LR 1.09 At the Sign of The Prancing Pony

1.09.000 {h} At the Sign of The Prancing Pony
1.09.001 {p} Bree was the broad.
1.09.002 {p} The Men of grass.
1.09.003 {p} In those days them.
1.09.004 {p} There were also found.
1.09.005 {p} The Bree-folk, Big accounts.
1.09.006 {ps} The village of gatekeepers.
1.09.007 {p} Down on the Greenway.
1.09.008 {p} The Inn of Mountains.
1.09.009 {ps} It was dark, surprise.
1.09.010 {p} ‘What do you gruffly.
1.09.011 {p} ‘We are making tonight.’
1.09.012 {p} ‘Hobbits! Four hobbits! through.
1.09.013 {p} ‘We don’t often ask?’
1.09.014 {p} ‘Our names and voice.
1.09.015 {p} ‘Your business is nightfall.’
1.09.016 {p} ‘We are hobbits heard.’
1.09.017 {p} ‘All right, all guests.’
1.09.018 {p} He wished them uneasy.
1.09.019 {p} The man stared street.
1.09.020 {ps} The hobbits rode windows.
1.09.021 {p} ‘We surely aren’t homelike.’
1.09.022 {p} ‘What’s wrong with inside.’
1.09.023 {p} Even from the curtains.
1.09.024 {p} As they hesitated clapping.
1.09.025 {p} They led their mugs.
1.09.026 {p} ‘Can we—’ began Frodo.
1.09.027 {p} ‘Half a minute, apron.
1.09.028 {p} ‘Good evening, little wanting?’
1.09.029 {p} ‘Beds for four, Butterbur?’
1.09.030 {p} ‘That’s right! Barliman sirs?’
1.09.031 {p} ‘Mr. Took and Underhill.’
1.09.032 {p} ‘There now!’ said Bree.’
1.09.033 {p} ‘Hi! Nob!’ he Nob!’
1.09.034 {p} ‘Coming, sir! Coming!’ interest.
1.09.035 {p} ‘Where’s Bob?’ asked wink.
1.09.036 {p} ‘Well now, what now!’
1.09.037 {p} He led them shout!’
1.09.038 {p} Off he went plates.
1.09.039 {p} ‘Will you be ready?’
1.09.040 {p} They were washed beer).
1.09.041 {p} The landlord hovered anything!’
1.09.042 {p} So refreshed and Shire!’
1.09.043 {p} ‘All right!’ said indoors!’
1.09.044 {ps} The company was corners.
1.09.045 {p} As soon as cousin.
1.09.046 {p} The Bree-hobbits were, lands.
1.09.047 {p} At this a around.
1.09.048 {p} The Men and prospect.
1.09.049 {p} The hobbits did to.
1.09.050 {p} Suddenly Frodo noticed hobbits.
1.09.051 {p} ‘Who is that?’ him?’
1.09.052 {p} ‘Him?’ said the unexplained.
1.09.053 {p} Frodo found that eyes.
1.09.054 {p} ‘I am called right.’
1.09.055 {p} ‘He did,’ said eyes.
1.09.056 {p} ‘Well, Master Underhill,’ face.
1.09.057 {p} Frodo returned his Disappearance.
1.09.058 {p} Frodo was annoyed. name.
1.09.059 {p} Frodo fidgeted, wondering disastrous.
1.09.060 {p} ‘You had better ear.
1.09.061 {p} Frodo jumped up him.
1.09.062 {p} Frodo suddenly felt coughed.
1.09.063 {p} Everyone in the before!’
1.09.064 {p} For a moment remembered.
1.09.065 {lg} There is an fill.
1.09.066 {lg} The ostler has middle.
1.09.067 {lg} The landlord keeps chokes.
1.09.068 {lg} They also keep green.
1.09.069 {lg} And O! the afternoons.
1.09.069-fn {fn} See note 2, 1111
1.09.070 {lg} The Man in tail.
1.09.071 {lg} The Man in air.
1.09.072 {lg} Then the ostler soon!’
1.09.073 {lg} So the cat said.
1.09.074 {lg} They rolled the spoon.
1.09.075 {lg} Now quicker the floor.
1.09.076 {lg} With a ping spoon.
1.09.077 {lg} The round Moon bed!
1.09.077-fn {fn} Elves (and Hobbits) She.
1.09.078 {p} There was loud more!’
1.09.079 {p} They made Frodo hole!
1.09.080 {p} The local hobbits evening.
1.09.081 {p} Frodo felt a out.
1.09.082 {p} ‘Well?’ said Strider, finger?’
1.09.083 {p} ‘I don’t know alarmed.
1.09.084 {p} ‘Oh yes, you you.’
1.09.085 {p} ‘What about?’ asked name.
1.09.086 {p} ‘A matter of advantage.’
1.09.087 {p} ‘Very well,’ said later.’
1.09.088 {ps} Meanwhile an argument time.
1.09.089 {p} ‘I saw him, speaking.’
1.09.090 {p} ‘You don’t say, puzzled.
1.09.091 {p} ‘Yes I do!’ more.’
1.09.092 {p} ‘There’s some mistake room.’
1.09.093 {p} ‘Well, where is voices.
1.09.094 {p} ‘How should I vanished.’
1.09.095 {p} ‘Well, I saw obstinately.
1.09.096 {p} ‘And I say crockery.
1.09.097 {p} ‘Of course there’s corner.’
1.09.098 {p} He came forward wall.
1.09.099 {p} Mr. Butterbur did acrobatics!’
1.09.100 {p} ‘I am very accident.’
1.09.101 {p} ‘All right, Mr. sudden.’
1.09.102 {p} ‘I shan’t be o’clock?’
1.09.103 {p} ‘Very good! But willing.’
1.09.104 {p} ‘Certainly!’ said Frodo; designs.