LR 2.06 Lothlórien

2.06.000 {h} Lothlórien
2.06.001 {p} ‘Alas! I fear you?’
2.06.002 {p} He turned to do.’
2.06.003 {p} They rose and feet.
2.06.004 {p} ‘Yonder is the kinder.’
2.06.005 {p} ‘Or Caradhras less away.
2.06.006 {p} To the east rim.
2.06.007 {p} ‘There lies the remain.’
2.06.008 {ps} The Company now top.
2.06.009 {p} ‘That is Durin’s dale!’
2.06.010 {p} ‘Be swift then!’ tonight.’
2.06.011 {p} ‘Come with me, behind.
2.06.012 {p} Beside the standing go!’
2.06.013 {p} They stooped over seen.
2.06.014 {p} ‘O Kheled-zâram fair again.
2.06.015 {p} ‘What did you answer.
2.06.016 {ps} The road now channel.
2.06.017 {p} ‘Here is the cold.’
2.06.018 {p} ‘Soon it becomes haze.
2.06.019 {p} ‘There lie the springtime!’
2.06.020 {p} ‘My heart will hasten!’
2.06.021 {ps} For some time breath.
2.06.022 {p} At last Legolas him.
2.06.023 {p} ‘I am sorry, them.’
2.06.024 {p} Soon afterwards they westering.
2.06.025 {p} While Gimli and relief.
2.06.026 {p} ‘Good luck, Sam!’ water.’
2.06.027 {p} He opened his Frodo!’
2.06.028 {p} ‘I am all rest.’
2.06.029 {p} ‘No!’ said Aragorn. pool.
2.06.030 {p} ‘Look, my friends!’ Shire.’
2.06.031 {p} ‘And all the given!’
2.06.032 {p} ‘I have often it!’
2.06.033 {p} There was a side.
2.06.034 {p} ‘The mail is lasts.’
2.06.035 {ps} When they had hours.
2.06.036 {p} It was dark. silence.
2.06.037 {p} ‘Not a sound avenge.’
2.06.038 {p} Frodo did not vanished.
2.06.039 {p} ‘What is it?’ dwarf.
2.06.040 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ Moria.’
2.06.041 {p} Gimli halted and sight.’
2.06.042 {ps} The night-wind blew breeze.
2.06.043 {p} ‘Lothlórien!’ cried Legolas. winter!’
2.06.044 {p} Under the night gold.
2.06.045 {p} ‘Lothlórien!’ said Aragorn. behind.’
2.06.046 {p} ‘If Elves indeed Gimli.
2.06.047 {p} ‘It is long border.’
2.06.048 {p} ‘Indeed deep in in.’
2.06.049 {p} He stepped forward; said.
2.06.050 {p} ‘What other fairer Aragorn.
2.06.051 {p} ‘A plain road, unscathed.’
2.06.052 {p} ‘Say not unscathed, alone.’
2.06.053 {p} ‘Then lead on!’ perilous.’
2.06.054 {p} ‘Perilous indeed,’ said me!’
2.06.055 {ps} They had gone trees.
2.06.056 {p} ‘Here is Nimrodel!’ stream.
2.06.057 {p} ‘Follow me!’ he grief.’
2.06.058 {p} One by one limbs.
2.06.059 {ps} When all the grey.
2.06.060 {p} At length a water.
2.06.061 {p} ‘Do you hear began:
2.06.062 {lg} An Elven-maid there silver-grey.
2.06.063 {lg} A star was fair.
2.06.064 {lg} Her hair was linden-tree.
2.06.065 {lg} Beside the falls pool.
2.06.066 {lg} Where now she strayed.
2.06.067 {lg} The elven-ship in sea.
2.06.068 {lg} A wind by tide.
2.06.069 {lg} When dawn came spray.
2.06.070 {lg} Amroth beheld the Nimrodel.
2.06.071 {lg} Of old he Lothlórien.
2.06.072 {lg} From helm to wing.
2.06.073 {lg} The wind was swan.
2.06.074 {lg} But from the evermore.
2.06.075 {p} The voice of mountains.’
2.06.076 {p} ‘But the Dwarves Gimli.
2.06.077 {p} ‘I said not back.
2.06.078 {p} ‘It is told came.’
2.06.079 {p} ‘And even in above.
2.06.080 {p} ‘Your words bring wise.’
2.06.081 {ps} The Company now guessed.
2.06.082 {p} ‘I will climb growth.’
2.06.083 {p} ‘Whatever it may perch!’
2.06.084 {p} ‘Then dig a him.
2.06.085 {p} ‘Daro!’ it said tree.
