LR 3.03 The Uruk-hai

3.03.000 {h} The Uruk-hai
3.03.001 {p} Pippin lay in Merry?
3.03.002 {p} He woke. Cold Orcs.
3.03.003 {p} Slowly in Pippin’s Merry!
3.03.004 {p} Then Boromir had suddenly.
3.03.005 {p} ‘I suppose I going?’
3.03.006 {p} He could not free!’
3.03.007 {ps} He struggled a home.’
3.03.008 {p} ‘If I had snarling.
3.03.009 {p} Terrified Pippin lay hotter.
3.03.010 {p} To Pippin’s surprise prisoners.
3.03.011 {p} ‘There’s no time trip.’
3.03.012 {p} ‘That can’t be on.’
3.03.013 {p} ‘Orders,’ said a orders.’
3.03.014 {p} ‘What are they sport?’
3.03.015 {p} ‘No! I heard questioned.’
3.03.016 {p} ‘Is that all ourselves.’
3.03.017 {p} ‘That is a orders.’
3.03.018 {p} ‘And mine too,’ orders.’
3.03.019 {p} ‘Not our orders!’ north.’
3.03.020 {p} ‘Then you can road.’
3.03.021 {p} ‘Is Saruman the Lugbúrz.’
3.03.022 {p} ‘If we could bridges.’
3.03.023 {p} ‘I came across,’ east-bank.’
3.03.024 {p} ‘Maybe, maybe! Then brigands.’
3.03.025 {p} ‘Aye, we must spoken.’
3.03.026 {p} ‘You have spoken him.
3.03.027 {p} ‘Swine is it? warrant.’
3.03.028 {p} Many loud yells Uglúk.
3.03.029 {p} Uglúk shouted, and knife.
3.03.030 {p} ‘Put up your clear?’
3.03.031 {p} ‘Now,’ thought Pippin, skin.
3.03.032 {p} The Orcs were still.
3.03.033 {ps} ‘Pick up those too.’
3.03.034 {p} An Orc seized dreams.
3.03.035 {p} Suddenly he was nearby.
3.03.036 {p} ‘The scouts have hand.
3.03.037 {p} ‘Well, what did Uglúk.
3.03.038 {p} ‘Only a single now.’
3.03.039 {p} ‘Now, I daresay. quick.’
3.03.040 {p} A shadow bent Master.’
3.03.041 {p} He cut the stand.
3.03.042 {p} ‘Now for the wildly.
3.03.043 {p} The Orcs clapped later.’
3.03.044 {p} But at the days.
3.03.045 {p} ‘Hullo, Pippin!’ he breakfast?’
3.03.046 {p} ‘Now then!’ said stomach.’
3.03.047 {ps} The orc-band began rose.
3.03.048 {p} ‘Now straight on!’ Lugdush.’
3.03.049 {p} ‘But what are Northerners.
3.03.050 {p} ‘Go on running,’ picnic?’
3.03.051 {p} ‘But we can’t sunlight.’
3.03.052 {p} ‘You’ll run with lasts!’
3.03.053 {p} Then the whole wide-awake.
3.03.054 {p} Every now and them.
3.03.055 {p} They had gone up.
3.03.056 {p} ‘Ai! Steady now!’ rear.
3.03.057 {p} A sudden thought grass.
3.03.058 {p} ‘Halt!’ yelled Uglúk.
3.03.059 {p} There was for him.
3.03.060 {p} ‘No hope of Frodo.’
3.03.061 {p} A whip-thong curled cry.
3.03.062 {p} ‘Enough!’ shouted Uglúk reminder.’
3.03.063 {p} ‘But that’s not it!’
3.03.064 {ps} Neither Pippin nor distance.
3.03.065 {p} The warmth of tell.
3.03.066 {p} Dimly he became grass.
3.03.067 {p} There he lay creature.
3.03.068 {p} He sat up them.
3.03.069 {p} There was much eastward.
3.03.070 {p} ‘Very well,’ said others.’
3.03.071 {p} There was some them.
3.03.072 {p} ‘Now we’ll deal southwards.
