’s being Sam.
1.06.080 {p} ‘What?’ shouted Tom Willow!’
1.06.081 {p} Setting down his crack.
1.06.082 {p} There was a fell.
1.06.083 {p} ‘Thank you!’ said other.
1.06.084 {p} Tom Bombadil burst nonsensically.
1.06.085 {p} Too surprised and halloo!
1.06.086 {lg} Hop along, my you!
1.06.087 {p} After that the dusk.
1.06.088 {p} It became difficult awakening.
1.06.089 {p} Just as they sky.
1.06.090 {p} The grass under night.
1.06.091 {p} They all hurried them.
1.06.092 {lg} Hey! Come derry together!
1.06.093 {p} Then another clear them:
1.06.094 {lg} Now let the River-daughter!
1.06.095 {p} And with that them.