LR 2.02 The Council of Elrond

2.02.000 {h} The Council of Elrond
2.02.001 {p} Next day Frodo peaks.
2.02.002 {p} On a seat council?’
2.02.003 {p} ‘I feel ready north.
2.02.004 {p} ‘You may have today.’
2.02.005 {ps} Suddenly as they wanted.’
2.02.006 {p} Frodo and Bilbo Sam.
2.02.007 {p} Gandalf led them grave.
2.02.008 {p} Elrond was there, saying:
2.02.009 {p} ‘Here, my friends, urgent.’
2.02.010 {p} He then pointed glance.
2.02.011 {p} He was cloaked wonder.
2.02.012 {p} ‘Here,’ said Elrond, answered.’
2.02.013 {ps} Not all that troubled.
2.02.014 {p} ‘It is now return.’
2.02.015 {p} Glóin sighed. ‘Moria! south.
2.02.016 {p} ‘That was nigh since.
2.02.017 {p} ‘Then about a time.”
2.02.018 {p} ‘At this we refuse?”
2.02.019 {p} ‘At that his cloak.”
2.02.020 {p} ‘“Consider well, but he.
2.02.021 {p} ‘“The time of Dáin.
2.02.022 {p} ‘“For the present,” darkness.
2.02.023 {p} ‘Heavy have the year.
2.02.024 {p} ‘And so I also.’
2.02.025 {p} ‘You have done deem.
2.02.026 {p} ‘That is the world.
2.02.027 {p} ‘Now, therefore, things it.’
2.02.028 {ps} Then all listened shut.
2.02.029 {p} Then through all ceased.
2.02.030 {p} Of Númenor he Arnor.
2.02.031 {p} Thereupon Elrond paused so.’
2.02.032 {p} ‘You remember?’ said ago.’
2.02.033 {p} ‘So it was victories.
2.02.034 {p} ‘I was the own.’
2.02.035 {p} At this the indeed.’
2.02.036 {p} ‘Alas! yes,’ said counsel.
2.02.037 {p} ‘“This I will him.
2.02.038 {p} ‘Only to the again.
2.02.039 {p} ‘Fruitless did I lessened.
2.02.040 {p} ‘In the North hills.
2.02.041 {p} ‘In the South young.
2.02.042 {p} ‘But in the walked.
2.02.043 {p} ‘So it has part.’
2.02.044 {ps} He ceased, but last.
2.02.045 {p} ‘Believe not that then?
2.02.046 {p} ‘Yet that hour, before.
2.02.047 {p} ‘Some said that Osgiliath.
2.02.048 {p} ‘I was in call.
2.02.049 {p} ‘In this evil me.
2.02.050 {p} ‘In that dream crying:
2.02.051 {lg} Seek for the stand.
2.02.052 {p} Of these words lay.’
2.02.053 {ps} ‘And here in said.
2.02.054 {p} ‘And who are cloak.
2.02.055 {p} ‘He is Aragorn folk.’
2.02.056 {p} ‘Then it belongs once.
2.02.057 {p} ‘It does not while.’
2.02.058 {p} ‘Bring out the riddle.’
2.02.059 {ps} There was a hand.
2.02.060 {p} ‘Behold Isildur’s Bane!’ Elrond.
2.02.061 {p} Boromir’s eyes glinted sword?’
2.02.062 {p} ‘The words were Gondor?’
2.02.063 {p} ‘I was not eyes.
2.02.064 {p} Frodo felt Bilbo out:
2.02.065 {lg} All that is king.
2.02.066 {p} ‘Not very good snort.
2.02.067 {p} ‘I made that comes.’
2.02.068 {p} Aragorn smiled at strange.
2.02.069 {p} ‘But my home, only.
2.02.070 {p} ‘If Gondor, Boromir, grave?
2.02.071 {p} ‘And yet less grown.
2.02.072 {p} ‘But now the Tirith.’
2.02.073 {p} ‘Isildur’s Bane is messenger?’
2.02.074 {p} ‘That shall be Elrond.
2.02.075 {p} ‘But not yet, me.’
2.02.076 {p} ‘I had not refreshed.’
2.02.077 {p} ‘Very well,’ said happened.’
2.02.078 {ps} To some there hand.
2.02.079 {p} ‘Well told, my speak!’
2.02.080 {p} Then, less willingly again.
2.02.081 {p} ‘Not bad,’ Bilbo here!’
2.02.082 {p} ‘Yes, it made Gandalf.’
2.02.083 {ps} Galdor of the heard?’
2.02.084 {p} ‘The questions that chief.’
2.02.085 {p} ‘Some, Galdor,’ said much?
2.02.086 {p} ‘There is indeed truth.
2.02.087 {p} ‘Some here will was.
