LR 3.07 Helm’s Deep

3.07.000 {h} Helm’s Deep
3.07.001 {p} The sun was behind.
3.07.002 {p} The host rode Saruman.
3.07.003 {p} Night closed about again.
3.07.004 {ps} There were no Vale.
3.07.005 {p} Gandalf dropped back Isengard?’
3.07.006 {p} ‘Many miles lie hills.’
3.07.007 {p} ‘And behind us night.’
3.07.008 {ps} As the second him.
3.07.009 {p} He came, a scattered.
3.07.010 {p} ‘Where is Éomer? there.’
3.07.011 {p} Théoden had sat battle.’
3.07.012 {p} The man’s face thought—’
3.07.013 {p} ‘You thought I Erkenbrand!’
3.07.014 {ps} While Théoden was back.
3.07.015 {p} ‘Ride, Théoden!’ he Farewell!’
3.07.016 {p} He spoke a him.
3.07.017 {ps} ‘What does that Háma.
3.07.018 {p} ‘That Gandalf Greyhame unlooked-for.’
3.07.019 {p} ‘Wormtongue, were he other.
3.07.020 {p} ‘True enough,’ said again.’
3.07.021 {p} ‘Maybe you will other.
3.07.022 {ps} The host turned light.
3.07.023 {p} At Helm’s Gate, strong.
3.07.024 {ps} The Riders were Deep.
3.07.025 {p} ‘We have found perished.’
3.07.026 {p} ‘Has aught been Théoden.
3.07.027 {p} ‘Yes, lord. Many Orcs.’
3.07.028 {p} ‘It will go North?’
3.07.029 {p} ‘It is very here.’
3.07.030 {p} ‘Then let us hills.’
3.07.031 {p} ‘Trust not to go!’
3.07.032 {ps} Aragorn and Legolas them.
3.07.033 {p} ‘It will not forth.’
3.07.034 {p} The rumour of up.
3.07.035 {p} ‘It is a Aragorn.
3.07.036 {p} ‘They bring fire,’ folk!’
3.07.037 {p} ‘Would that day them.’
3.07.038 {p} ‘We need not battle.’
3.07.039 {p} ‘Nay, we are wide.’
3.07.040 {p} ‘At the breach Éomer.
3.07.041 {ps} There was neither them.
3.07.042 {p} ‘The Lord of speak.’
3.07.043 {p} ‘This is good heels.’
3.07.044 {p} The host passed thither.
3.07.045 {p} ‘Maybe, we have come.’
3.07.046 {p} ‘I fear that us.’
3.07.047 {p} ‘I would that siege.’
3.07.048 {p} ‘Behind us in there.’
3.07.049 {p} ‘That is well,’ vale.’
3.07.050 {p} ‘If they come Gamling.
3.07.051 {ps} The king and wall.
3.07.052 {p} Quickly Éomer set spared.
3.07.053 {p} The Deeping Wall cliff.
3.07.054 {ps} Gimli stood leaning gloom.
3.07.055 {p} ‘This is more water.’
3.07.056 {p} ‘I do not few.’
3.07.057 {p} ‘It is dark me!’
3.07.058 {ps} A slow time lines.
3.07.059 {p} Suddenly from the in.
3.07.060 {p} ‘The enemy is torches.’
3.07.061 {ps} It was now down.
3.07.062 {p} Arrows thick as came.
3.07.063 {p} The assailing hosts light.
3.07.064 {p} Brazen trumpets sounded. gates.
3.07.065 {p} Then at last crashed.
3.07.066 {p} Éomer and Aragorn gates.
3.07.067 {p} ‘Come!’ said Aragorn. together!’
3.07.068 {p} Running like fire, one.
3.07.069 {p} ‘Gúthwinë!’ cried Éomer. Mark!’
3.07.070 {p} ‘Andúril!’ cried Aragorn. Dúnedain!’
3.07.071 {p} Charging from the again!’
3.07.072 {p} Dismayed the rammers fled.
3.07.073 {ps} For a moment storm-wrack.
3.07.074 {p} ‘We did not battering.’
3.07.075 {p} ‘Yet we cannot now!’
3.07.076 {p} They turned and fled.
3.07.077 {p} Éomer struggled to aid.
3.07.078 {ps} The postern was there?’
3.07.079 {p} ‘I followed you sword-play.’
3.07.080 {p} ‘I shall not Éomer.
