LR 2.09 The Great River

2.09.000 {h} The Great River
2.09.001 {p} Frodo was roused hand.
2.09.002 {p} They started again Lórien.
2.09.003 {p} Nonetheless they saw tell.
2.09.004 {p} Upon the west Mountains.
2.09.005 {p} There was no sky.
2.09.006 {p} ‘Swans!’ said Sam. too!’
2.09.007 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Aragorn, swans.’
2.09.008 {p} ‘How wide and ever.’
2.09.009 {p} ‘But we have Rohan.’
2.09.010 {p} Sam looked from war.
2.09.011 {p} In the next thoughts.
2.09.012 {p} The heart of one.
2.09.013 {p} As dusk drew more.
2.09.014 {ps} That night they anyway.’
2.09.015 {p} ‘Well, what was Lothlórien.’
2.09.016 {p} ‘It wasn’t funny eyes!’
2.09.017 {p} ‘The log’s all eyes!’
2.09.018 {p} ‘That I won’t,’ water.
2.09.019 {p} ‘That’s when I though.
2.09.020 {p} ‘I said to Frodo?’
2.09.021 {p} ‘I should make orc-band?’
2.09.022 {p} ‘Ah,’ said Sam, maybe?’
2.09.023 {p} ‘Yes, that is off!’
2.09.024 {p} ‘That’s about it,’ say.’
2.09.025 {p} ‘I might,’ said then.’
2.09.026 {ps} In the dead night.’
2.09.027 {p} He lay down, up.
2.09.028 {p} ‘What is it?’ sword?’
2.09.029 {p} ‘Gollum,’ answered Frodo. guess.’
2.09.030 {p} ‘Ah!’ said Aragorn. waterman.
2.09.031 {p} ‘We shall have track.’
2.09.032 {ps} The night passed day.
2.09.033 {p} The weather was brows.
2.09.034 {p} The next day Wilderland.
2.09.035 {p} There were many southwards.
2.09.036 {p} ‘What is that, eagle?’
2.09.037 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Legolas. mountains.’
2.09.038 {p} ‘We will not Aragorn.
2.09.039 {ps} The eighth night bright.
2.09.040 {p} ‘Come!’ said Aragorn. swiftly.’
2.09.041 {p} To Sam in together.
2.09.042 {p} ‘Hoy there, Aragorn!’ day.’
2.09.043 {p} ‘Back, back!’ cried round.
2.09.044 {p} ‘I am out already.’
2.09.045 {ps} With great efforts night.
2.09.046 {p} ‘All together, paddle!’ stone.
2.09.047 {p} At that moment near.
2.09.048 {p} ‘Yrch!’ said Legolas, tongue.
2.09.049 {p} ‘Orcs!’ cried Gimli.
2.09.050 {p} ‘Gollum’s doing, I’ll arms!’
2.09.051 {p} They all leaned Mordor.
2.09.052 {p} Stroke by stroke breath.
2.09.053 {p} Legolas laid down seen.
2.09.054 {p} Frodo looked up Company.
2.09.055 {p} ‘Elbereth Gilthoniel!’ sighed hide.
2.09.056 {p} Suddenly the great night.
2.09.057 {ps} After a while together.
2.09.058 {p} ‘Praised be the friend!’
2.09.059 {p} ‘But who can Legolas.
2.09.060 {p} ‘I cannot,’ said whisper.
2.09.061 {p} ‘It was not silent.
2.09.062 {p} ‘What do you face.
2.09.063 {p} ‘I think—No, I enemies.’
2.09.064 {p} ‘So it seems,’ hand!’
2.09.065 {ps} Sam sat tapping country.
2.09.066 {p} ‘Well, I can there!’
2.09.067 {p} ‘And perhaps that day.’
2.09.068 {p} Legolas stirred in last.’
2.09.069 {p} ‘But the wearing Elven-ring.’
2.09.070 {p} ‘That should not hope.’
2.09.071 {ps} The night passed drip.
2.09.072 {p} When the day seen.
2.09.073 {p} ‘I can’t abide us.’
2.09.074 {p} ‘Perhaps so,’ said Muil.’
2.09.075 {p} ‘I do not land.’
2.09.076 {p} ‘We can, if missed.’
2.09.077 {p} ‘But the Enemy marshes?’
2.09.078 {p} ‘No!’ answered Aragorn. us.’
2.09.079 {p} Boromir held out companionship.’
2.09.080 {ps} The day was Rapids.
2.09.081 {p} ‘Boats of the multiply.’
2.09.082 {p} ‘Seldom in my path.’
2.09.083 {p} ‘Peril lies ahead can.’
2.09.084 {p} It was with again.
2.09.085 {p} ‘All is well,’ here.’
2.09.086 {p} ‘That would not Boromir.
2.09.087 {p} ‘Yet such as Aragorn.
2.09.088 {p} ‘Aye, we will,’ Boromir!’
2.09.089 {ps} The task proved inland.
2.09.090 {p} One by one landing.
2.09.091 {p} There the portage-way, foot.
2.09.092 {p} Already the short day.
2.09.093 {p} ‘Well, here we dwarf.’
2.09.094 {p} Gimli made no sat.
2.09.095 {p} ‘Let us rest guard.’
2.09.096 {ps} Nothing happened that curtains.
2.09.097 {p} The rain, however, seen.
2.09.098 {p} Frodo peering forward it.
2.09.099 {p} ‘Behold the Argonath, stream!’
2.09.100 {p} As Frodo was Gates.
2.09.101 {p} Sheer rose the river!’
2.09.102 {p} ‘Fear not!’ said land.
2.09.103 {p} ‘Fear not!’ he dread!’
2.09.104 {p} Then the light go?’
2.09.105 {p} The chasm was light.
2.09.106 {ps} The sun, already away.
2.09.107 {p} ‘Behold Tol Brandir!’ calling.’
2.09.108 {p} The Company rested hills.
2.09.109 {p} The tenth day them.