LR 3.02 The Riders of Rohan

3.02.000 {h} The Riders of Rohan
3.02.001 {p} Dusk deepened. Mist side.
3.02.002 {p} There in the vanished.
3.02.003 {p} ‘Which way would Entwash?’
3.02.004 {p} ‘They will not northwards!’
3.02.005 {ps} The dale ran him.
3.02.006 {p} ‘We have already blood.
3.02.007 {p} ‘Here is another wait.’
3.02.008 {p} ‘Yet however you hills?’
3.02.009 {p} ‘No,’ said Aragorn. not.’
3.02.010 {p} ‘What do you Gimli.
3.02.011 {p} ‘I think that road.’
3.02.012 {p} ‘Or about the here.’
3.02.013 {ps} Aragorn searched the sides.
3.02.014 {p} ‘At last!’ said debate.’
3.02.015 {p} Swiftly now the dawn.
3.02.016 {p} Turning back they morning.
3.02.017 {p} ‘Gondor! Gondor!’ cried streams.
3.02.018 {lg} Gondor! Gondor, between Sea?
3.02.019 {p} Now let us tread.
3.02.020 {ps} The ridge upon sight.
3.02.021 {p} ‘Look!’ cried Legolas, Look!’
3.02.022 {p} ‘No, not even plain!’
3.02.023 {p} ‘Many things,’ said measure.’
3.02.024 {p} ‘I think, nonetheless, be.’
3.02.025 {p} ‘I doubt if Aragorn.
3.02.026 {p} They followed their plain.
3.02.027 {p} At the bottom places.
3.02.028 {p} ‘Ah! the green run!’
3.02.029 {p} ‘Light feet may lead!’
3.02.030 {ps} They went in aside.
3.02.031 {p} ‘Stay!’ he shouted. back.
3.02.032 {p} ‘Yes,’ he said, plain.
3.02.033 {p} ‘The brooch of together.
3.02.034 {p} ‘Not idly do purpose.’
3.02.035 {p} ‘Then he at vain.’
3.02.036 {p} ‘Let us hope heart.’
3.02.037 {ps} The sun climbed plains.
3.02.038 {p} As nightshade was dawn.
3.02.039 {p} ‘We have come hold?’
3.02.040 {p} ‘Unless our enemies Legolas.
3.02.041 {p} ‘Surely even Orcs Gimli.
3.02.042 {p} ‘Seldom will Orcs night.’
3.02.043 {p} ‘But if we Gimli.
3.02.044 {p} ‘The trail is Legolas.
3.02.045 {p} ‘Maybe, I could again.’
3.02.046 {p} ‘And there is it.’
3.02.047 {p} ‘That is true,’ out.’
3.02.048 {p} ‘Yet it would brooch.’
3.02.049 {p} ‘The Orcs will them.’
3.02.050 {p} ‘And yet even so.’
3.02.051 {p} ‘I said that debate?’
3.02.052 {p} ‘You are our choose.’
3.02.053 {p} ‘My heart bids counsel.’
3.02.054 {p} ‘You give the while.
3.02.055 {p} ‘We will not pale.’
3.02.056 {p} ‘And tonight he Frodo!’
3.02.057 {p} ‘It will be may!’
3.02.058 {ps} He cast himself night.
3.02.059 {p} ‘They are far now.’
3.02.060 {p} ‘Nonetheless we will cold.’
3.02.061 {p} ‘But it is up.’
3.02.062 {p} ‘I fear they Legolas.
3.02.063 {p} ‘Where sight fails troubled.
3.02.064 {p} ‘The rumour of land!’
3.02.065 {p} ‘Let us go!’ Legolas.
3.02.066 {ps} So the third ran.
3.02.067 {p} All day the peace.
3.02.068 {ps} At dusk they veiled.
3.02.069 {p} ‘Now do I trees.’
3.02.070 {p} Gimli ground his said.
3.02.071 {p} ‘To hope, maybe, limb.’
3.02.072 {p} ‘Truly!’ said Legolas. moon.
3.02.073 {p} ‘Saruman!’ muttered Aragorn. returns.’
3.02.074 {ps} As before Legolas Awake!’
3.02.075 {p} The others sprang closely.
