LR 2.03 The Ring Goes South

2.03.000 {h} The Ring Goes South
2.03.001 {p} Later that day companion.
2.03.002 {p} ‘It’s most unfair,’ cheek!’
2.03.003 {p} ‘Rewards!’ said Frodo. good.’
2.03.004 {p} ‘I don’t wonder,’ on.’
2.03.005 {p} ‘That’s what I party.’
2.03.006 {p} ‘Then you certainly yet.’
2.03.007 {p} ‘Nothing decided!’ cried hours.’
2.03.008 {p} ‘Talking,’ said Bilbo. off.’
2.03.009 {p} ‘You were wrong,’ surprised.’
2.03.010 {p} ‘Well, anyway,’ said Gandalf?’
2.03.011 {p} ‘Yes,’ said the here.’
2.03.012 {p} ‘Ah!’ said Sam come.’
2.03.013 {p} ‘That can’t be back.
2.03.014 {lg} When winter first fare.
2.03.015 {p} But that I luck.’
2.03.016 {p} ‘I am afraid Riders.’
2.03.017 {p} ‘I thought they Merry.
2.03.018 {p} ‘You cannot destroy you.’
2.03.019 {p} So great was off.’
2.03.020 {p} ‘How long do gone.
2.03.021 {p} ‘Oh, I don’t ending?’
2.03.022 {p} ‘Yes, several, and Frodo.
2.03.023 {p} ‘Oh, that won’t after?’
2.03.024 {p} ‘It will do Frodo.
2.03.025 {p} ‘Ah!’ said Sam. wonder.’
2.03.026 {ps} For a while song.
2.03.027 {p} So the days valley.
2.03.028 {ps} The hobbits had Elrond.
2.03.029 {p} In no region North.
2.03.030 {p} ‘Eight out of shapeless.
2.03.031 {p} ‘If that is longer.’
2.03.032 {ps} Elrond summoned the Ring-bearer?’
2.03.033 {p} ‘I do,’ said Sam.’
2.03.034 {p} ‘Then I cannot yourself.
2.03.035 {p} ‘And I will Mordor.
2.03.036 {p} ‘The Company of labours.
2.03.037 {p} ‘For the rest, closely.’
2.03.038 {p} ‘Strider!’ cried Frodo.
2.03.039 {p} ‘Yes,’ he said Frodo.’
2.03.040 {p} ‘I would have Boromir.’
2.03.041 {p} ‘I am,’ said man.’
2.03.042 {p} ‘There remain two send.’
2.03.043 {p} ‘But that will Frodo.’
2.03.044 {p} ‘That is because Elrond.
2.03.045 {p} ‘Neither does Frodo,’ him.’
2.03.046 {p} ‘You speak gravely,’ going.’
2.03.047 {p} ‘Then, Master Elrond, Company.’
2.03.048 {p} ‘Let it be depart.’
2.03.049 {ps} The Sword of West.
2.03.050 {p} Aragorn and Gandalf Bilbo.
2.03.051 {p} In those last adventures.
2.03.052 {p} On the morning inside.
2.03.053 {p} ‘Here is your know?’
2.03.054 {p} He took from expect.’
2.03.055 {p} Frodo accepted it gratefully.
2.03.056 {p} ‘Also there is crystal.
2.03.057 {p} ‘It’s a pretty on.’
2.03.058 {p} ‘I should look Frodo.
2.03.059 {p} ‘Just what I voice.
2.03.060 {p} ‘Very well, I jacket.
2.03.061 {p} ‘Just a plain tune.
2.03.062 {p} ‘I cannot thank Frodo.
2.03.063 {p} ‘Don’t try!’ said softly.
2.03.064 {lg} I sit beside been;
2.03.065 {lg} Of yellow leaves hair.
2.03.066 {lg} I sit beside see.
2.03.067 {lg} For still there green.
2.03.068 {lg} I sit beside know.
