LR 2.08 Farewell to Lórien

2.08.000 {h} Farewell to Lórien
2.08.001 {p} That night the departure.
2.08.002 {p} ‘Now is the battle.’
2.08.003 {p} There was a eyes.
2.08.004 {p} ‘As for me,’ back.’
2.08.005 {p} ‘That is true,’ Tirith?’
2.08.006 {p} ‘We have not purpose.’
2.08.007 {p} ‘Maybe not,’ said Enemy?
2.08.008 {p} ‘On which side take?’
2.08.009 {p} ‘If my advice troubled.
2.08.010 {p} ‘I see that traveller.’
2.08.011 {p} ‘And one Hobbit!’ Brandywine.’
2.08.012 {p} ‘That is well,’ east.’
2.08.013 {p} Aragorn thanked Celeborn them.
2.08.014 {p} ‘All shall be sleep.’
2.08.015 {p} ‘Good night, my night!’
2.08.016 {ps} The Company now together.
2.08.017 {p} For a long mind.
2.08.018 {p} His own plan, darkness?
2.08.019 {p} ‘I shall go it.’
2.08.020 {p} Frodo caught something old.
2.08.021 {ps} In the morning, eye.
2.08.022 {p} ‘Cram,’ he said relish.
2.08.023 {p} ‘No more, no march.’
2.08.024 {p} ‘I thought it Dwarf.
2.08.025 {p} ‘So it is,’ accounts.’
2.08.026 {p} ‘Indeed it is,’ hosts!’
2.08.027 {p} ‘All the same, Tirith.’
2.08.028 {p} The Elves next silver.
2.08.029 {p} ‘Are these magic wonder.
2.08.030 {p} ‘I do not people.’
2.08.031 {ps} After their morning delight.
2.08.032 {p} ‘I have returned south.’
2.08.033 {p} As they walked River.
2.08.034 {p} They had gone Lórien.
2.08.035 {p} On the bank elven-cloaks.
2.08.036 {p} ‘What are these?’ greensward.
2.08.037 {p} ‘Ropes indeed!’ answered needs.’
2.08.038 {p} ‘You don’t need say.’
2.08.039 {p} ‘They are made well!’
2.08.040 {p} ‘Come!’ said Haldir. first!’
2.08.041 {p} ‘Heed the words!’ downstream.’
2.08.042 {ps} The Company was larks.
2.08.043 {p} They turned a air:
2.08.044 {lg} I sang of Sea?
2.08.045 {p} Aragorn stayed his land.’
2.08.046 {p} ‘Though you have Lórien.’
2.08.047 {p} The Swan passed Time.
2.08.048 {ps} After they had Tongue.
2.08.049 {p} ‘As you go Mordor.
2.08.050 {p} ‘Boromir, and any warning.’
2.08.051 {p} ‘Indeed we have years.
2.08.052 {p} ‘I have myself be.’
2.08.053 {p} ‘Then I need know.’
2.08.054 {ps} Now Galadriel rose Celeborn.
2.08.055 {p} ‘Now it is nigh.’
2.08.056 {p} Then she brought again.
2.08.057 {p} ‘We have drunk turn.
2.08.058 {p} ‘Here is the sword.
2.08.059 {p} ‘The blade that returning.’
2.08.060 {p} And Aragorn answered: it.’
2.08.061 {p} ‘Yet maybe this Elendil!’
2.08.062 {p} Then Aragorn took more?’
2.08.063 {p} The Lady bowed arrows.
2.08.064 {p} ‘For you little memory.’
2.08.065 {p} Sam went red could.
2.08.066 {p} ‘And what gift Gimli.
2.08.067 {p} ‘None, Lady,’ answered words.’
2.08.068 {p} ‘Hear all ye gift.’
2.08.069 {p} ‘There is nothing, desire.’
2.08.070 {p} The Elves stirred gift?’
2.08.071 {p} ‘Treasure it, Lady,’ days.’
2.08.072 {p} Then the Lady dominion.
2.08.073 {p} ‘And you, Ring-bearer,’ Mirror!’
2.08.074 {p} Frodo took the say.
2.08.075 {ps} Now the Lady world.
2.08.076 {p} Even as they him.
2.08.077 {p} Yet as is Middle-earth.
2.08.078 {lg} Ai! laurië lantar airetári-lírinen.
2.08.079 {lg} Sí man i enquantuva?
2.08.080 {lg} An sí Tintallë Valimar!
2.08.081 {lg} Namárië! Nai hiruvalyë Namárië!
2.08.082 {p} ‘Ah! like gold Elbereth.
2.08.083 {ps} Suddenly the River again.
2.08.084 {p} The travellers now openly.
2.08.085 {p} ‘I have looked breast.
2.08.086 {p} ‘Tell me, Legolas, Glóin!’
2.08.087 {p} ‘Nay!’ said Legolas. stale.’
2.08.088 {p} ‘Maybe,’ said Gimli; Dwarves.
2.08.089 {p} ‘But let us stream.
2.08.090 {ps} So the Company sleep.