3.02.076 {p} ‘They rested here Fangorn.’
3.02.077 {p} ‘I can see hills?’
3.02.078 {p} ‘It is still be.’
3.02.079 {p} ‘Well, let us heavy.’
3.02.080 {ps} The sun was world.
3.02.081 {p} ‘Let us go feet.
3.02.082 {p} ‘Nothing can we cold!’
3.02.083 {p} ‘The wind is Aragorn.
3.02.084 {p} ‘And ere morning Sun.’
3.02.085 {p} ‘Three suns already Gimli.
3.02.086 {ps} The night grew light.
3.02.087 {p} Ahead and eastward it.
3.02.088 {p} Following with his threads.
3.02.089 {p} There was a grass.
3.02.090 {p} ‘Riders!’ cried Aragorn, us!’
3.02.091 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Legolas, tall.’
3.02.092 {p} Aragorn smiled. ‘Keen said.
3.02.093 {p} ‘Nay! The riders Legolas.
3.02.094 {p} ‘Five leagues or way?’
3.02.095 {p} ‘We will wait,’ them.’
3.02.096 {p} ‘Or spears,’ said Gimli.
3.02.097 {p} ‘There are three Legolas.
3.02.098 {p} ‘I did not here.’
3.02.099 {p} The three companions uneasy.
3.02.100 {p} ‘What do you death?’
3.02.101 {p} ‘I have been Orcs.’
3.02.102 {p} ‘But Gandalf spoke Gimli.
3.02.103 {p} ‘I believe it Aragorn.
3.02.104 {p} ‘You will soon approach.’
3.02.105 {ps} At length even wind.
3.02.106 {p} Now the cries upon.
3.02.107 {p} Their horses were knees.
3.02.108 {p} In pairs they voice:
3.02.109 {p} ‘What news from Rohan?’
3.02.110 {ps} With astonishing speed turn.
3.02.111 {p} Without a word stir.
3.02.112 {p} ‘Who are you, Gondor.
3.02.113 {p} ‘I am called Orcs.’
3.02.114 {p} The Rider leaped again.
3.02.115 {p} ‘At first I folk?’
3.02.116 {p} ‘No,’ said Aragorn. us.’
3.02.117 {p} The Rider looked demanded.
3.02.118 {p} Gimli rose and said.
3.02.119 {p} ‘As for that,’ Riddermark.’
3.02.120 {p} ‘Then Éomer son you.’
3.02.121 {p} Éomer’s eyes blazed, Éomer.
3.02.122 {p} ‘He stands not fell.’
3.02.123 {p} Éomer raised his strike?’
3.02.124 {p} ‘I will,’ said name.’
3.02.125 {p} ‘First tell me Mordor?’
3.02.126 {p} ‘I serve only land?’
3.02.127 {p} ‘I serve no weaponless.’
3.02.128 {p} Aragorn threw back swiftly!’
3.02.129 {p} Gimli and Legolas crown.
3.02.130 {p} Éomer stepped back grass.
3.02.131 {p} ‘Tell me, lord,’ North?’
3.02.132 {p} ‘The doom of us?’
3.02.133 {p} ‘That you need destroyed.’
3.02.134 {p} ‘And our friends?’
3.02.135 {p} ‘We found none Orcs.’
3.02.136 {p} ‘But that is grey.’
3.02.137 {p} ‘There were no still.’
3.02.138 {p} ‘We do not hobbits.’
3.02.139 {p} ‘Hobbits?’ said Éomer. name.’
3.02.140 {p} ‘A strange name Halflings.’
3.02.141 {p} ‘Halflings!’ laughed the daylight?’
3.02.142 {p} ‘A man may day!’
3.02.143 {p} ‘Time is pressing,’ king.’
3.02.144 {p} ‘Peace, Éothain!’ said Entwade.’
3.02.145 {ps} Muttering Éothain retired, companions.
3.02.146 {p} ‘All that you do?’
3.02.147 {p} ‘I set out leader.’
3.02.148 {p} ‘Gandalf!’ Éomer exclaimed. say.
3.02.149 {p} ‘Indeed since his him.’
3.02.150 {p} ‘Then Shadowfax has again.’
3.02.151 {p} ‘That is heavy king.’
