LR 1.11 A Knife in the Dark

1.11.000 {h} A Knife in the Dark
1.11.001 {p} As they prepared door.
1.11.002 {p} The night deepened. breathlessly.
1.11.003 {p} There was a shuddered.
1.11.004 {p} ‘Open, in the menacing.
1.11.005 {p} At a second in.
1.11.006 {p} At that moment, hill-top.
1.11.007 {qt} AWAKE! FEAR! FIRE! AWAKE!
1.11.008 {p} Fatty Bolger had time.
1.11.009 {qt} FEAR! FIRE! FOES!
1.11.010 {p} The Brandybucks were over.
1.11.011 {qt} AWAKE! AWAKE!
1.11.012 {p} Far away answering spreading.
1.11.013 {p} The black figures Shire.
1.11.014 {ps} In the early movement.
1.11.015 {p} Frodo soon went window.
1.11.016 {p} As soon as pieces.
1.11.017 {p} Strider immediately went sound.
1.11.018 {p} ‘Never has such to?’
1.11.019 {p} ‘Dark times,’ said minutes.’
1.11.020 {p} Mr. Butterbur hurried place.
1.11.021 {p} Frodo was crushed courage.
1.11.022 {p} ‘Ponies would not backs?’
1.11.023 {p} ‘As much as felt).
1.11.024 {p} ‘I can carry defiantly.
1.11.025 {p} ‘Can’t anything be it.
1.11.026 {p} ‘I doubt it,’ be.’
1.11.027 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Strider doubt.’
1.11.028 {p} ‘There is one Nob!’
1.11.029 {ps} In the end Ferny.’
1.11.030 {p} ‘Bill Ferny?’ said something?’
1.11.031 {p} ‘I wonder,’ said it?’
1.11.032 {p} Bill Ferny’s price bear.
1.11.033 {p} As a matter Rivendell.
1.11.034 {p} However, in the once.
1.11.035 {p} ‘If you pick party.
1.11.036 {ps} After their breakfast windows.
1.11.037 {p} Strider had changed trespassing.
1.11.038 {p} They said farewell while.’
1.11.039 {p} They tramped off, long.’
1.11.040 {p} The hobbits took once.
1.11.041 {p} ‘So that’s where goblin.’
1.11.042 {p} Over the hedge spat.
1.11.043 {p} ‘Morning, Longshanks!’ he answer.
1.11.044 {p} ‘Morning, my little again.
1.11.045 {p} Sam turned quickly. on.
1.11.046 {ps} At last they beyond.
1.11.047 {p} After the Road Strider.
1.11.048 {p} ‘Not a “short disaster.’
1.11.049 {p} ‘Ah, but you valley.
1.11.050 {p} His plan, as encouraging.
1.11.051 {p} However, in the pursuit.
1.11.052 {p} ‘Bill Ferny will better.’
1.11.053 {ps} Whether because of Marshes.
1.11.054 {p} The ground now hair.
1.11.055 {p} ‘I am being water!’
1.11.056 {p} ‘What do they neck.
1.11.057 {p} They spent a frantic.
1.11.058 {p} The next day, them.
1.11.059 {p} As Frodo lay, off.
1.11.060 {p} ‘What is the night.
1.11.061 {p} ‘I do not hill-tops.’
1.11.062 {p} Frodo lay down sleep.
1.11.063 {ps} They had not summit.
1.11.064 {p} ‘That is Weathertop,’ so.’
1.11.065 {p} ‘What do you Frodo.
1.11.066 {p} ‘I mean: when Road.’
1.11.067 {p} ‘But surely we there?’
1.11.068 {p} ‘Yes; but the are.’
1.11.069 {p} The hobbits looked said.
1.11.070 {p} ‘What do you Frodo.
1.11.071 {p} ‘I think,’ answered see.’
1.11.072 {ps} All that day away.
1.11.073 {p} At the day’s land.
1.11.074 {p} Next morning they been.
1.11.075 {p} ‘Very odd,’ said wraith.’
1.11.076 {p} ‘Do not speak earnestness.
1.11.077 {ps} The hills drew Bree.
1.11.078 {p} In the morning hedge.
1.11.079 {p} ‘I wonder who Weathertop?’
1.11.080 {p} ‘No. There is Alliance.’
1.11.081 {p} The hobbits gazed murmured:
1.11.082 {lg} Gil-galad was an Sea.
