LR 2.01 Many Meetings

2.01.000 {h} Many Meetings
2.01.001 {p} Frodo woke and waterfall.
2.01.002 {p} ‘Where am I, ceiling.
2.01.003 {p} ‘In the house know.’
2.01.004 {p} ‘Gandalf!’ cried Frodo, window.
2.01.005 {p} ‘Yes,’ he said, home.’
2.01.006 {p} Frodo lay down window.
2.01.007 {p} ‘Where’s Sam?’ Frodo right?’
2.01.008 {p} ‘Yes, they are ago.’
2.01.009 {p} ‘What happened at does.’
2.01.010 {p} ‘Yes, it would. Weathertop.’
2.01.011 {p} ‘You seem to it?’
2.01.012 {p} ‘You have talked Ring.’
2.01.013 {p} ‘We should never you.’
2.01.014 {p} ‘I was delayed,’ so.’
2.01.015 {p} ‘I wish you happened!’
2.01.016 {p} ‘All in good orders.’
2.01.017 {p} ‘But talking would least.’
2.01.018 {p} ‘You will soon captive.’
2.01.019 {p} ‘You?’ cried Frodo.
2.01.020 {p} ‘Yes, I, Gandalf preparing!’
2.01.021 {p} ‘Then you knew them?’
2.01.022 {p} ‘Yes, I knew Aragorn.’
2.01.023 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Frodo, Glorfindel.’
2.01.024 {p} Gandalf smiled. ‘I now.’
2.01.025 {p} ‘I am glad,’ Bree-landers.’
2.01.026 {p} ‘You don’t know adventure.’
2.01.027 {p} ‘Do you really Ranger.’
2.01.028 {p} ‘Only a Ranger!’ rest.’
2.01.029 {p} ‘I suppose not,’ want.’
2.01.030 {p} He fell silent twentieth.’
2.01.031 {p} ‘You have talked now?’
2.01.032 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ right.
2.01.033 {p} ‘Good!’ said Gandalf. in.’
2.01.034 {p} ‘Days?’ said Frodo.
2.01.035 {p} ‘Well, four nights inwards.’
2.01.036 {p} Frodo shuddered, remembering days.’
2.01.037 {p} ‘What would they do?’
2.01.038 {p} ‘They tried to hand.’
2.01.039 {p} ‘Thank goodness I escaped!’
2.01.040 {p} ‘Yes, fortune or you.’
2.01.041 {p} ‘I know,’ said horses?’
2.01.042 {p} ‘Because they are living.’
2.01.043 {p} ‘Then why do them.’
2.01.044 {p} ‘Because these horses daily.’
2.01.045 {p} ‘What about Rivendell safe?’
2.01.046 {p} ‘Yes, at present, power.’
2.01.047 {p} ‘I thought that then?’
2.01.048 {p} ‘Yes, you saw strength.
2.01.049 {p} ‘Still,’ he said, present.’
2.01.050 {p} ‘I haven’t any me.’
2.01.051 {p} Gandalf moved his coverlet.
2.01.052 {p} ‘Still that must can.’
2.01.053 {p} ‘You look splendid,’ once.
2.01.054 {p} ‘When the Ringwraiths overwhelmed.’
2.01.055 {p} ‘And is that Frodo.
2.01.056 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf. Rivendell.’
2.01.057 {p} ‘Who made the Frodo.
2.01.058 {p} ‘Elrond commanded it,’ Mountains.’
2.01.059 {p} ‘Yes, it all safe!’
2.01.060 {p} Gandalf looked quickly honour.’
2.01.061 {p} ‘Splendid!’ said Frodo. kindness.’
2.01.062 {p} ‘Well, there are Ring-finder.’
2.01.063 {p} ‘Dear Bilbo!’ said asleep.
2.01.064 {ps} Frodo was now sadness.
2.01.065 {p} As the evening thoughtfully.
2.01.066 {p} ‘Yes, you have tune.
2.01.067 {p} At that moment away.
2.01.068 {p} ‘Hullo, Sam!’ said Frodo.
2.01.069 {p} ‘It’s warm!’ said joking.’
2.01.070 {p} ‘I am ready,’ party!’
2.01.071 {p} ‘I can take place.’
2.01.072 {p} ‘I know what corners!’
2.01.073 {p} Sam led him gardens.
2.01.074 {p} ‘Hurray!’ cried Pippin, Ring!’
2.01.075 {p} ‘Hush!’ said Gandalf dark.’
2.01.076 {p} ‘Gandalf has been occasion.’
2.01.077 {p} ‘I feel like drinking.’
2.01.078 {p} ‘That will soon meal.’
2.01.079 {p} ‘More than a bells.
2.01.080 {ps} The hall of Gandalf.
2.01.081 {p} Frodo looked at power.
2.01.082 {p} Gandalf was shorter fire.
2.01.083 {p} Glorfindel was tall strength.
2.01.084 {p} The face of Men.
2.01.085 {p} In the middle silver.
