LR 3.05 The White Rider

3.05.000 {h} The White Rider
3.05.001 {p} ‘My very bones hobbits.
3.05.002 {p} ‘And do not boot.’
3.05.003 {p} ‘Why would that Legolas.
3.05.004 {p} ‘Because an old Dwarf.
3.05.005 {p} ‘Maybe,’ said the springy.’
3.05.006 {p} ‘That would not maybe.’
3.05.007 {p} ‘It is likely terror?’
3.05.008 {p} ‘No,’ said Legolas. missed.’
3.05.009 {p} ‘So I thought,’ well.’
3.05.010 {ps} For some time up.
3.05.011 {p} ‘Here at last nearby!’
3.05.012 {p} ‘And here is mouth.
3.05.013 {p} ‘Well, here is ourselves!’
3.05.014 {p} ‘There was sorcery it?’
3.05.015 {p} ‘Maybe, I could,’ certain.’
3.05.016 {p} ‘And how do Gimli.
3.05.017 {p} ‘I do not place.’
3.05.018 {p} ‘I do not Gimli.
3.05.019 {p} ‘Then let us Aragorn.
3.05.020 {ps} It was not much.
3.05.021 {p} ‘One hobbit at Aragorn.
3.05.022 {p} ‘Then we must else!’
3.05.023 {p} ‘I do not anger.’
3.05.024 {p} ‘Well, it has harm.’
3.05.025 {p} ‘That is just breath.’
3.05.026 {p} ‘I feel the shabby.’
3.05.027 {p} ‘It is old, peace.’
3.05.028 {p} ‘I dare say go!’
3.05.029 {ps} With that the other.
3.05.030 {p} ‘This is good waterside.’
3.05.031 {p} ‘Then what shall together.’
3.05.032 {p} ‘If that is on.’
3.05.033 {p} They came at drear.
3.05.034 {p} ‘Let us go while.’
3.05.035 {p} The companions climbed closely.
3.05.036 {p} ‘I am almost next?’
3.05.037 {p} He stood up come.
3.05.038 {p} ‘We have journeyed end.’
3.05.039 {p} ‘But we did Gimli.
3.05.040 {p} ‘Yet here we ‘Look!’
3.05.041 {p} ‘Look at what?’ Gimli.
3.05.042 {p} ‘There in the trees.’
3.05.043 {p} ‘Where? I have elf-eyes.’
3.05.044 {p} ‘Hush! Speak more tree?’
3.05.045 {p} ‘I see, I first.’
3.05.046 {p} Aragorn looked and menace.
3.05.047 {p} Gimli gazed with first!’
3.05.048 {p} Legolas took his intent.
3.05.049 {p} ‘Why are you whisper.
3.05.050 {p} ‘Legolas is right,’ wait!’
3.05.051 {ps} At that moment sound.
3.05.052 {p} They could not brows.
3.05.053 {p} At last the climb.
3.05.054 {p} ‘Now!’ cried Gimli. Legolas!’
3.05.055 {p} ‘Did I not Elf!’
3.05.056 {p} The bow and sides.
3.05.057 {p} ‘And you, Master arguments.’
3.05.058 {p} Gimli started and silence.
3.05.059 {ps} ‘Well met, I here.’
3.05.060 {p} ‘You speak as so?’
3.05.061 {p} ‘Not well,’ said again.’
3.05.062 {p} ‘Might we know wait.’
3.05.063 {p} ‘As for what sleeper.
3.05.064 {p} ‘My name!’ said tale?’
3.05.065 {p} The three companions answer.
3.05.066 {p} ‘There are some ease.’
3.05.067 {ps} The old man bow.
3.05.068 {p} The old man white.
3.05.069 {p} ‘Saruman!’ cried Gimli, with!’
3.05.070 {p} The old man flame.
3.05.071 {p} ‘Mithrandir!’ he cried. ‘Mithrandir!’
3.05.072 {p} ‘Well met, I man.
3.05.073 {p} They all gazed say.
3.05.074 {p} At last Aragorn eyes.
3.05.075 {p} ‘Gandalf,’ the old Gandalf.’
3.05.076 {p} He stepped down turned.’
3.05.077 {p} He laid his white!’
3.05.078 {p} ‘Yes, I am yourselves!’
3.05.079 {ps} ‘What do you safe?’
3.05.080 {p} ‘No, I did me.’
3.05.081 {p} ‘The eagle!’ said Muil.’
3.05.082 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Gandalf, thought.’
3.05.083 {p} ‘Then you know him?’
3.05.084 {p} ‘I cannot say. say.’
3.05.085 {p} ‘Not alone,’ said him.’
3.05.086 {p} ‘Did he!’ said journey.’
3.05.087 {ps} The companions sat sighed.
3.05.088 {p} ‘You have not bursts!’
