LR 1.10 Strider

1.10.000 {h} Strider
1.10.001 {p} Frodo, Pippin, and door!
1.10.002 {p} ‘Hallo!’ said Pippin. want?’
1.10.003 {p} ‘I am called me.’
1.10.004 {p} ‘You said I say?’
1.10.005 {p} ‘Several things,’ answered price.’
1.10.006 {p} ‘What do you sharply.
1.10.007 {p} ‘Don’t be alarmed! reward.’
1.10.008 {p} ‘And what will it.
1.10.009 {p} ‘No more than you.’
1.10.010 {p} ‘Oh, indeed!’ replied business.’
1.10.011 {p} ‘Excellent!’ exclaimed Strider, me.’
1.10.012 {p} ‘Go on then!’ know?’
1.10.013 {p} ‘Too much; too careful.’
1.10.014 {p} ‘I don’t see it.’
1.10.015 {p} ‘Well answered!’ said friends.
1.10.016 {p} ‘Now, don’t mistake south.’
1.10.017 {ps} There was a here.’
1.10.018 {p} ‘It would have message.’
1.10.019 {p} ‘Do you think Frodo.
1.10.020 {p} ‘No, I don’t prank—’
1.10.021 {p} ‘It was sheer Frodo.
1.10.022 {p} ‘I wonder,’ said dangerous.’
1.10.023 {p} ‘Hardly more than away.’
1.10.024 {p} ‘You must not amusement.’
1.10.025 {p} ‘What will Ferny hints.
1.10.026 {p} ‘News of you, terrible!’
1.10.027 {p} The hobbits looked away.
1.10.028 {p} ‘There!’ he cried him?’
1.10.029 {p} There was a out:
1.10.030 {p} ‘With your leave, it.’
1.10.031 {p} Pippin fidgeted and it?’
1.10.032 {p} ‘The lesson in is—’
1.10.033 {ps} At that moment corner.
1.10.034 {p} ‘I’ve come to door.
1.10.035 {p} ‘It’s like this,’ particular.’
1.10.036 {p} ‘And what has Frodo.
1.10.037 {p} ‘Ah! you know so.’
1.10.038 {p} ‘Indeed! Let’s have interrupting.
1.10.039 {p} ‘A stout little me.’
1.10.040 {p} ‘He said it? eagerly.
1.10.041 {p} ‘Ah! That was undone.’
1.10.042 {p} ‘Well, what have thoughts.
1.10.043 {p} ‘Where was I?’ letter.
1.10.044 {p} ‘It’s addressed plain man):
1.10.045 {qt} Mr. FRODO BAGGINS, SHIRE.
1.10.046 {p} ‘A letter for Frodo.
1.10.047 {p} ‘Ah!’ said Mr. Baggins?’
1.10.048 {p} ‘It is,’ said point.’
1.10.049 {p} Poor Mr. Butterbur it.
1.10.050 {p} ‘Leaving the letter seemingly.’
1.10.051 {p} ‘What do you Frodo.
1.10.052 {p} ‘These black men,’ did.’
1.10.053 {p} ‘He did!’ said Barliman.’
1.10.054 {p} The landlord jumped now?’
1.10.055 {p} ‘He’s here with help.’
1.10.056 {p} ‘Well, you know Ranger.’
1.10.057 {p} ‘Then who would off?’
1.10.058 {p} ‘Me? Leave Bree! know?’
1.10.059 {p} ‘I’m sorry I from—’
1.10.060 {p} ‘They come from you.’
1.10.061 {p} ‘Save us!’ cried time.’
1.10.062 {p} ‘It is,’ said me?’
1.10.063 {p} ‘I am,’ said faltered.
1.10.064 {p} ‘Against the Shadow away.’
1.10.065 {p} ‘I’ll do that,’ is.’
1.10.066 {p} ‘Well, we can Frodo.
1.10.067 {p} ‘I hope not, can.’
1.10.068 {p} ‘In any case please.’
1.10.069 {p} ‘Right! I’ll see Brandybuck?’
1.10.070 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ air.’
1.10.071 {p} ‘Well, you do passage.
1.10.072 {ps} ‘Well?’ said Strider. message:
1.10.073 {lt.op.p} THE PRANCING PONY, 1418.
1.10.074 {lt.op.p} Dear Frodo,
1.10.075 {lt.p} Bad news has you.
1.10.076 {} Yours in haste
1.10.077 {} GANDALF.
1.10.078 {} PS. Do NOT night!
1.10.079 {} PPS. Make sure Aragorn.
1.10.080 {lt.lg} All that is king.
1.10.081 {} PPPS. I hope him.
1.10.082 {lt.p} Fare Well!
1.10.083 {p} Frodo read the danger.’
1.10.084 {p} ‘He has been Strider.
1.10.085 {p} Frodo turned and time.’
1.10.086 {p} ‘Would it? Would me.’
1.10.087 {p} ‘They are – ditches.’
1.10.088 {p} ‘It would take be.’
1.10.089 {p} Pippin subsided; but that?’
1.10.090 {p} ‘That you are NOW!’
1.10.091 {p} He stood up, dumbly.
1.10.092 {p} ‘But I am will.’
1.10.093 {ps} There was a understand.’
1.10.094 {p} ‘I see,’ laughed lost.’
1.10.095 {p} ‘Did the verses it?’
1.10.096 {p} ‘I did not anew.’
1.10.097 {p} Sam said nothing.
1.10.098 {p} ‘Well,’ said Strider, Weathertop.’
1.10.099 {p} ‘Weathertop?’ said Sam. that?’
1.10.100 {p} ‘It is a dangers.’
1.10.101 {p} ‘When did you doing?’
1.10.102 {p} Strider looked grave. help.
1.10.103 {p} ‘I am troubled, anxiously.’
1.10.104 {p} ‘Do you think Frodo.
1.10.105 {p} ‘I do not task.’
1.10.106 {p} Pippin yawned. ‘I him.’
1.10.107 {ps} At that moment Riders!’
1.10.108 {p} ‘Black Riders!’ cried ‘Where?’
1.10.109 {p} ‘Here. In the horse.’
1.10.110 {p} ‘Which way did sharply.
1.10.111 {p} Merry started, noticing later.’
1.10.112 {p} ‘It seemed to Road.’
1.10.113 {p} Strider looked at foolish.’
1.10.114 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ over.’
1.10.115 {p} ‘I found him, hare.’
1.10.116 {p} ‘I am afraid me.’
1.10.117 {p} ‘I do,’ said Bree.’
1.10.118 {p} ‘What will happen?’ inn?’
1.10.119 {p} ‘No, I think him.’
1.10.120 {p} ‘We seem to do?’
1.10.121 {p} ‘Stay here, and luggage.’
1.10.122 {p} While Strider was returned.
1.10.123 {p} ‘Well Masters,’ said grin.
1.10.124 {p} Pippin laughed. ‘Very disguise?’
1.10.125 {p} ‘We shall see,’ morning.’
1.10.126 {p} ‘Good night to doors.
1.10.127 {p} Their bags and candles.
1.10.127-fn {fn} The Hobbits’ name Bear.
1.10.128 {p} The hobbits lay ask.
1.10.129 {p} ‘Jumped over the hence.’
1.10.130 {p} ‘I hope so,’ sleep.