LR 2.10 The Breaking of the Fellowship

2.10.000 {h} The Breaking of the Fellowship
2.10.001 {p} Aragorn led them grass.
2.10.002 {p} ‘Here we will here.’
2.10.003 {p} They drew up watch.
2.10.004 {p} ‘Why are you watch.’
2.10.005 {p} ‘I do not sword.’
2.10.006 {p} ‘Why?’ said Frodo. hand?’
2.10.007 {p} ‘Let us see Aragorn.
2.10.008 {p} Frodo then drew seems.’
2.10.009 {p} ‘I feared as tomorrow.’
2.10.010 {ps} The day came seen.
2.10.011 {p} When they had water.’
2.10.012 {p} There was a moved.
2.10.013 {p} ‘Well, Frodo,’ said fate.’
2.10.014 {p} Frodo did not alone!’
2.10.015 {p} Aragorn looked at call.’
2.10.016 {p} Frodo sat for now.’
2.10.017 {p} Presently Frodo got Hen.
2.10.018 {ps} Wandering aimlessly at boom.
2.10.019 {p} He sat down choice.
2.10.020 {p} Suddenly he awoke kind.
2.10.021 {p} ‘I was afraid wisdom.’
2.10.022 {p} ‘You are kind,’ afraid.’
2.10.023 {p} Boromir stood silent. shivered.
2.10.024 {p} Suddenly Boromir came mine?’
2.10.025 {p} ‘I think I heart.’
2.10.026 {p} ‘Warning? Warning against sharply.
2.10.027 {p} ‘Against delay. Against Men.’
2.10.028 {p} ‘Yet that strength not.’
2.10.029 {p} ‘I do not then?’
2.10.030 {p} ‘We shall fall fail.’
2.10.031 {p} ‘No hope while Frodo.
2.10.032 {p} ‘Ah! The Ring!’ again?’
2.10.033 {p} Frodo looked up. answered.
2.10.034 {p} ‘As you wish. us?’
2.10.035 {p} ‘Were you not evil.’
2.10.036 {p} Boromir got up banner!’
2.10.037 {p} Boromir strode up arms.
2.10.038 {p} ‘And they tell Folly!
2.10.039 {p} ‘Surely you see revolts?’
2.10.040 {p} ‘No, I am now.’
2.10.041 {p} ‘Then you will eager.
2.10.042 {p} ‘You misunderstand me,’ Frodo.
2.10.043 {p} ‘But you will strength.
2.10.044 {p} ‘Why are you Ring!’
2.10.045 {p} ‘No! no!’ cried it.’
2.10.046 {p} ‘It is by me!’
2.10.047 {p} Frodo did not eyes.
2.10.048 {p} Frodo dodged aside trees.
2.10.049 {p} ‘Miserable trickster!’ he wept.
2.10.050 {p} He rose and back!’
2.10.051 {ps} There was no eyes.
2.10.052 {p} Soon he came mountain-kings.
2.10.053 {p} At first he lines.
2.10.054 {p} But everywhere he Lórien.
2.10.055 {p} Horsemen were galloping him.
2.10.056 {p} And suddenly he hood.
2.10.057 {p} He heard himself Ring!
2.10.058 {p} The two powers tree.
2.10.059 {p} Frodo rose to once.’
2.10.060 {p} He went quickly below.
2.10.061 {p} ‘They’ll be hunting do?’
2.10.062 {p} Slowly he drew wind.
2.10.063 {ps} The others remained hesitating?
2.10.064 {p} ‘He is debating Burden.
2.10.065 {p} ‘We may remain most.’
2.10.066 {p} ‘Grievous is our Tirith.’
2.10.067 {p} ‘And so should him.’
2.10.068 {p} ‘And I too farewell.’
2.10.069 {p} ‘It would indeed us.’
2.10.070 {p} ‘That won’t do him?’
2.10.071 {p} ‘We must stop him.’
2.10.072 {p} ‘Begging your pardon,’ there.
2.10.073 {p} ‘Now where’s he Baggins.’
2.10.074 {p} ‘I believe you right?’
2.10.075 {p} ‘Stop him! Don’t Pippin.
2.10.076 {p} ‘I wonder?’ said stronger.’
2.10.077 {p} ‘Well, I wish up?’
2.10.078 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Aragorn. him.’
2.10.079 {ps} At that moment ground.
2.10.080 {p} ‘Where have you Frodo?’
2.10.081 {p} Boromir hesitated for you.’
2.10.082 {p} ‘Is that all Boromir.
2.10.083 {p} ‘Yes,’ he answered. yet.’
2.10.084 {p} ‘This is bad!’ happened!’
2.10.085 {p} ‘But he wouldn’t to.’
2.10.086 {p} ‘But where did now.’
2.10.087 {p} ‘How long is Aragorn.
2.10.088 {p} ‘Half an hour, grief.
2.10.089 {p} ‘An hour since on!’
2.10.090 {p} ‘Wait a moment!’ Wait!’
2.10.091 {p} It was no Company.
2.10.092 {p} ‘We shall all soon.’
2.10.093 {ps} Aragorn sprang swiftly Frodo!
2.10.094 {p} ‘Come with me, path.
2.10.095 {p} Sam did his head.
2.10.096 {p} ‘Whoa, Sam Gamgee!’ hard.’
2.10.097 {p} Sam passed his lightning!’
2.10.098 {p} Sam turned and water.
2.10.099 {p} ‘Coming, Mr. Frodo! head.
2.10.100 {p} An exclamation of eyes.
2.10.101 {p} ‘Up you come, hand!’
2.10.102 {p} ‘Save me, Mr. hand.’
2.10.103 {p} ‘Here it is. paddle!’
2.10.104 {p} With a few again.
2.10.105 {p} ‘Of all the said.
2.10.106 {p} ‘Oh, Mr. Frodo, now?’
2.10.107 {p} ‘Safely on my way.’
2.10.108 {p} ‘Safely!’ said Sam. me.’
2.10.109 {p} ‘It would be that.’
2.10.110 {p} ‘Not as certain Sam.
2.10.111 {p} ‘But I am Mordor.’
2.10.112 {p} ‘I know that you.’
2.10.113 {p} ‘Now, Sam,’ said way.’
2.10.114 {p} ‘Of course it first.’
2.10.115 {p} Frodo actually laughed. anything.’
2.10.116 {p} ‘Just hold on back.
2.10.117 {p} ‘So all my again.’
2.10.118 {p} ‘Yet we may, Sam.
2.10.119 {ps} So Frodo and shore.
2.10.120 {p} At length they Shadow.