LR 3.06 The King of the Golden Hall

3.06.000 {h} The King of the Golden Hall
3.06.001 {p} They rode on day.
3.06.002 {p} Hours passed and West.
3.06.003 {ps} A bitter chill ahead.
3.06.004 {p} ‘Look!’ he cried, gold.
3.06.005 {p} ‘Speak, Legolas!’ said us!’
3.06.006 {p} Legolas gazed ahead, asleep.’
3.06.007 {p} ‘Edoras those courts seat.’
3.06.008 {ps} The morning was uplands.
3.06.009 {p} At the foot turf.
3.06.010 {p} ‘Look!’ said Gandalf. sleep.’
3.06.011 {p} ‘Seven mounds upon built.’
3.06.012 {p} ‘Five hundred times us.’
3.06.013 {p} ‘But to the it.
3.06.014 {p} ‘That, I guess, Men.’
3.06.015 {p} ‘It runs thus it.
3.06.016 {lg} Where now the returning?
3.06.017 {p} Thus spoke a evening.’
3.06.018 {p} With these words Edoras.
3.06.019 {p} There sat many Gandalf.
3.06.020 {p} ‘Well do I answered?’
3.06.021 {p} ‘It is the swift!’
3.06.022 {p} ‘We are no coming?’
3.06.023 {p} A troubled look gates.’
3.06.024 {p} ‘Wormtongue?’ said Gandalf, man.
3.06.025 {p} ‘Yes, I will deem.’
3.06.026 {p} ‘Well do you hall.’
3.06.027 {p} ‘Strange names you comrades.
3.06.028 {p} After some time them.’
3.06.029 {ps} The dark gates men.
3.06.030 {ps} ‘There are the you!’
3.06.031 {p} He turned and tongue.
3.06.032 {p} ‘Hail, comers from Speech.
3.06.033 {p} ‘I am the enter.’
3.06.034 {p} Then Legolas gave me.’
3.06.035 {p} Wonder came into said.
3.06.036 {p} Aragorn stood a man.’
3.06.037 {p} ‘It is the Háma.
3.06.038 {p} ‘It is not Gondor.’
3.06.039 {p} ‘This is the strangers.
3.06.040 {p} ‘This is idle wisdom.’
3.06.041 {p} ‘Truly,’ said Aragorn. Andúril.’
3.06.042 {p} ‘Whatever its name Edoras.’
3.06.043 {p} ‘Not alone!’ said alone!’
3.06.044 {p} ‘Come, come!’ said Aragorn!’
3.06.045 {p} Slowly Aragorn unbuckled heir.’
3.06.046 {p} The guard stepped command.’
3.06.047 {p} ‘Well,’ said Gimli, master.’
3.06.048 {p} The guard still doors.’
3.06.049 {p} ‘Foolishness!’ said Gandalf. me.’
3.06.050 {p} Aragorn laughed. ‘Every enter?’
3.06.051 {p} ‘The staff in in.’
3.06.052 {ps} The guards now knees.
3.06.053 {p} ‘Behold Eorl the Celebrant.’
3.06.054 {ps} Now the four eyes.
3.06.055 {p} There was a destroyed.’
3.06.056 {p} Slowly the old indeed.
3.06.057 {p} ‘I greet you,’ chair.
3.06.058 {p} ‘You speak justly, eyes.
3.06.059 {p} ‘You are held need.’
3.06.060 {p} ‘That is so,’ four!’
3.06.061 {p} ‘The courtesy of hall.’
3.06.062 {p} ‘Then it is Dwimordene.’
3.06.063 {p} Gimli strode a stone.
3.06.064 {lg} In Dwimordene, in Men.
3.06.065 {p} Thus Gandalf softly voice.
3.06.066 {p} ‘The wise speak falls.’
3.06.067 {p} He raised his hearth.
3.06.068 {p} In the gloom face.
3.06.069 {ps} ‘Now Théoden son promptings.’
3.06.070 {p} Slowly Théoden left knocked.
3.06.071 {p} ‘Open!’ he cried. forth!’
3.06.072 {p} The doors rolled hill.
3.06.073 {p} ‘Send your guards him.’
3.06.074 {p} ‘Go, Éowyn sister-daughter!’ past.’
3.06.075 {p} The woman turned gone.
3.06.076 {p} ‘Now, lord,’ said again!’
3.06.077 {p} From the porch glass.
3.06.078 {p} ‘It is not Théoden.
3.06.079 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf. prop!’
3.06.080 {p} From the king’s sky.
3.06.081 {p} ‘Dark have been done?’
3.06.082 {p} ‘Much,’ said Gandalf. Wormtongue?’
3.06.083 {p} ‘It is true,’ hall.’
3.06.084 {p} ‘A man may Gandalf.
3.06.085 {p} ‘That may be. return.
3.06.086 {ps} When Háma had nearby.
3.06.087 {p} ‘There is no guessed.’
3.06.088 {p} Quickly now Gandalf East.
3.06.089 {p} ‘Verily,’ said Gandalf, while.’
3.06.090 {p} The others too flame.
3.06.091 {p} Slowly Théoden sat hands.