2.02.088 {p} ‘But we were Middle-earth.
2.02.089 {p} ‘“At the worst,” End.”’
2.02.090 {ps} Gandalf fell silent, sighed.
2.02.091 {p} ‘There I was less.’
2.02.092 {p} ‘We were all on!’
2.02.093 {p} ‘From the first done.
2.02.094 {p} ‘Time passed with foe.
2.02.095 {p} ‘That was seventeen Isildur.’
2.02.096 {p} ‘And I,’ said search.’
2.02.097 {p} Then Gandalf told heart.
2.02.098 {p} ‘“The Nine, the read.”
2.02.099 {p} ‘What those marks alone.
2.02.100 {p} ‘With that thought, books.
2.02.101 {p} ‘“If indeed you City.”
2.02.102 {p} ‘So said Denethor. tale.’
2.02.103 {p} ‘Some in the brother.’
2.02.104 {p} ‘But in that therein:
2.02.105 {qt} The Great Ring dim.
2.02.106 {p} ‘And after these it.
2.02.107 {qt} It was hot pain.
2.02.108 {p} ‘When I read revealed.
2.02.109 {p} ‘At once I guess.’
2.02.110 {p} ‘There is little him.’
2.02.111 {p} ‘Yes, long and wield.
2.02.112 {p} ‘And if that read:
2.02.113 {qt} Ash nazg durbatulûk, krimpatul.’
2.02.114 {p} The change in ears.
2.02.115 {p} ‘Never before has more.
2.02.116 {p} ‘And let us betrayed:
2.02.117 {qt} One Ring to them.
2.02.118 {p} ‘Know also, my here.’
2.02.119 {ps} All sat silent him?’
2.02.120 {p} ‘He is in errand.’
2.02.121 {p} ‘Alas! alas!’ cried escaped.’
2.02.122 {p} ‘Escaped?’ cried Aragorn. trust?’
2.02.123 {p} ‘Not through lack thoughts.’
2.02.124 {p} ‘You were less halls.
2.02.125 {p} ‘Now come!’ said Council.’
2.02.126 {p} Glóin rose and night.
2.02.127 {p} ‘It was that maintained.
2.02.128 {p} ‘We have failed way.’
2.02.129 {p} ‘Well, well, he foreseen.
2.02.130 {p} ‘And now I gone.
2.02.131 {ps} ‘At the end year.
2.02.132 {p} ‘“Gandalf!” he cried. Shire.”
2.02.133 {p} ‘“Your information was need.”
2.02.134 {p} ‘“I have an black.”
2.02.135 {p} ‘I knew then it.
2.02.136 {p} ‘“The Enemy must guess.”
2.02.137 {p} ‘“What do you I.
2.02.138 {p} ‘“I have been Shire.”
2.02.139 {p} ‘“The Shire,” I asked.
2.02.140 {p} ‘“Saruman the White,” late.”
2.02.141 {p} ‘And that message Nine.
2.02.142 {p} ‘“I will go said.
2.02.143 {p} ‘“Then you must off.
2.02.144 {p} ‘“Stay a moment!” Orthanc.”
2.02.145 {p} ‘“I will do him.
2.02.146 {ps} ‘I could not mistake!
2.02.147 {p} ‘However, I wrote gate.
2.02.148 {p} ‘Late one evening it.
2.02.149 {p} ‘But I rode finger.
2.02.150 {p} ‘“So you have heart.
2.02.151 {p} ‘“Yes, I have him.
2.02.152 {p} ‘“Have you indeed, not.”
2.02.153 {p} ‘I looked at strength.”
2.02.154 {p} ‘“That may be Shire?”
2.02.155 {p} ‘“The Nine have me.”
2.02.156 {p} ‘“Radagast the Brown!” Colours!”
2.02.157 {p} ‘I looked then bewildered.
2.02.158 {p} ‘“I liked white said.
2.02.159 {p} ‘“White!” he sneered. broken.”
2.02.160 {p} ‘“In which case wisdom.”
2.02.161 {p} ‘“You need not choice.”
2.02.162 {p} ‘He drew himself see.
2.02.163 {p} ‘“And listen, Gandalf, means.”
2.02.164 {p} ‘“Saruman,” I said, ears.”
2.02.165 {p} ‘He looked at contrived?”
2.02.166 {p} ‘He came and eyes.
2.02.167 {p} ‘“Saruman,” I said, offer?”
2.02.168 {p} ‘He was cold end.”
2.02.169 {p} ‘“Until what end?”
2.02.170 {p} ‘“Until you reveal Grey.”
2.02.171 {p} ‘“That may not it.
2.02.172 {ps} ‘They took me North.
2.02.173 {p} ‘That the Nine away.’
2.02.174 {p} ‘I saw you!’ hair.’