1.11.083 {lg} His sword was shield.
1.11.084 {lg} But long ago are.
1.11.085 {p} The others turned Sam’s.
1.11.086 {p} ‘Don’t stop!’ said Merry.
1.11.087 {p} ‘That’s all I said.’
1.11.088 {p} ‘He did not that.’
1.11.089 {p} ‘There was a myself!’
1.11.090 {p} ‘Going to Mordor!’ that!’
1.11.091 {p} ‘Do not speak Strider.
1.11.092 {ps} It was already him.
1.11.093 {p} On the western rocky.
1.11.094 {p} On the top thing.
1.11.095 {p} Standing upon the clouds.
1.11.096 {p} ‘Well, here we here.’
1.11.097 {p} ‘I wonder,’ said marks?’
1.11.098 {p} On the flat said.
1.11.099 {p} ‘The stroke on sometimes.’
1.11.100 {p} ‘What could they Merry.
1.11.101 {p} ‘I should say,’ wary.’
1.11.102 {p} ‘I wish we us.’
1.11.103 {p} ‘Perhaps,’ said Strider. can.’
1.11.104 {p} ‘How far is Weathertop.
1.11.105 {p} ‘I don’t know Road.’
1.11.106 {p} ‘A fortnight!’ said time.’
1.11.107 {p} ‘It may,’ said Strider.
1.11.108 {p} They stood for arm.
1.11.109 {p} ‘Look,’ he said, downwards.
1.11.110 {p} At once Strider alongside.
1.11.111 {p} ‘What is it?’ whispered.
1.11.112 {p} ‘I do not Strider.
1.11.113 {p} Slowly they crawled hill.
1.11.114 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Strider, here!’
1.11.115 {p} Hastily they crept companions.
1.11.116 {ps} Sam and Peregrin stacked.
1.11.117 {p} ‘I wonder if seems.’
1.11.118 {p} Strider was greatly footprints.
1.11.119 {p} ‘It is just thought.
1.11.120 {p} Each of the away.
1.11.121 {p} ‘Hadn’t we better somehow.’
1.11.122 {p} ‘Yes, we certainly miles.’
1.11.123 {p} ‘Can the Riders move.’
1.11.124 {p} ‘I was too them.’
1.11.125 {p} ‘Is there no me!’
1.11.126 {p} Strider laid his wilderness.’
1.11.127 {p} ‘Maybe,’ muttered Sam. shouting.’
1.11.128 {ps} Down in the strangers.
1.11.129 {p} ‘I don’t see more.’
1.11.130 {p} ‘There is food house!’
1.11.131 {p} The cold increased pipe.
1.11.132 {p} As night fell lore.
1.11.133 {p} ‘Tell us of of?’
1.11.134 {p} ‘I do indeed,’ fire.
1.11.135 {p} ‘I know only of—’
1.11.136 {p} ‘No!’ said Strider full.’
1.11.137 {p} ‘Then tell us close.’
1.11.138 {p} ‘I will tell softly:
1.11.139 {lg} The leaves were glimmering.
1.11.140 {lg} There Beren came following.
1.11.141 {lg} Enchantment healed his listening.
1.11.142 {lg} He heard there wavering.
1.11.143 {lg} He sought her quivering.
1.11.144 {lg} When winter passed, untroubling.
1.11.145 {lg} Again she fled, glistening.
1.11.146 {lg} As Beren looked glimmering.
1.11.147 {lg} Long was the sorrowless.
1.11.148 {p} Strider sighed and Westernesse.’
1.11.149 {p} As Strider was faded.
1.11.150 {p} The story ended. late.’
1.11.151 {p} The others looked light.
1.11.152 {p} Sam and Merry dell.
1.11.153 {p} ‘I don’t know slope.’
1.11.154 {p} ‘Did you see feet.
1.11.155 {p} ‘No, sir. I look.’
1.11.156 {p} ‘I saw something,’ way.’
1.11.157 {p} ‘Keep close to hands!’
1.11.158 {p} For a breathless aloud.
1.11.159 {p} ‘Hush!’ whispered Strider. moment.
1.11.160 {p} Over the lip advanced.
1.11.161 {p} Terror overcame Pippin hand.
1.11.162 {p} Immediately, though everything Frodo.
1.11.163 {p} At that moment it.