3.06.092 {p} ‘Your fingers would Gandalf.
3.06.093 {p} Théoden rose and breath.
3.06.094 {p} ‘Take this, dear master.
3.06.095 {p} ‘How comes this?’ stick?
3.06.096 {p} ‘It is my me.’
3.06.097 {p} ‘To lay at Éomer.
3.06.098 {p} For a moment moved.
3.06.099 {p} ‘Will you not Gandalf.
3.06.100 {p} Slowly Théoden stretched arms.
3.06.101 {lg} Arise now, arise, Eorlingas!
3.06.102 {ps} The guards, thinking said.
3.06.103 {p} ‘Westu Théoden hál!’ grief!’
3.06.104 {p} ‘Take back your counsel?’
3.06.105 {p} ‘You have yourself stake.’
3.06.106 {p} ‘This counsel seems eaten.’
3.06.107 {p} ‘Nay, lord,’ said together.’
3.06.108 {p} ‘Now indeed there Éomer.
3.06.109 {p} ‘Hope, yes,’ said hills!’
3.06.110 {p} ‘Nay, Gandalf!’ said better.’
3.06.111 {p} ‘Then even the Eorlingas!’
3.06.112 {p} ‘But your people place?’
3.06.113 {p} ‘I will take counsellor.’
3.06.114 {ps} At that moment gems.
3.06.115 {p} ‘Here, lord, is missed.’
3.06.116 {p} ‘You lie,’ said keeping.’
3.06.117 {p} ‘And he now you?’
3.06.118 {p} ‘Assuredly not, lord,’ it?’
3.06.119 {p} ‘I will,’ said noon!’
3.06.120 {p} ‘Dear lord!’ cried Mark?’
3.06.121 {p} ‘If this is sword.’
3.06.122 {p} ‘Mercy, lord!’ whined away!’
3.06.123 {p} ‘You have my faith.’
3.06.124 {p} Wormtongue looked from hopeful.’
3.06.125 {p} Éomer laughed. ‘And it?’
3.06.126 {p} ‘Nay, Éomer, you steps.’
3.06.127 {p} Éomer grasped his hand.
3.06.128 {p} ‘Éowyn is safe service.’
3.06.129 {p} ‘You lie,’ said Wormtongue.
3.06.130 {p} ‘That word comes him.’
3.06.131 {p} ‘Do you hear merciful.’
3.06.132 {p} Slowly Wormtongue rose. stair.
3.06.133 {p} ‘After him!’ said it.’
3.06.134 {p} ‘And if any Éomer.
3.06.135 {p} One of the defiled.
3.06.136 {ps} ‘Now my guests, allows.’
3.06.137 {p} They passed back assembled.
3.06.138 {p} At the king’s Saruman.
3.06.139 {p} ‘How far back keeping.
3.06.140 {p} ‘But when I destruction?’
3.06.141 {p} ‘I owe much tongue.’
3.06.142 {p} ‘Say also,’ said face.’
3.06.143 {p} ‘Indeed my eyes sword!’
3.06.144 {p} ‘Whether I came us.’
3.06.145 {p} ‘You choose well,’ well!’
3.06.146 {ps} Now men came Eorl.
3.06.147 {p} ‘May it keep boy.’
3.06.148 {p} Gimli bowed. ‘I fight.’
3.06.149 {p} ‘It may well Théoden.
3.06.150 {p} The king now coming!’
3.06.151 {p} Théoden drank from smile.
3.06.152 {p} When they had nearby.
3.06.153 {p} ‘Behold! I go stay?’
3.06.154 {p} No man spoke.
3.06.155 {p} ‘Is there none trust?’
3.06.156 {p} ‘In the House Háma.
3.06.157 {p} ‘But Éomer I House.’
3.06.158 {p} ‘I said not gone.’
3.06.159 {p} ‘It shall be them!’
3.06.160 {p} Then the king escape.’
3.06.161 {p} ‘Speak not so!’ nearby.
3.06.162 {p} ‘The king shall us.’
3.06.163 {ps} The king now sun.
3.06.164 {p} Gimli walked with saddlebow.’
3.06.165 {p} ‘A safer seat rider.’
3.06.166 {p} ‘And a Dwarf axe.
3.06.167 {p} At the gate horse.
3.06.168 {p} ‘Hail, Gimli Glóin’s Wood.’
3.06.169 {p} ‘I will forget end.’
3.06.170 {p} ‘So be it!’ will.’
3.06.171 {p} ‘I thank you us.’
3.06.172 {p} ‘It shall be us!’
3.06.173 {p} ‘Where is Shadowfax?’ Gandalf.
3.06.174 {p} ‘Running wild over willows.’
3.06.175 {p} Gandalf whistled and arrow.
3.06.176 {p} ‘Were the breath wizard.
3.06.177 {p} ‘The gift seems horses.’
3.06.178 {p} ‘I thank you, sun.
3.06.179 {p} ‘Behold the White words.
3.06.180 {p} ‘Our King and Eorlingas!’
3.06.181 {p} The trumpets sounded. West.
3.06.182 {p} Far over the house.