LR 3.01 The Departure of Boromir

3.01.000 {h} The Departure of Boromir
3.01.001 {p} Aragorn sped on seeking.
3.01.002 {p} ‘I read the again.’
3.01.003 {p} Aragorn hesitated. He earth.
3.01.004 {p} Even as he falls.
3.01.005 {p} ‘The horn of Sam?’
3.01.006 {p} As he ran trees.
3.01.007 {ps} A mile, maybe, feet.
3.01.008 {p} Aragorn knelt beside again.
3.01.009 {p} ‘Farewell, Aragorn! Go failed.’
3.01.010 {p} ‘No!’ said Aragorn, fall!’
3.01.011 {p} Boromir smiled.
3.01.012 {p} ‘Which way did Aragorn.
3.01.013 {p} But Boromir did again.
3.01.014 {p} ‘Alas!’ said Aragorn. disaster?’
3.01.015 {p} He knelt for happened.
3.01.016 {p} ‘Alas!’ said Legolas, hurt.’
3.01.017 {p} ‘Boromir is dead,’ hill.’
3.01.018 {p} ‘The hobbits!’ cried Frodo?’
3.01.019 {p} ‘I do not now?’
3.01.020 {p} ‘First we must Orcs.’
3.01.021 {p} ‘But we must prisoners.’
3.01.022 {p} ‘But we do us!’
3.01.023 {p} ‘Then let us build.’
3.01.024 {p} ‘The labour would Gimli.
3.01.025 {p} ‘Then let us bones.’
3.01.026 {ps} Quickly they searched heap.
3.01.027 {p} ‘See!’ cried Aragorn. back.’
3.01.028 {p} ‘And I,’ said closely.
3.01.029 {p} And Aragorn looked all!’
3.01.030 {p} There were four metal.
3.01.031 {p} ‘I have not mean?’
3.01.032 {p} ‘S is for read.’
3.01.033 {p} ‘Nay!’ said Legolas. elf-runes.’
3.01.034 {p} ‘Neither does he birds?’
3.01.035 {p} ‘Well, we have away!’
3.01.036 {p} ‘But after that Aragorn.
3.01.037 {p} ‘Maybe there is Gimli.
3.01.038 {ps} Taking his axe strong.
3.01.039 {p} At the water-side shore.
3.01.040 {p} ‘There is a other.’
3.01.041 {p} ‘Have Orcs been Aragorn.
3.01.042 {p} ‘We saw no well.’
3.01.043 {p} ‘I will look Aragorn.
3.01.044 {ps} Now they laid air.
3.01.045 {p} Sorrowfully they cast stars.
3.01.046 {ps} For a while sing:
3.01.047 {lg} Through Rohan over are.’
3.01.048 {p} Then Legolas sang:
3.01.049 {lg} From the mouths mouth.’
3.01.050 {p} Then Aragorn sang again:
3.01.051 {lg} From the Gate days.’
3.01.052 {p} So they ended. Galen.
3.01.053 {p} ‘You left the it.’
3.01.054 {p} ‘That is as own.’
3.01.055 {p} He surveyed the ago.’
3.01.056 {p} ‘How then do Gimli.
3.01.057 {p} Aragorn did not behind!’
3.01.058 {p} ‘But why should deed!’
3.01.059 {p} ‘And a brave doubt.’
3.01.060 {p} ‘Maybe hunting Orcs Legolas.
3.01.061 {p} ‘He fled, certainly,’ secret.
3.01.062 {p} ‘Well, so much pack.’
3.01.063 {p} ‘Our choice then,’ hours.’
3.01.064 {p} ‘Let me think!’ dark!’
3.01.065 {ps} They drew up find.
3.01.066 {p} ‘No other folk way.’
3.01.067 {p} ‘But they go lands.’
3.01.068 {p} ‘Well, after them!’ start.’
3.01.069 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Aragorn, Hunters!’
3.01.070 {p} Like a deer land.