LR 3.04 Treebeard

3.04.000 {h} Treebeard
3.04.001 {p} Meanwhile the hobbits breathing.
3.04.002 {p} At last Merry air.’
3.04.003 {p} ‘Let’s have a direction.
3.04.004 {p} ‘I suppose you came.’
3.04.005 {p} ‘We could, if properly.’
3.04.006 {p} ‘Yes, it is spring-cleaning.’
3.04.007 {p} ‘But the Sun long.’
3.04.008 {p} ‘No, nor hobbits,’ supplies?’
3.04.009 {p} ‘Low,’ said Merry. go.’
3.04.010 {p} ‘Well, we’d better on.’
3.04.011 {p} Just then they forest-roof.
3.04.012 {p} ‘Hullo!’ said Merry. investigate!’
3.04.013 {ps} They found it them.
3.04.014 {p} In the face morning-light.
3.04.015 {p} ‘Up we go!’ land!’
3.04.016 {ps} They climbed and them.
3.04.017 {p} ‘The wind’s changing,’ here.’
3.04.018 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Pippin; place.’
3.04.019 {ps} ‘Almost felt you up.
3.04.020 {p} They found that them.
3.04.021 {p} ‘One felt as years.’
3.04.022 {p} ‘Hrum, Hoom,’ murmured odd!’
3.04.023 {p} Pippin, though still you?’
3.04.024 {p} A queer look do.’
3.04.025 {p} ‘An Ent?’ said name?’
3.04.026 {p} ‘Hoo now!’ replied go?
3.04.027 {lg} Learn now the horses:
3.04.028 {p} Hm, hm, hm.
3.04.029 {lg} Beaver the builder, fearful
3.04.030 {p} hm, hm.
3.04.031 {lg} Eagle in eyrie, coldest
3.04.032 {p} Hoom, hm; hoom, anywhere!’
3.04.033 {p} ‘We always seem hobbits.’
3.04.034 {p} ‘Why not make Pippin.
3.04.035 {qt} ‘Half-grown hobbits, the hole-dwellers.
3.04.036 {p} Put us in it.’
3.04.037 {p} ‘Hm! Not bad, it.’
3.04.038 {p} ‘Nobody else calls Pippin.
3.04.039 {p} ‘Hoom, hmm! Come careful.’
3.04.040 {p} ‘We aren’t careful Merry.’
3.04.041 {p} ‘And I’m a Pip.’
3.04.042 {p} ‘Hm, but you to.
3.04.043 {p} ‘But now,’ and now.’
3.04.044 {p} ‘There is quite Gandalf?’
3.04.045 {p} ‘Yes, I do him?’
3.04.046 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Pippin guide.’
3.04.047 {p} ‘Then I can end.’
3.04.048 {p} ‘Yes, we do,’ it.’
3.04.049 {p} ‘Hoo, come now!’ now!’
3.04.050 {p} ‘If you would up.’
3.04.051 {p} ‘Hm, tired? No, it?’
3.04.052 {p} ‘Hill?’ suggested Pippin. Merry.
3.04.053 {p} Treebeard repeated the go.’
3.04.054 {p} ‘Where shall we Merry.
3.04.055 {p} ‘To my home, Treebeard.
3.04.056 {p} ‘Is it far?’
3.04.057 {p} ‘I do not matter?’
3.04.058 {p} ‘Well, you see, food.’
3.04.059 {p} ‘O! Hm! You go!’
3.04.060 {ps} Holding the hobbits Forest.
3.04.061 {p} At once he sounds.
3.04.062 {p} The hobbits were again.
3.04.063 {p} ‘Please, Treebeard,’ he it.’
3.04.064 {p} ‘Hmm, did he land.
3.04.065 {p} ‘And so is Still:
3.04.066 {qt} Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna Tumbaletaurëa Lómëanor
3.04.066-fn {fn} See Appendix F Ents.
3.04.067 {p} that is what places.’
3.04.068 {p} ‘What do you true?’
3.04.069 {p} ‘The trees and time.
3.04.070 {p} ‘When that happens patches.’
3.04.071 {p} ‘Like the Old Merry.
3.04.072 {p} ‘Aye, aye, something weed.
3.04.073 {p} ‘We are tree-herds, longer.
3.04.074 {p} ‘Some of my End.
3.04.075 {p} ‘Those were the breathing.’
3.04.076 {p} Treebeard fell silent, them:
3.04.077 {lg} In the willow-meads Tauremornalómë.
3.04.078 {p} He ended, and sound.
3.04.079 {ps} The day waned, cloud.
3.04.080 {p} Treebeard strode up inwards.
3.04.081 {p} At the far forest.
3.04.082 {ps} ‘Hm! Here we feet.
3.04.083 {p} For a moment stone.
3.04.084 {p} ‘Well, well, now ones.
3.04.085 {p} ‘This is an sips.
3.04.086 {p} The drink was stop.
3.04.087 {p} At last he sleep.’
3.04.088 {ps} On the right grass.
3.04.089 {p} ‘Now tell me Treebeard.
3.04.090 {p} The hobbits began reasons.
3.04.091 {p} He was immensely say.’
3.04.092 {p} ‘Entwives?’ said Pippin. all?’