3.03.073 {p} ‘I know,’ growled better.’
3.03.074 {p} At that moment them.
3.03.075 {p} ‘So you’ve come eh?’
3.03.076 {p} ‘I’ve returned to Grishnákh.
3.03.077 {p} ‘Indeed!’ said Uglúk. behind?’
3.03.078 {p} ‘I left a them.’
3.03.079 {p} ‘Splendid!’ laughed Uglúk. out.’
3.03.080 {p} ‘Nazgûl, Nazgûl,’ said purposes.’
3.03.081 {p} ‘You seem to heels.’
3.03.082 {ps} The Isengarders seized nearer.
3.03.083 {p} Pippin was bruised time.
3.03.084 {p} In the afternoon out.
3.03.085 {p} ‘Maggots!’ jeered the coming!’
3.03.086 {p} A cry from quicksand.
3.03.087 {p} The Isengarders began effort.
3.03.088 {ps} ‘They will make river.
3.03.089 {p} He wondered very went.
3.03.090 {p} ‘But how will them.
3.03.091 {p} A few of again.
3.03.092 {ps} Night came down returned.
3.03.093 {p} ‘Well, here we again.’
3.03.094 {p} ‘Put those Halflings legs!’
3.03.095 {p} The last part while.
3.03.096 {p} ‘I don’t think free.’
3.03.097 {p} ‘Lembas!’ whispered Pippin. swords.’
3.03.098 {p} ‘Yes, I had pocket!’
3.03.099 {p} ‘You won’t have watchful.
3.03.100 {ps} The night was patrol.
3.03.101 {p} ‘They’ll wait for know?’
3.03.102 {p} ‘I daresay you flat.
3.03.103 {p} ‘There’s only one now.’
3.03.104 {p} Uglúk’s words were stampede.
3.03.105 {p} Pippin and Merry back.
3.03.106 {p} ‘Well, my little eyes.
3.03.107 {p} The thought came desire.
3.03.108 {p} ‘I don’t think find.’
3.03.109 {p} ‘Find it?’ said one?’
3.03.110 {p} For a moment added.
3.03.111 {p} The hobbits felt ones.’
3.03.112 {p} ‘Perhaps,’ said Merry, it?’
3.03.113 {p} ‘Do I want mean?’
3.03.114 {p} ‘We mean,’ said nothing.’
3.03.115 {p} ‘My dear tender faults.’
3.03.116 {p} ‘I find it deal.’
3.03.117 {p} Grishnákh began to snarled.
3.03.118 {p} ‘Gollum, gollum!’ said Pippin.
3.03.119 {p} ‘Untie our legs!’ Merry.
3.03.120 {p} They felt the myself!’
3.03.121 {p} Suddenly he seized fire.
3.03.122 {p} After going a out.
3.03.123 {p} Grishnákh flung himself still.
3.03.124 {p} The hobbits remained move.
3.03.125 {ps} At last Merry spitted?’
3.03.126 {p} The answer came escape.
3.03.127 {p} ‘Now,’ said Merry, them.’
3.03.128 {p} ‘No need to first.’
3.03.129 {p} He slipped the present.
3.03.130 {p} ‘We must be bonds.
3.03.131 {p} ‘Now for it!’ crawling.’
3.03.132 {p} They crawled. The back.
3.03.133 {p} The sounds had pale.
3.03.134 {p} ‘We must get Merry?’
3.03.135 {p} Merry got up. it!’
3.03.136 {p} ‘Not here, the now!’
3.03.137 {p} They turned and again.
3.03.138 {p} ‘You seem to good.
3.03.139 {p} ‘I shall have Forest.’
3.03.140 {p} Even as he Dawn.
3.03.141 {p} ‘Lead on, Master that.’
3.03.142 {p} ‘I have not,’ battle.’
3.03.143 {ps} He led the Dawn.
3.03.144 {p} Far over the again.
3.03.145 {p} Merry and Pippin way.
3.03.146 {p} ‘We have watched wood.
3.03.147 {p} So it was fly.
3.03.148 {p} Then when they eyes.