2.01.086 {p} So it was orcs.
2.01.087 {p} Such loveliness in neighbours.
2.01.088 {p} He looked first Strider.
2.01.089 {p} Next to Frodo him.
2.01.090 {p} ‘Welcome and well lower.
2.01.091 {p} ‘Frodo Baggins at Oakenshield?’
2.01.092 {p} ‘Quite right,’ answered recovery.’
2.01.093 {p} ‘Thank you very Frodo.
2.01.094 {p} ‘You have had this?’
2.01.095 {p} ‘I think we Mountain.’
2.01.096 {p} Glóin looked at told.’
2.01.097 {p} Throughout the rest go.
2.01.098 {p} ‘Indeed,’ said Glóin, Esgaroth.’
2.01.099 {p} ‘And what of Frodo.
2.01.100 {p} ‘There is much say.’
2.01.101 {p} And with that him.
2.01.102 {p} ‘And what has Frodo.
2.01.103 {p} A shadow passed things!’
2.01.104 {p} Glóin began then idle.’
2.01.105 {p} ‘I will come Smaug!’
2.01.106 {p} Glóin looked at asked.
2.01.107 {p} ‘Yes,’ answered Frodo. world.’
2.01.108 {ps} At length the side.
2.01.109 {p} Frodo found himself light.’
2.01.110 {p} As Elrond entered face.
2.01.111 {p} Elrond went forward missed.’
2.01.112 {p} The dark figure face.
2.01.113 {p} ‘Bilbo!’ cried Frodo forward.
2.01.114 {p} ‘Hullo, Frodo my yourself?’
2.01.115 {p} ‘Why weren’t you before?’
2.01.116 {p} ‘Because you were do.’
2.01.117 {p} ‘What were you doing?’
2.01.118 {p} ‘Why, sitting and he?’
2.01.119 {p} Elrond laughed. ‘He feast.
2.01.120 {p} In the meanwhile Rivendell.
2.01.121 {p} ‘I got here altogether.
2.01.122 {p} ‘I hear all Wild.
2.01.123 {p} ‘And Gandalf said: doubtfully.
2.01.124 {p} ‘Have you got again.’
2.01.125 {p} ‘Yes, I’ve got did.’
2.01.126 {p} ‘Well, I should Bilbo.
2.01.127 {p} When he had him.
2.01.128 {p} The music and Shire!’
2.01.129 {ps} Frodo hid the smile.
2.01.130 {p} Suddenly Bilbo looked cried.
2.01.131 {p} ‘Strider!’ said Frodo. names.’
2.01.132 {p} ‘Well, Strider is for?’
2.01.133 {p} ‘They call me him.’
2.01.134 {p} ‘And why do Frodo.
2.01.135 {p} ‘The Dúnadan,’ said there.’
2.01.136 {p} Strider looked down once.’
2.01.137 {p} ‘Well, my dear up!’
2.01.138 {p} Strider smiled. ‘Come it!’
2.01.139 {ps} Frodo was left listen.
2.01.140 {p} At first the sleep.
2.01.141 {p} There he wandered words.
2.01.142 {lg} Eärendil was a laid.
2.01.143 {lg} In panoply of emerald.
2.01.144 {lg} Beneath the Moon sped.
2.01.145 {lg} There flying Elwing away.
2.01.146 {lg} Through Evernight he Shadowmere.
2.01.147 {lg} He tarried there therein.
2.01.148 {lg} A ship then Moon.
2.01.149 {lg} From Evereven’s lofty run.
2.01.150 {lg} And over Middle-earth Westernesse.
2.01.151 {p} The chanting ceased. applauding.
2.01.152 {p} ‘Now we had Elf.
2.01.153 {p} Bilbo got up all.’
2.01.154 {p} ‘Not too tiring hearing!’
2.01.155 {p} ‘What!’ cried Bilbo. Dúnadan’s?’
2.01.156 {p} ‘It is not Elf.
2.01.157 {p} ‘Nonsense, Lindir,’ snorted apples.’
2.01.158 {p} ‘Maybe. To sheep business.’
2.01.159 {p} ‘I won’t argue to.’
2.01.160 {p} He got up it?’
2.01.161 {p} ‘I am not smiling.
2.01.162 {p} ‘You needn’t,’ said right.’
2.01.163 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ end.’
2.01.164 {p} ‘It is difficult talk?’
2.01.165 {p} ‘Can we?’ said Frodo.
2.01.166 {p} ‘Of course. This noise.’
2.01.167 {ps} They got up song.
2.01.168 {lg} A Elbereth Gilthoniel, aearon!
2.01.169 {p} Frodo halted for heart.
2.01.170 {p} He stood still on!’
2.01.171 {p} He led Frodo woods.
2.01.172 {ps} At last there anything.’
2.01.173 {p} ‘And begging yours, bed.’
2.01.174 {p} ‘Well, sir, there time.’
2.01.175 {p} ‘Quite right, Sam,’ well!’