LR 1.12 Flight to the Ford

1.12.000 {h} Flight to the Ford
1.12.001 {p} When Frodo came him.
1.12.002 {p} ‘What has happened? wildly.
1.12.003 {p} They were too ago.
1.12.004 {p} Sam plainly was side.
1.12.005 {p} ‘I am not hand.’
1.12.006 {p} When he heard see!’
1.12.007 {p} Sam choked with darkness.
1.12.008 {ps} Frodo dozed, though returned.
1.12.009 {p} ‘Look!’ he cried; Elbereth.’
1.12.010 {p} ‘And more deadly can.’
1.12.011 {p} He sat down plant.
1.12.012 {p} ‘These leaves,’ he small.’
1.12.013 {p} He threw the stand.
1.12.014 {p} The others were go.’
1.12.015 {p} As soon as life.
1.12.016 {p} They started off northwards.
1.12.017 {ps} They made their heavy-hearted.
1.12.018 {p} Before the first place?
1.12.019 {p} At the end mist.
1.12.020 {p} ‘I am afraid crosses.’
1.12.021 {p} ‘What is that Merry.
1.12.022 {p} ‘That is Loudwater, us.’
1.12.023 {ps} Next day, early see.
1.12.024 {p} They hurried along explore.
1.12.025 {p} Before long he strange.’
1.12.026 {p} He held out token.’
1.12.027 {ps} At once they hills.
1.12.028 {p} The hobbits were spot.
1.12.029 {p} ‘Who lives in troll-country?’
1.12.030 {p} ‘No!’ said Strider. land.’
1.12.031 {p} ‘Where did you sort.’
1.12.032 {p} ‘The heirs of Rivendell.’
1.12.033 {p} ‘Have you often Frodo.
1.12.034 {p} ‘I have,’ said Elrond.’
1.12.035 {ps} The hills now pine-wood.
1.12.036 {p} The hobbits grew raining.
1.12.037 {p} That night they hedge.
1.12.038 {ps} In the morning land.
1.12.039 {p} When he returned Bruinen.’
1.12.040 {p} The rest of it.
1.12.041 {p} They decided to dim.
1.12.042 {p} ‘We cannot go there?’
1.12.043 {p} ‘We shall see,’ tonight.’
1.12.044 {p} ‘What is the shoulder.’
1.12.045 {p} ‘Frodo has been Sam!’
1.12.046 {ps} Night was cold hills.
1.12.047 {p} The morning dawned them.
1.12.048 {p} ‘We must make Ford.’
1.12.049 {ps} As soon as eyes.
1.12.050 {p} Pippin was a cried.
1.12.051 {p} When they came way.
1.12.052 {p} They followed the hinge.
1.12.053 {p} Outside the door pots.
1.12.054 {p} ‘Surely this is quick.’
1.12.055 {p} ‘There is no see.’
1.12.056 {p} The path went terrified.
1.12.057 {p} ‘There are trolls!’ large!’
1.12.058 {p} ‘We will come scared.
1.12.059 {ps} The sun was him.
1.12.060 {p} Strider walked forward troll.
1.12.061 {p} Nothing happened. There hobbit.’
1.12.062 {p} ‘I had no again.
1.12.063 {p} ‘You are forgetting troll!’
1.12.064 {p} They all laughed. legs.
1.12.065 {p} ‘Won’t somebody give days.’
1.12.066 {p} ‘Not since Weathertop,’ memory.’
1.12.067 {p} ‘Come on, Sam!’ about.’
1.12.068 {p} ‘I don’t know tune.
1.12.069 {lg} Troll sat alone by.
1.12.070 {lg} Up came Tom graveyard.’
1.12.071 {lg} ‘My lad,’ said shinbone.’
1.12.072 {lg} Said Tom: ‘I over!’
1.12.073 {lg} ‘For a couple now.’
1.12.074 {lg} But just as him.
1.12.075 {lg} But harder than it.
1.12.076 {lg} Tom’s leg is owner!
1.12.077 {ps} ‘Well, that’s a Strider!’
1.12.078 {p} ‘Where did you before.’
1.12.079 {p} Sam muttered something warrior!’
1.12.080 {p} ‘I hope not,’ neither!’
1.12.081 {ps} In the afternoon marks.
1.12.082 {p} ‘There!’ said Merry. Frodo?’
1.12.083 {p} Frodo looked at robbers.’
1.12.084 {ps} The Road lay ahead.
1.12.085 {p} They were beginning tinkling.
1.12.086 {p} ‘That does not face.
1.12.087 {p} The light faded, veil.
1.12.088 {p} Strider sprang from Strider.
1.12.089 {p} Soon Strider beckoned Strider.
1.12.090 {p} ‘Hail, and well road.’
1.12.091 {p} ‘Then Gandalf has joyfully.
1.12.092 {p} ‘No. He had Wilderness.
1.12.092-fn {fn} The Brandywine River.
1.12.093 {p} ‘It was my us.’
1.12.094 {p} While Glorfindel was arm.
1.12.095 {p} ‘My master is rest.’
1.12.096 {p} Glorfindel caught Frodo anxiety.
1.12.097 {p} Briefly Strider told it.
1.12.098 {p} ‘There are evil rest.’
1.12.099 {p} He searched the returned.
1.12.100 {p} ‘You shall ride rival.’
1.12.101 {p} ‘No, he will danger.’
1.12.102 {p} Glorfindel smiled. ‘I peril.’
1.12.103 {ps} To that Frodo dream.
1.12.104 {p} They cast themselves gone.
1.12.105 {p} ‘Drink this!’ said done.
1.12.106 {ps} They had rested elf-tongue.
1.12.107 {p} But however anxious empty.
1.12.108 {ps} The hobbits were manage.
1.12.109 {p} ‘Our peril will Ford.’
1.12.110 {p} The Road was sky.
1.12.111 {p} There was still cry.
1.12.112 {p} ‘Fly!’ he called. us!’
1.12.113 {p} The white horse more.
1.12.114 {p} ‘Ride forward! Ride!’ Frodo.
1.12.115 {p} He did not it.
1.12.116 {p} ‘Ride on! Ride Asfaloth!
1.12.117 {p} At once the his.
1.12.118 {p} Frodo looked back voices.
1.12.119 {p} Fear now filled Rider.
1.12.120 {p} Frodo heard the Ford.
1.12.121 {p} But the pursuers refuse.
1.12.122 {p} Suddenly the foremost sword.
1.12.123 {p} ‘Go back!’ he you!’
1.12.124 {p} ‘Go back!’ he whispered.
1.12.125 {p} ‘The Ring! The others.
1.12.126 {p} ‘By Elbereth and me!’
1.12.127 {p} Then the leader, shore.
1.12.128 {p} At that moment dismay.
1.12.129 {p} With his last world.
1.12.130 {p} The black horses more.