LR 2.07 The Mirror of Galadriel

2.07.000 {h} The Mirror of Galadriel
2.07.001 {p} The sun was lamps.
2.07.002 {p} Suddenly they came Company.
2.07.003 {p} ‘Welcome to Caras great.’
2.07.004 {ps} There was a lamps.
2.07.005 {p} Haldir knocked and leaves.
2.07.006 {p} They went along cloaks.
2.07.007 {p} ‘Here dwell Celeborn them.’
2.07.008 {p} One of the way.’
2.07.009 {ps} As he climbed girth.
2.07.010 {p} The chamber was memory.
2.07.011 {p} Haldir led Frodo face.
2.07.012 {p} ‘Sit now beside together.’
2.07.013 {p} Each of the while!’
2.07.014 {p} ‘Welcome son of North.’
2.07.015 {p} ‘Welcome Gimli son low.
2.07.016 {ps} When all the longer.’
2.07.017 {p} ‘Nay, there was me.’
2.07.018 {p} ‘Alas!’ said Aragorn. escape.’
2.07.019 {p} At these words elven-tongue.
2.07.020 {p} ‘We have not Lórien.’
2.07.021 {p} ‘Yet our grief fell.’
2.07.022 {p} ‘Tell us now Celeborn.
2.07.023 {p} Then Aragorn recounted terrible.’
2.07.024 {p} ‘It was a Tower.’
2.07.025 {p} ‘Indeed I saw eyes.
2.07.026 {p} ‘Alas!’ said Celeborn. Moria.’
2.07.027 {p} ‘He would be dragons?
2.07.028 {p} ‘Dark is the answer.
2.07.029 {p} He rose clumsily earth!’
2.07.030 {ps} There was a burden.’
2.07.031 {p} ‘Your quest is defeat.
2.07.032 {p} ‘I it was true.’
2.07.033 {p} And with that head.
2.07.034 {p} At length the openly.
2.07.035 {p} ‘Go now!’ said while.’
2.07.036 {ps} That night the back.
2.07.037 {p} ‘What did you blankets.’
2.07.038 {p} ‘I never thought own.’
2.07.039 {p} ‘That’s funny,’ said lamely.
2.07.040 {p} All of them, others.
2.07.041 {p} ‘And it seemed myself.’
2.07.042 {p} ‘To me it tell.
2.07.043 {p} And as for said.
2.07.044 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Frodo; there.’
2.07.045 {p} ‘Well, have a purposes.’
2.07.046 {p} ‘Speak no evil sleep.
2.07.047 {p} The others soon sun.
2.07.048 {ps} They remained some enough.
2.07.049 {p} They had not change.
2.07.050 {p} Now as the understand.
2.07.051 {p} Mithrandir, Mithrandir sang song.
2.07.052 {p} It was Frodo leaves.
2.07.053 {lg} When evening in word.
2.07.054 {lg} From Wilderland to will.
2.07.055 {lg} With Dwarf and spoke.
2.07.056 {lg} A deadly sword, road.
2.07.057 {lg} A lord of staff.
2.07.058 {lg} He stood upon died.
2.07.059 {p} ‘Why, you’ll be Sam.
2.07.060 {p} ‘No, I am yet.’
2.07.061 {p} ‘Well, Mr. Frodo, this:
2.07.062 {lg} The finest rockets flowers.
2.07.063 {p} Though that doesn’t road.’
2.07.064 {p} ‘No, I’ll leave him.’
2.07.065 {ps} One evening Frodo Lothlórien.
2.07.066 {p} ‘What do you then.’
2.07.067 {p} ‘I have indeed!’ speaking.’
2.07.068 {p} ‘You can see Frodo.
2.07.069 {p} ‘Well,’ said Sam, Frodo!’
2.07.070 {p} ‘I wouldn’t,’ said voice.’
2.07.071 {p} ‘You’re right,’ said over.
2.07.072 {p} ‘It’s the job thinking.’
2.07.073 {p} ‘I am afraid again.’
2.07.074 {p} Even as he them.
2.07.075 {p} Turning aside, she ewer.
2.07.076 {p} With water from will.’
2.07.077 {p} The air was awe.
2.07.078 {p} ‘Many things I look?’
2.07.079 {p} Frodo did not answer.
2.07.080 {p} ‘And you?’ she Elf-magic?’
2.07.081 {p} ‘I did,’ said willing.
2.07.082 {p} ‘And I’d not understand.’
2.07.083 {p} ‘Like as not,’ water!’
2.07.084 {p} Sam climbed up it.
2.07.085 {p} ‘There’s only stars, ground.
2.07.086 {p} ‘Hi!’ cried Sam him!’
2.07.087 {p} But now Sam Mirror.
2.07.088 {p} ‘There’s some devilry home!’
2.07.089 {p} ‘You cannot go deeds.’
2.07.090 {p} Sam sat on hot!’
2.07.091 {ps} ‘Do you now content.’
2.07.092 {p} ‘Do you advise Frodo.
2.07.093 {p} ‘No,’ she said. will!’
2.07.094 {p} ‘I will look,’ Saruman?
2.07.095 {p} The vision now windows.
2.07.096 {p} Then there was away.
2.07.097 {p} But suddenly the nothing.
2.07.098 {p} Then the Eye forward.
2.07.099 {p} ‘Do not touch Lady.
2.07.100 {p} ‘I know what closed!’
2.07.101 {p} She lifted up understood.
2.07.102 {p} ‘Yes,’ she said, keeper.
2.07.103 {p} ‘He suspects, but forgotten.’
2.07.104 {p} Frodo bent his last.
2.07.105 {p} ‘That what should lost.’
2.07.106 {p} ‘You are wise me.’
2.07.107 {p} Galadriel laughed with guest?
2.07.108 {p} ‘And now at despair!’
2.07.109 {p} She lifted up sad.
2.07.110 {p} ‘I pass the Galadriel.’
2.07.111 {ps} They stood for flowing.’
2.07.112 {p} ‘I would ask them?’
2.07.113 {p} ‘You have not Sam.
2.07.114 {p} ‘No, Lady,’ he work.’
2.07.115 {p} ‘I would,’ she go!’