2.06.086 {p} ‘Stand still!’ he speak!’
2.06.087 {p} There was a language.
2.06.087-fn {fn} See note in Elves.
2.06.088 {p} ‘Who are they, Merry.
2.06.089 {p} ‘They’re Elves,’ said voices?’
2.06.090 {p} ‘Yes, they are done.’
2.06.091 {ps} Out of the passed.
2.06.092 {p} When Frodo came return.
2.06.093 {p} ‘Welcome!’ the Elf tongue.
2.06.094 {p} ‘But we have you?’
2.06.095 {p} ‘Eight,’ said Legolas. Westernesse.’
2.06.096 {p} ‘The name of seven.’
2.06.097 {p} ‘The eighth is Legolas.
2.06.098 {p} ‘A dwarf!’ said pass.’
2.06.099 {p} ‘But he is faithful.’
2.06.100 {p} The Elves spoke Lothlórien.
2.06.101 {p} ‘But now we on.
2.06.102 {p} ‘The four hobbits dwarf!’
2.06.103 {ps} Legolas at once scared.
2.06.104 {p} ‘There!’ said Merry leaves.’
2.06.105 {p} ‘You had no spare.’
2.06.106 {p} The hobbits accepted wind.
2.06.107 {p} Pippin went on said.
2.06.108 {p} ‘Once I do meaning.’
2.06.109 {ps} Frodo lay for mind.
2.06.110 {p} Late in the wood.
2.06.111 {p} A head appeared hobbits.
2.06.112 {p} ‘What is it?’ Frodo.
2.06.113 {p} ‘Yrch!’ said the up.
2.06.114 {p} ‘Orcs!’ said Frodo. gone.
2.06.115 {p} There were no below.
2.06.116 {p} Not Elves; for breath.
2.06.117 {p} Something was now vanished.
2.06.118 {p} Immediately afterwards Haldir hobbits.
2.06.119 {p} ‘I did not wood.
2.06.120 {p} ‘Orophin has now light.’
2.06.121 {ps} Day came pale breeze.
2.06.122 {p} The morning was music.
2.06.123 {p} They went back shadows.
2.06.124 {p} ‘There is one bank.
2.06.125 {p} ‘Celebrant is already road.
2.06.126 {p} ‘I can walk swim?’
2.06.127 {p} ‘No!’ said Haldir. care.’
2.06.128 {p} When this slender mountains.
2.06.129 {p} He breathed with that!’
2.06.130 {p} When at length watch.
2.06.131 {p} ‘Now, friends,’ said there.
2.06.132 {p} ‘As was agreed, waters.’
2.06.133 {p} This was not companions.’
2.06.134 {p} ‘I do not Celebrant.’
2.06.135 {p} Gimli was obstinate. wilderness.’
2.06.136 {p} ‘You cannot go them.’
2.06.137 {p} Gimli drew his Legolas.
2.06.138 {p} ‘Come!’ said Aragorn. dull.’
2.06.139 {p} Gimli laughed suddenly. blindness.’
2.06.140 {p} ‘I am an turn.
2.06.141 {p} ‘Now let us Haldir!’
2.06.142 {p} ‘I shall claim eyes.
2.06.143 {p} ‘You will have straight.’
2.06.144 {p} ‘Alas for the gold!’
2.06.145 {p} ‘Folly it may harp.
2.06.146 {p} ‘The rivers long not.’
2.06.147 {p} ‘You ought at live.’
2.06.148 {p} ‘Happy folk are walk.’
2.06.149 {p} ‘I cannot,’ said it.’
2.06.150 {p} ‘Not even to greater.
2.06.151 {p} ‘Some there are it.’
2.06.152 {p} As they spoke glade.
2.06.153 {p} As soon as lay.
2.06.154 {ps} All that day him.
2.06.155 {p} A marching host southward.
2.06.156 {p} ‘Also,’ said Haldir, perhaps.’
2.06.157 {p} He removed the Day!’
2.06.158 {p} When his eyes trees.
2.06.159 {p} ‘Behold! You are dusk.’
2.06.160 {ps} The others cast stain.
2.06.161 {p} He turned and meaning.’
2.06.162 {p} Haldir looked at Amroth?’
2.06.163 {p} They followed him Lothlórien.
2.06.164 {p} They entered the earth.
2.06.165 {p} Haldir had gone itself.
2.06.166 {p} As he stepped said.
2.06.167 {p} Frodo looked and height.
2.06.168 {p} ‘There lies the him.
2.06.169 {p} At the hill’s smiled.
2.06.170 {p} ‘Here is the man.