2.02.175 {p} Gandalf paused astonished think.’
2.02.176 {p} ‘Then it was thread.
2.02.177 {p} ‘At first I me.
2.02.178 {p} ‘That was the me.
2.02.179 {p} ‘So it was me.
2.02.180 {p} ‘“How far can Gwaihir.
2.02.181 {p} ‘“Many leagues,” said burdens.”
2.02.182 {p} ‘“Then I must before.”
2.02.183 {p} ‘“Then I will White.
2.02.184 {p} ‘“Are the Men faith.
2.02.185 {p} ‘“They pay a delayed.”
2.02.186 {ps} ‘He set me him.’
2.02.187 {p} ‘Then he must land.’
2.02.188 {p} ‘Nor is it ago.’
2.02.189 {p} ‘The shadow of return?’
2.02.190 {p} ‘Not this at old.’
2.02.191 {p} ‘True indeed!’ said Hobbiton.
2.02.192 {p} ‘But fear grew End.
2.02.193 {p} ‘“I can’t abide times.
2.02.194 {p} ‘“Worst is a innkeeper.
2.02.195 {p} ‘“Butterbur they call spot.’
2.02.196 {p} ‘What did you could.’
2.02.197 {p} Gandalf laughed. ‘Don’t Strider.
2.02.198 {p} ‘“Strider!” I cried, joy.
2.02.199 {p} ‘“Yes, sir, I say.”
2.02.200 {p} ‘“Ass! Fool! Thrice when.”
2.02.201 {ps} ‘So I stayed them.
2.02.202 {p} ‘I do not wrath.
2.02.203 {p} ‘I galloped to old.
2.02.204 {p} ‘At sunrise I attacked.
2.02.205 {p} ‘I reached here indeed.
2.02.206 {p} ‘And that, Frodo, think.
2.02.207 {p} ‘Well, the Tale it?’
2.02.208 {ps} There was a again.
2.02.209 {p} ‘This is grievous roads.
2.02.210 {p} ‘The Barrow-wights we Council.’
2.02.211 {p} ‘He would not Gandalf.
2.02.212 {p} ‘Could we not Ring.’
2.02.213 {p} ‘No, I should them.’
2.02.214 {p} ‘But within those harmless?’
2.02.215 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf, enough.’
2.02.216 {p} ‘But in any come.’
2.02.217 {p} ‘I know little overthrown?’
2.02.218 {p} ‘I have not they.’
2.02.219 {p} ‘Then if the it.’
2.02.220 {p} ‘But Gandalf has it.’
2.02.221 {p} ‘Then,’ said Glorfindel, safe.’
2.02.222 {p} ‘Not safe for one.’
2.02.223 {p} ‘And that we Middle-earth.’
2.02.224 {p} ‘Long yet will strong.’
2.02.225 {p} ‘And yet its guard.’
2.02.226 {p} ‘Then,’ said Erestor, us?’
2.02.227 {p} ‘None here can Fire.’
2.02.228 {ps} Silence fell again. spoke.
2.02.229 {p} ‘I do not deem.
2.02.230 {p} ‘The Men of victory!’
2.02.231 {p} ‘Alas, no,’ said it.’
2.02.232 {p} ‘Nor I,’ said Gandalf.
2.02.233 {p} Boromir looked at Men.’
2.02.234 {p} ‘Who can tell?’ day.’
2.02.235 {p} ‘May the day have.’
2.02.236 {p} ‘Then be comforted,’ Gondor.’
2.02.237 {p} ‘Still it might away.’
2.02.238 {p} ‘Balin will find late.’
2.02.239 {p} ‘Ah, alas!’ cried say?’
2.02.240 {p} The Elves returned purpose.’
2.02.241 {p} ‘But what then Glóin.
2.02.242 {p} ‘We know not belief.’
2.02.243 {p} ‘Yet all the ever.’
2.02.244 {p} ‘Thus we return me.’
2.02.245 {p} ‘Despair, or folly?’ reckoning.’
2.02.246 {p} ‘At least for elsewhere.’
2.02.247 {ps} ‘Very well, very start?’
2.02.248 {p} Boromir looked in memories.
2.02.249 {p} ‘Of course, my back.’
2.02.250 {p} Bilbo laughed. ‘I they?’
2.02.251 {p} ‘The messengers who Ring.’
2.02.252 {p} ‘Exactly! And who dinner?’
2.02.253 {ps} No one answered. voice.
2.02.254 {p} ‘I will take way.’
2.02.255 {ps} Elrond raised his struck?
2.02.256 {p} ‘But it is them.’
2.02.257 {p} ‘But you won’t floor.
2.02.258 {p} ‘No indeed!’ said not.’
2.02.259 {p} Sam sat down, head.