LR 1.07 In the House of Tom Bombadil

1.07.000 {h} In the House of Tom Bombadil
1.07.001 {p} The four hobbits brightly.
1.07.002 {p} In a chair, pool.
1.07.003 {p} ‘Enter, good guests!’ river.
1.07.004 {p} ‘Come dear folk!’ Bombadil.’
1.07.005 {p} The hobbits looked me.
1.07.006 {lg} O slender as laughter!’
1.07.007 {p} Suddenly he stopped laughed.
1.07.008 {p} ‘Welcome!’ she said. beasts.’
1.07.009 {p} The hobbits sat words:
1.07.010 {lg} Old Tom Bombadil yellow.
1.07.011 {p} ‘Fair lady!’ said Bombadil?’
1.07.012 {p} ‘He is,’ said smiling.
1.07.013 {p} Frodo looked at hill.’
1.07.014 {p} ‘Then all this him?’
1.07.015 {p} ‘No indeed!’ she master.’
1.07.016 {p} A door opened hand.
1.07.017 {p} ‘Here’s my pretty ready?’
1.07.018 {p} ‘It is,’ said not?’
1.07.019 {p} Tom clapped his tangles!’
1.07.020 {p} He opened the bed.
1.07.021 {ps} Before long, washed talking.
1.07.022 {p} At last Tom sleep.
1.07.023 {p} ‘Have peace now,’ night.
1.07.024 {p} Tom sat on spoke:
1.07.025 {p} ‘Did you hear moment?’
1.07.026 {p} Tom stirred like voice:
1.07.027 {lg} I had an beating!
1.07.028 {p} He opened his blue:
1.07.029 {lg} And that proved water.
1.07.030 {p} He fell silent before.’
1.07.031 {p} ‘No, don’t!’ said morning!’
1.07.032 {p} ‘That is right!’ room.
1.07.033 {p} Their mattresses and asleep.
1.07.034 {ps} In the dead dream.
1.07.035 {p} At his side again.
1.07.036 {p} It was the again.
1.07.037 {p} As far as contented.
1.07.038 {ps} They woke up, west.
1.07.039 {p} They leapt up leaves.
1.07.040 {p} Pippin looked out seen.
1.07.041 {p} ‘Good morning, merry rain-water!’
1.07.042 {p} Needless to say veiled.
1.07.043 {p} As they looked day.
1.07.044 {ps} The upper wind him.
1.07.045 {p} ‘This is Goldberry’s talking.’
1.07.046 {p} He then told brambles.
1.07.047 {p} As they listened, Downs.
1.07.048 {p} Suddenly Tom’s talk moonlight.
1.07.049 {p} The hobbits shuddered. another.
1.07.050 {p} When they caught stars.
1.07.051 {p} Whether the morning silence:
1.07.052 {p} ‘Who are you, asked.
1.07.053 {p} ‘Eh, what?’ said Outside.’
1.07.054 {p} A shadow seemed shell.
1.07.055 {p} ‘The rain has glad!’
1.07.056 {p} ‘And let us disappeared.
1.07.057 {p} Quickly he returned, stockings.
1.07.058 {ps} It was a laughter.
1.07.059 {p} After they had questions.
1.07.060 {p} He appeared already Frodo.
1.07.061 {p} Indeed so much Riders.
1.07.062 {p} ‘Show me the Tom.
1.07.063 {p} It seemed to disappearing!
1.07.064 {p} Tom laughed again, smile.
1.07.065 {p} Frodo looked at on.
1.07.066 {p} Merry turned towards door.
1.07.067 {p} ‘Hey there!’ cried wandering.’
1.07.068 {p} Frodo laughed (trying legs.’
1.07.069 {p} By his advice business.
1.07.070 {p} ‘Keep to the day.
1.07.071 {lg} Ho! Tom Bombadil, us!
1.07.072 {p} When they had bedroom.