2.03.069 {lg} But all the door.
2.03.070 {p} It was a Rivendell.
2.03.071 {p} ‘You should fear way.’
2.03.072 {ps} The Company took war-horn.
2.03.073 {p} ‘Loud and clear feet.
2.03.074 {p} ‘Slow should you you.’
2.03.075 {p} ‘Maybe,’ said Boromir. night.’
2.03.076 {p} Gimli the dwarf Mountain.
2.03.077 {p} All were well Bree.
2.03.078 {p} The stay in come.
2.03.079 {p} ‘That animal can depressed.
2.03.080 {ps} Their farewells had darkness.
2.03.081 {p} Sam was standing ebb.
2.03.082 {p} ‘Bill, my lad,’ nothing.
2.03.083 {p} Sam eased the all.
2.03.084 {p} ‘Rope!’ he muttered. now.’
2.03.085 {ps} At that moment road.’
2.03.086 {p} ‘Faithless is he Gimli.
2.03.087 {p} ‘Maybe,’ said Elrond, nightfall.’
2.03.088 {p} ‘Yet sworn word Gimli.
2.03.089 {p} ‘Or break it,’ faces!’
2.03.090 {p} ‘Goodgood luck!’ cried Farewell!’
2.03.091 {ps} Many others of dusk.
2.03.092 {p} They crossed the night.
2.03.093 {ps} At the Ford Rivendell.
2.03.094 {p} Gandalf walked in way.
2.03.095 {p} At first it swamps.
2.03.096 {ps} They had been sun.
2.03.097 {p} Away in the red.
2.03.098 {p} Gandalf stood at dangerous.’
2.03.099 {p} ‘Dangerous or not, face.
2.03.100 {p} ‘But the mountains night.’
2.03.101 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf. them?’
2.03.102 {p} ‘Yes I did, thing.’
2.03.103 {p} ‘I need no Shathûr.
2.03.104 {p} ‘Only once before Bundushathûr.
2.03.105 {p} ‘There the Misty Nanduhirion.’
2.03.106 {p} ‘It is for springs.’
2.03.107 {p} ‘Dark is the soon.’
2.03.108 {p} ‘May you have then—’
2.03.109 {p} He paused.
2.03.110 {p} ‘Yes, and where Merry.
2.03.111 {p} ‘To the end there.’
2.03.112 {p} ‘That is true,’ ago.’
2.03.113 {ps} That morning they talking.
2.03.114 {p} ‘What is the Wind?’
2.03.115 {p} ‘No indeed,’ he it.’
2.03.116 {p} Gandalf looked up heard?’
2.03.117 {p} ‘I hope that before.’
2.03.118 {p} ‘Then we must watch.’
2.03.119 {ps} It was Sam’s wind.
2.03.120 {p} ‘What’s that, Strider? nearer.
2.03.121 {p} ‘Lie flat and heard.
2.03.122 {p} Not until they Gandalf.
2.03.123 {p} ‘Regiments of black watched.’
2.03.124 {p} ‘And in that right.’
2.03.125 {p} ‘Luckily our fire again.’
2.03.126 {ps} ‘Well if that hot.’
2.03.127 {p} ‘Well, you can south.’
2.03.128 {p} ‘Too warm, I reckoning.
2.03.129 {p} All that day faded.
2.03.130 {p} Guided by Aragorn land.
2.03.131 {p} It was the shivered.
2.03.132 {p} ‘Did you see ahead.
2.03.133 {p} ‘No, but I cloud.’
2.03.134 {p} ‘It was moving wind.’
2.03.135 {ps} Nothing further happened blood.
2.03.136 {p} There was a back.
2.03.137 {p} ‘Winter deepens behind Aragorn?’
2.03.138 {p} Frodo overheard these anxiously.
2.03.139 {p} ‘I think no serve?’
2.03.140 {p} ‘Who knows indeed!’ of.’