3.04.093 {p} ‘Yes, hm, well wondered.’
3.04.094 {p} Treebeard was however master.
3.04.095 {p} ‘Hm, hoom!’ said it!’
3.04.096 {p} ‘And what about Merry.
3.04.097 {p} ‘Hoom, hm, I masters.
3.04.098 {p} ‘I used to crack.
3.04.099 {p} ‘But Saruman now! Saruman.’
3.04.100 {p} ‘Who is Saruman?’ history?’
3.04.101 {p} ‘Saruman is a inside.
3.04.102 {p} ‘I think that evil!’
3.04.103 {p} Treebeard rumbled for days.
3.04.104 {p} ‘Curse him, root stop!’
3.04.105 {p} Treebeard raised himself besom.
3.04.106 {p} ‘I will stop Isengard!’
3.04.107 {p} ‘We will come can.’
3.04.108 {p} ‘Yes!’ said Pippin. Rohan.’
3.04.109 {p} ‘Good! Good!’ said it.’
3.04.110 {p} He strode to silent.
3.04.111 {ps} After some time us!’
3.04.112 {p} ‘Why are there died?’
3.04.113 {p} ‘Oh, no!’ said Entwives.’
3.04.114 {p} ‘How very sad!’ died?’
3.04.115 {p} ‘They did not forgotten.’
3.04.116 {p} ‘Well, I am songs?’
3.04.117 {p} ‘Yes, I will begin.’
3.04.118 {ps} ‘It is rather now.
3.04.119 {p} ‘I remember it woods.
3.04.120 {p} ‘There was an tongue:
3.04.121 {sp} ENT. When Spring fair!
3.04.122 {sp} ENTWIFE. When Spring fair.
3.04.123 {sp} ENT. When Summer best!
3.04.124 {sp} ENTWIFE. When Summer best!
3.04.125 {sp} ENT. When Winter again!
3.04.126 {sp} ENTWIFE. When Winter rain!
3.04.127 {sp} BOTH. Together we rest.’
3.04.128 {p} Treebeard ended his stand?’
3.04.129 {p} ‘We usually lie are.’
3.04.130 {p} ‘Lie down to night!’
3.04.131 {p} Merry and Pippin asleep.
3.04.132 {ps} They woke to trees.
3.04.133 {p} ‘Hoo, ho! Good Entmoot.’
3.04.134 {p} He poured them sky.
3.04.135 {p} ‘Where is Entmoot?’ ask.
3.04.136 {p} ‘Hoo, eh? Entmoot?’ noon.’
3.04.137 {p} Before long they side.
3.04.138 {ps} They had been answer.
3.04.139 {p} Treebeard now perched buds.
3.04.140 {p} Turning to the east.
3.04.141 {p} Several Ents had in.
3.04.142 {p} At first Merry flicker.
3.04.143 {p} As soon as yawned.
3.04.144 {p} Treebeard was immediately going.’
3.04.145 {p} He put the Rohan.
3.04.146 {ps} ‘I wonder where Pippin.
3.04.147 {p} ‘I don’t know think?’
3.04.148 {p} ‘What is Isengard anyway.’
3.04.149 {p} ‘So do I,’ side.’
3.04.150 {p} ‘Yes!’ said Pippin. again.’
3.04.151 {p} The hobbits turned Strider.
3.04.152 {p} At last there side.
3.04.153 {p} ‘Hm, hoom, here them.
3.04.154 {p} Bregalad stood for Treebeard’s.
3.04.155 {p} ‘Ha, hmm, my me!’
3.04.156 {p} He reached down sang.
3.04.157 {p} At nightfall he Orcs.
3.04.158 {p} ‘There were rowan-trees dead.
3.04.159 {lg} O Orofarnë, Lassemista, Carnimírië!’
3.04.160 {p} The hobbits fell loved.
3.04.161 {ps} The next day stars.
3.04.162 {p} The third day faint.
3.04.163 {p} The afternoon came, Derndingle.
3.04.164 {p} Then with a strong.
3.04.165 {qt} We come, we rom!
3.04.166 {p} The Ents were song:
3.04.167 {qt} We come, we rom!
3.04.168 {p} Bregalad picked up house.
3.04.169 {ps} Before long they seen.
3.04.170 {p} ‘Hoom, hom! Here Isengard!’
3.04.171 {p} ‘To Isengard!’ the voices.
3.04.172 {p} ‘To Isengard!’
3.04.173 {lg} To Isengard! Though come!
3.04.174 {p} So they sang southwards.
3.04.175 {ps} Bregalad, his eyes dike.
3.04.176 {p} ‘The Ents made heard.
3.04.177 {p} ‘Quickly?’ said Treebeard. Saruman!’
3.04.178 {p} ‘Will you really Merry.
3.04.179 {p} ‘Ho, hm, well, rubble.’
3.04.180 {p} ‘But Saruman will he?’
3.04.181 {p} ‘Hm, ah, yes, started.’
3.04.182 {p} Treebeard marched on, thought.
3.04.183 {p} ‘Of course, it untimely.’
3.04.184 {ps} The Ents went fell.
3.04.185 {p} Pippin looked behind. Saruman.
3.04.186 {p} ‘Night lies over Treebeard.