3.02.152 {p} ‘It is tidings destroyed.’
3.02.153 {p} ‘Your news is fall?’
3.02.154 {p} ‘It is now Brandir.’
3.02.155 {p} ‘On foot?’ cried Éomer.
3.02.156 {p} ‘Yes, even as us.’
3.02.157 {p} Wide wonder came Elendil!
3.02.158 {p} ‘But now, lord, scouts.’
3.02.159 {p} ‘Then you do Gimli.
3.02.160 {p} ‘We do not bitter.
3.02.161 {p} ‘But at this west.
3.02.162 {p} ‘It is ill need?’
3.02.163 {p} ‘I will come Aragorn.
3.02.164 {p} ‘Come now!’ said us.
3.02.165 {p} ‘Indeed in this others.
3.02.166 {p} ‘Nonetheless we put better.’
3.02.167 {p} ‘I thank you remains.’
3.02.168 {p} ‘Hope does not North-borders.’
3.02.169 {p} ‘Yet my friends me.’
3.02.170 {p} ‘Then what do them?’
3.02.171 {p} ‘I do not way?’
3.02.172 {p} ‘I would swear power.’
3.02.173 {p} ‘Our friends were day.’
3.02.174 {p} ‘I had forgotten times?’
3.02.175 {p} ‘As he ever house.’
3.02.176 {p} ‘True indeed,’ said three.’
3.02.177 {p} ‘I do not king.’
3.02.178 {p} Éomer was silent fail.’
3.02.179 {p} ‘I will not,’ Aragorn.
3.02.180 {ps} There was great openly.
3.02.181 {p} ‘It may be Dwarf?’
3.02.182 {p} ‘No one,’ said begrudged.’
3.02.183 {p} ‘But you must Aragorn.
3.02.184 {p} ‘Come, you shall one.’
3.02.185 {p} A great dark-grey master!’
3.02.186 {p} A smaller and boat.
3.02.187 {p} ‘Farewell, and may together!’
3.02.188 {p} ‘I will come,’ Aragorn.
3.02.189 {p} ‘And I will speech.’
3.02.190 {p} ‘We shall see,’ Farewell!’
3.02.191 {ps} With that they Wold.
3.02.192 {p} Aragorn dismounted and foot.
3.02.193 {p} ‘There is little overtaken.’
3.02.194 {ps} As they rode throat.
3.02.195 {p} At last as spears.
3.02.196 {p} Aragorn and his Pippin.
3.02.197 {p} ‘We can do coming.’
3.02.198 {p} ‘But Gandalf was Legolas.
3.02.199 {p} ‘But Gandalf chose him.’
3.02.200 {p} ‘The counsel of morning-light.’
3.02.201 {ps} A little way night-breeze.
3.02.202 {p} Gimli shivered. They candle!’
3.02.203 {p} ‘If those unhappy Legolas.
3.02.204 {p} ‘And it might said.’
3.02.205 {p} ‘But the Rohirrim ended.’
3.02.206 {p} ‘They were many,’ wood!’
3.02.207 {p} ‘There is no distance.
3.02.208 {p} When the Dwarf them.
3.02.209 {p} ‘Look!’ he said. fire!’
3.02.210 {p} It may have warmth.
3.02.211 {p} There was a again.
3.02.212 {p} ‘Celeborn warned us heard?’
3.02.213 {p} ‘I have heard answer?’
3.02.214 {p} ‘You have journeyed it.’
3.02.215 {p} ‘Yes, it is know.’
3.02.216 {p} ‘And I do account!’
3.02.217 {p} They now drew need!’
3.02.218 {p} With that he sound.
3.02.219 {p} Suddenly Gimli looked sign.
3.02.220 {p} ‘Well, father, what dark.
3.02.221 {p} Suddenly Legolas gave horses!’
3.02.222 {p} The horses were wind.
3.02.223 {ps} ‘Well, they are still.’
3.02.224 {p} ‘Feet!’ said Gimli. it.
3.02.225 {p} ‘Only a few yet.’
3.02.226 {p} ‘It seems unlikely Gimli.
3.02.227 {p} ‘If you wish words!’
3.02.228 {p} ‘I mark them,’ sleep.’
3.02.229 {p} The night passed return.