2.03.141 {p} ‘But let us way.’
2.03.142 {p} ‘We must decide Gandalf.
2.03.143 {p} ‘Then let us Aragorn.
2.03.144 {ps} In the late abandoned.
2.03.145 {p} ‘From signs that ready.’
2.03.146 {p} ‘I will add bear.’
2.03.147 {p} ‘And Bill could mournfully.
2.03.148 {p} ‘Very well,’ said death.’
2.03.149 {ps} The Company set ravine.
2.03.150 {p} Laboriously they climbed sleeve.
2.03.151 {p} They went on. seen.
2.03.152 {p} ‘I don’t like Brandywine.
2.03.153 {p} Gandalf halted. Snow boots.
2.03.154 {p} ‘This is what Aragorn?’
2.03.155 {p} ‘That I feared winter.’
2.03.156 {p} ‘I wonder if allies.’
2.03.157 {p} ‘His arm has away.’
2.03.158 {p} ‘His arm has Gandalf.
2.03.159 {ps} While they were trudged.
2.03.160 {p} The Company halted above.
2.03.161 {p} ‘We cannot go us.’
2.03.162 {p} ‘I do call he.’
2.03.163 {p} ‘Caradhras was called lands.’
2.03.164 {p} ‘It matters little Gandalf.
2.03.165 {p} ‘But what can shivering.
2.03.166 {p} ‘Either stop where else.’
2.03.167 {p} ‘And it is now.’
2.03.168 {p} ‘Shelter!’ muttered Sam. house.’
2.03.169 {ps} The Company now clouds.
2.03.170 {p} They huddled together buried.
2.03.171 {p} A great sleepiness that!
2.03.172 {p} But I wanted snow.
2.03.173 {p} ‘This will be ourselves.’
2.03.174 {p} ‘Give them this,’ round!’
2.03.175 {p} As soon as louder.
2.03.176 {p} ‘What do you us.’
2.03.177 {p} ‘You may make no.’
2.03.178 {p} But though they sputtered.
2.03.179 {p} ‘If there are Anduin.’
2.03.180 {p} But the Company wall.
2.03.181 {p} But the wood fell.
2.03.182 {ps} The fire burned on.
2.03.183 {p} ‘The night is off.’
2.03.184 {p} ‘If any dawn Gimli.
2.03.185 {p} Boromir stepped out quieter.’
2.03.186 {p} Frodo gazed wearily altogether.
2.03.187 {p} As the light snow.
2.03.188 {p} Gimli looked up better.’
2.03.189 {p} To this all cliff.
2.03.190 {p} ‘If Gandalf would heart.
2.03.191 {p} ‘If Elves could snow.’
2.03.192 {p} ‘Well,’ said Boromir, guess.’
2.03.193 {p} ‘Then let us Aragorn.
2.03.194 {p} Aragorn was the walking.
2.03.195 {p} Legolas watched them Elf.’
2.03.196 {p} With that he snow.
2.03.197 {p} ‘Farewell!’ he said turn.
2.03.198 {ps} The others waited again.
2.03.199 {p} An hour, maybe, slope.
2.03.200 {p} ‘Well,’ cried Legolas toes.’
2.03.201 {p} ‘Ah, it is escape.’
2.03.202 {p} ‘But happily your Elves.’
2.03.203 {p} ‘But how are hobbits.
2.03.204 {p} ‘Have hope!’ said you.’
2.03.205 {p} He lifted up went.
2.03.206 {p} They came at arrive.
2.03.207 {p} After a while them.
2.03.208 {p} ‘Enough, enough!’ cried broader.
2.03.209 {p} As Legolas had before.
2.03.210 {p} The morning was pass.
2.03.211 {p} Frodo’s legs ached. air.
2.03.212 {p} ‘The birds again!’ down.
2.03.213 {p} ‘That cannot be night-fall!’
2.03.214 {p} A cold wind them.