LR 1.08 Fog on the Barrow-downs

1.08.000 {h} Fog on the Barrow-downs
1.08.001 {p} That night they sunrise.
1.08.002 {p} The vision melted gold.
1.08.003 {p} After breakfast, which speed.
1.08.004 {p} They rode off stopped.
1.08.005 {p} ‘Goldberry!’ he cried. danced.
1.08.006 {p} They hastened up mountains.
1.08.007 {p} They took a Mountains.
1.08.008 {p} Goldberry spoke to meeting!’
1.08.009 {p} But Frodo found hill.
1.08.010 {ps} Their way wound heavy.
1.08.011 {p} About mid-day they days.’
1.08.012 {p} ‘Splendid!’ said Frodo. gums.
1.08.013 {p} That view was grass.
1.08.014 {ps} Riding over the down.
1.08.015 {p} The hobbits sprang stone.
1.08.016 {p} They felt as work.
1.08.017 {p} Soon they were fog.
1.08.018 {ps} Their going was free.
1.08.019 {p} ‘Come on! Follow him.
1.08.020 {p} ‘Sam!’ he called. up?’
1.08.021 {p} There was no uphill.
1.08.022 {p} As he struggled up.
1.08.023 {p} Only the change dark.
1.08.024 {p} ‘Where are you?’ miserably.
1.08.025 {ps} There was no grass.
1.08.026 {p} He imagined suddenly there.
1.08.027 {p} ‘Where are you?’ afraid.
1.08.028 {p} ‘Here!’ said a you!’
1.08.029 {p} ‘No!’ said Frodo; more.
1.08.030 {ps} When he came breast.
1.08.031 {p} But though his prey.
1.08.032 {p} As he lay sword.
1.08.033 {ps} Suddenly a song incantation:
1.08.034 {lg} Cold be hand land.
1.08.035 {p} He heard behind him.
1.08.036 {p} At first Frodo do.
1.08.037 {p} But the courage noise.
1.08.038 {p} Frodo fell forward trumpet.
1.08.039 {lg} Ho! Tom Bombadil, us!
1.08.040 {p} There was a singing:
1.08.041 {lg} Old Tom Bombadil faster.
1.08.042 {p} There was a asleep.
1.08.043 {p} Tom stooped, removed singing:
1.08.044 {lg} Get out, you mended.
1.08.045 {p} At these words silence.
1.08.046 {p} ‘Come, friend Frodo!’ them.’
1.08.047 {p} Together they carried sunshine.
1.08.048 {p} There he stood, voice:
1.08.049 {lg} Wake now my open!
1.08.050 {p} To Frodo’s great trinkets.
1.08.051 {p} ‘What in the Frodo?’
1.08.052 {p} ‘I thought that on!’
1.08.053 {p} ‘Dressed up like hand.
1.08.054 {p} ‘You won’t find eyes.
1.08.055 {p} ‘What do you not?’
1.08.056 {p} But Tom shook a-hunting!’
1.08.057 {p} He sprang away crying:
1.08.058 {lg} Hey! now! Come Lumpkin!
1.08.059 {p} So he sang, south.
1.08.060 {ps} The air was promise.
1.08.061 {p} By the time hobbits.
1.08.062 {p} ‘Here are your burdens!’
1.08.063 {p} Merry, Sam, and winter.
1.08.064 {p} ‘Where does that Frodo.
1.08.065 {p} ‘He’s mine,’ said them.’
1.08.066 {p} The hobbits were waiting.’
1.08.067 {ps} It was still last:
1.08.068 {p} ‘Here is a her!’
1.08.069 {p} For each of sun.
1.08.070 {p} ‘Old knives are Angmar.
1.08.071 {p} ‘Few now remember heedless.’
1.08.072 {p} The hobbits did them.
1.08.073 {ps} At last they view.
1.08.074 {p} Though Frodo looked delight.
1.08.075 {p} They went forward much.
1.08.076 {p} They climbed down water.
1.08.077 {p} They rode down trail.’
1.08.078 {p} The others looked empty.
1.08.079 {p} ‘Do you think,’ tonight?’
1.08.080 {p} ‘No, I hope country.’
1.08.081 {p} All the same halting.
1.08.082 {p} ‘Tom will give fortune!’
1.08.083 {p} They begged him saying:
1.08.084 {lg} Tom’s country ends waiting!
1.08.085 {p} Then he turned, dusk.
1.08.086 {p} The hobbits climbed sight.
1.08.087 {p} ‘I am sorry Bree?’
1.08.088 {p} ‘There are hobbits again.’
1.08.089 {p} ‘It may be given.’
1.08.090 {p} They now mounted ahead.
1.08.091 {p} Before them rose night.