3.05.089 {p} ‘In one thing riddles.’
3.05.090 {p} ‘What? In riddles?’ sunshine.
3.05.091 {p} ‘I am no me?’
3.05.092 {p} ‘What then shall storm.
3.05.093 {p} ‘For already he Saruman.’
3.05.094 {p} ‘Then is not Gimli.
3.05.095 {p} ‘Indeed yes,’ said all!
3.05.096 {p} ‘Also they have Saruman.’
3.05.097 {p} ‘It is a waited.’
3.05.098 {p} ‘The victor would Messenger.’
3.05.099 {p} ‘The Winged Messenger!’ this?’
3.05.100 {p} ‘One that you Treebeard.’
3.05.101 {p} ‘Now you speak chase.’
3.05.102 {p} ‘Wait a minute!’ night?’
3.05.103 {p} ‘You certainly did excused.’
3.05.104 {p} ‘Good, good!’ said you.’
3.05.105 {p} Gandalf laughed again. us!’
3.05.106 {p} ‘But the hobbits!’ now?’
3.05.107 {p} ‘With Treebeard and Gandalf.
3.05.108 {p} ‘The Ents!’ exclaimed Rohan.’
3.05.109 {p} ‘A legend of Treebeard?’
3.05.110 {p} ‘Ah! now you name.’
3.05.111 {p} ‘Perhaps he also dangerous.’
3.05.112 {p} ‘Dangerous!’ cried Gandalf. strong.’
3.05.113 {p} ‘What will they astonishment.
3.05.114 {p} ‘I do not thought.
3.05.115 {ps} The others looked sun.
3.05.116 {p} ‘The morning is go.’
3.05.117 {p} ‘Do we go Aragorn.
3.05.118 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf. still.’
3.05.119 {p} He rose and removed.’
3.05.120 {p} He turned. ‘Come, Théoden.’
3.05.121 {p} ‘Then are we Legolas.
3.05.122 {p} ‘I did not also.’
3.05.123 {p} ‘It is a there.’
3.05.124 {p} ‘We shall see, me?’
3.05.125 {p} ‘Yes, we will kings.
3.05.126 {p} ‘Do I not leads.’
3.05.127 {ps} ‘Yes, together we delivered?’
3.05.128 {p} ‘I have stayed all.’
3.05.129 {p} ‘Then tell us Balrog!’
3.05.130 {p} ‘Name him not!’ heart.’
3.05.131 {p} ‘Deep is the Gimli.
3.05.132 {p} ‘Yet it has snake.
3.05.133 {p} ‘We fought far Stair.’
3.05.134 {p} ‘Long has that destroyed.’
3.05.135 {p} ‘It was made, Silvertine.
3.05.136 {p} ‘There upon Celebdil tell.
3.05.137 {p} ‘Naked I was away.
3.05.138 {p} ‘“Ever am I said.
3.05.139 {p} ‘“A burden you wind.”
3.05.140 {p} ‘“Do not let Lothlórien!”
3.05.141 {p} ‘“That indeed is answered.
3.05.142 {p} ‘Thus it was this:
3.05.143 {lg} Where now are Sea.
3.05.144 {p} To Legolas she word:
3.05.145 {lg} Legolas Greenleaf long more.’
3.05.146 {p} Gandalf fell silent eyes.
3.05.147 {p} ‘Then she sent head.
3.05.148 {p} ‘Dark are her them.’
3.05.149 {p} ‘That is no Gimli.
3.05.150 {p} ‘What then?’ said death?’
3.05.151 {p} ‘Yes, if she say.’
3.05.152 {p} ‘What is that?’ sad.
3.05.153 {p} ‘“To Gimli son tree!”’
3.05.154 {p} ‘In happy hour cleave!’
3.05.155 {p} ‘That will not haste.’
3.05.156 {ps} He wrapped himself seen.
3.05.157 {p} ‘They have not walk!’
3.05.158 {p} ‘I shall not beat.
3.05.159 {p} ‘There is more Aragorn.
3.05.160 {p} ‘Certainly,’ said Gandalf. one.’
3.05.161 {p} ‘There are three,’ before.’
3.05.162 {p} ‘Nor will you together.’
3.05.163 {p} Even as the neck.
3.05.164 {p} Gandalf caressed him. again!’
3.05.165 {p} Soon the other little.’
3.05.166 {p} ‘Now I understand Gandalf?’
3.05.167 {p} ‘Yes, I knew,’ again!’
3.05.168 {ps} Gandalf spoke now falter.
3.05.169 {p} ‘He is steering hollow.’
3.05.170 {p} For many hours earth.
3.05.171 {p} ‘There lies the Isengard.’
3.05.172 {p} ‘I see a be?’
3.05.173 {p} ‘Battle and war!’ on!’