LR 2.05 The Bridge of Khazad-dûm

2.05.000 {h} The Bridge of Khazad-dûm
2.05.001 {p} The Company of world.
2.05.002 {p} At length they blades.
2.05.003 {p} There were many script.
2.05.004 {p} At last Gandalf this!
2.05.005 {p} ‘We drove out Mazarbul.’
2.05.006 {p} ‘The Chamber of stand.’
2.05.007 {p} ‘Well, I can gate.’
2.05.008 {ps} Gandalf paused and script.’
2.05.009 {p} ‘That would be characters.’
2.05.010 {p} ‘I fear he sighed.
2.05.011 {p} ‘It is grim thought.
2.05.012 {p} A sudden dread end.’
2.05.013 {p} Gandalf raised his passing.’
2.05.014 {p} ‘Which way shall Boromir.
2.05.015 {p} ‘Back to the hall!’
2.05.016 {ps} Gandalf had hardly feet.
2.05.017 {p} ‘They are coming!’ Legolas.
2.05.018 {p} ‘We cannot get Gimli.
2.05.019 {p} ‘Trapped!’ cried Gandalf. what—’
2.05.020 {p} Doom, doom came shook.
2.05.021 {p} ‘Slam the doors yet.’
2.05.022 {p} ‘No!’ said Gandalf. chance.’
2.05.023 {p} Another harsh horn-call door.
2.05.024 {p} ‘Wait a moment! height.
2.05.025 {p} ‘Who comes hither voice.
2.05.026 {p} There was a deep.
2.05.027 {p} With a quick back.
2.05.028 {p} ‘There are Orcs, way.’
2.05.029 {p} ‘And no hope Boromir.
2.05.030 {p} ‘There is no Andúril.
2.05.031 {ps} Heavy feet were outside.
2.05.032 {p} Boromir leaped forward notched.
2.05.033 {p} Suddenly, and to again.
2.05.034 {p} ‘One for the Drogo!’
2.05.035 {p} There was a chamber.
2.05.036 {p} How many there it.
2.05.037 {p} ‘Now is the returns!’
2.05.038 {p} But even as them.
2.05.039 {p} Doom, doom went again.
2.05.040 {p} ‘Now!’ shouted Gandalf. it!’
2.05.041 {ps} Aragorn picked up fastened.
2.05.042 {p} ‘I am all down!’
2.05.043 {p} Aragorn nearly dropped cried.
2.05.044 {p} ‘Not yet!’ said downwards.’
2.05.045 {p} ‘We cannot leave Aragorn.
2.05.046 {p} ‘Do as I Go!’
2.05.047 {ps} The passage was doom.
2.05.048 {p} Suddenly at the Company.
2.05.049 {p} ‘Well, well! That’s you!’
2.05.050 {ps} They stumbled after man.
2.05.051 {p} At the end halted.
2.05.052 {p} ‘It is getting us.’
2.05.053 {p} Gimli took his drums?’
2.05.054 {p} ‘I do not strength.
2.05.055 {p} ‘As I stood spell.
2.05.056 {p} ‘What it was think.
2.05.057 {p} ‘I am afraid carrying.’
2.05.058 {p} ‘What about me?’ bad.’
2.05.059 {p} ‘Well,’ said Aragorn, boar!’
2.05.060 {p} ‘Well, it did painful.
2.05.061 {p} ‘You take after said.
2.05.062 {ps} They now went be?’
2.05.063 {p} ‘Ghâsh!’ muttered Gandalf. on.’
2.05.064 {p} Soon the light hot.
2.05.065 {p} When they came back.
2.05.066 {p} ‘There is some look!’
2.05.067 {p} They peered out. air.
2.05.068 {p} ‘If we had lose.’
2.05.069 {p} Even as he quiver.
2.05.070 {p} ‘Now for the me!’
2.05.071 {p} He turned left head.
2.05.072 {p} Boromir laughed. ‘They side!’
2.05.073 {p} ‘Look ahead!’ called narrow.’
2.05.074 {p} Suddenly Frodo saw behind.
2.05.075 {p} ‘Lead the way, door!’
2.05.076 {p} Arrows fell among doom.
2.05.077 {p} Legolas turned and it.
2.05.078 {p} It came to thongs.
2.05.079 {p} ‘Ai! ai!’ wailed come!’
2.05.080 {p} Gimli stared with face.
2.05.081 {p} ‘A Balrog,’ muttered weary.’
2.05.082 {ps} The dark figure again.
2.05.083 {p} ‘Over the bridge!’ alone.
2.05.084 {p} The Balrog reached firm.
2.05.085 {p} ‘You cannot pass,’ pass.’
2.05.086 {p} The Balrog made storm.
2.05.087 {p} From out of flaming.
2.05.088 {p} Glamdring glittered white answer.
2.05.089 {p} There was a still.
2.05.090 {p} ‘You cannot pass!’ said.
2.05.091 {p} With a bound hissed.
2.05.092 {p} ‘He cannot stand Gandalf!’
2.05.093 {p} ‘Gondor!’ cried Boromir him.
2.05.094 {p} At that moment emptiness.
2.05.095 {p} With a terrible gone.
2.05.096 {ps} The fires went them.
2.05.097 {p} ‘Come! I will me!’
2.05.098 {p} They stumbled wildly doom!
2.05.099 {p} They ran on. light.
2.05.100 {p} There was a Moria.
2.05.101 {p} Thus, at last, faces.
2.05.102 {p} They did not high.
2.05.103 {p} They looked back. faded.