3.07.081 {p} ‘There may be Moria.’
3.07.082 {ps} ‘Two!’ said Gimli, wall.
3.07.083 {p} ‘Two?’ said Legolas. forest.’
3.07.084 {ps} The sky now on.
3.07.085 {p} The men of wall.
3.07.086 {p} Then a clamour guards.
3.07.087 {p} Down from the enough.
3.07.088 {p} ‘Ai-oi!’ he shouted. ai-mênu!’
3.07.089 {ps} Gamling the Old back.
3.07.090 {p} Their onset was caves.
3.07.091 {p} ‘Twenty-one!’ cried Gimli. again.’
3.07.092 {p} ‘We must stop master!’
3.07.093 {p} ‘We do not may.’
3.07.094 {p} They gathered such cliff.
3.07.095 {p} ‘It will be wall!’
3.07.096 {p} He climbed up foiled.
3.07.097 {p} ‘Twenty-one!’ said Gimli.
3.07.098 {p} ‘Good!’ said Legolas. here.’
3.07.099 {ps} Éomer and Aragorn passed.
3.07.100 {p} Aragorn looked at tarry?’
3.07.101 {p} ‘Dawn is not fear.’
3.07.102 {p} ‘Yet dawn is Aragorn.
3.07.103 {p} ‘But these creatures voices?’
3.07.104 {p} ‘I hear them,’ ears.’
3.07.105 {p} ‘Yet there are slain.’
3.07.106 {p} ‘Nonetheless day will it?’
3.07.107 {p} ‘So the minstrels Éomer.
3.07.108 {p} ‘Then let us Aragorn.
3.07.109 {ps} Even as they in.
3.07.110 {p} ‘Devilry of Saruman!’ citadel.
3.07.111 {p} A broad stairway stair.
3.07.112 {p} ‘All who can back!’
3.07.113 {p} Aragorn turned and him.
3.07.114 {p} ‘Things go ill, arm.
3.07.115 {p} ‘Ill enough,’ said Gimli?’
3.07.116 {p} ‘I do not apart.’
3.07.117 {p} ‘Alas! That is Legolas.
3.07.118 {p} ‘He is stout dwarf.’
3.07.119 {p} ‘That must be thirty-nine.’
3.07.120 {p} ‘If he wins wielded.’
3.07.121 {p} ‘I must go shooting.’
3.07.122 {ps} Aragorn now passed Hornburg.
3.07.123 {p} ‘Nay, he did them.’
3.07.124 {p} Aragorn strode on vale.
3.07.125 {p} ‘What is the said.
3.07.126 {p} ‘The Deeping Wall Rock.’
3.07.127 {p} ‘Is Éomer here?’
3.07.128 {p} ‘No, lord. But know.’
3.07.129 {p} ‘More than we. long.’
3.07.130 {p} ‘But the Orcs defence.’
3.07.131 {p} ‘I fret in here.’
3.07.132 {p} ‘Here at least mountains.’
3.07.133 {p} ‘It is said sun.’
3.07.134 {p} ‘Do not judge Aragorn.
3.07.135 {p} ‘The end will hereafter.’
3.07.136 {p} ‘I will ride Aragorn.
3.07.137 {p} Taking his leave, down.
3.07.138 {ps} At last Aragorn parley.
3.07.139 {p} The Orcs yelled king!’
3.07.140 {p} ‘The king stays Aragorn.
3.07.141 {p} ‘Then what are Uruk-hai.’
3.07.142 {p} ‘I looked out Aragorn.
3.07.143 {p} ‘What of the dawn?’
3.07.144 {p} ‘None knows what evil.’
3.07.145 {p} ‘Get down or say.’
3.07.146 {p} ‘I have still peril.’
3.07.147 {p} So great a down.
3.07.148 {p} There was a tower.
3.07.149 {p} But even as out.
3.07.150 {ps} All that heard free.
3.07.151 {p} ‘Helm! Helm!’ the King!’
3.07.152 {p} And with that departed.
3.07.153 {p} ‘Forth Eorlingas!’ With hills.
3.07.154 {p} On they rode, day.
3.07.155 {ps} So King Théoden Deeping-coomb.
3.07.156 {p} The land had approached.
3.07.157 {p} There suddenly upon blast.
3.07.158 {ps} ‘Erkenbrand!’ the Riders ‘Erkenbrand!’
3.07.159 {p} ‘Behold the White again!’
3.07.160 {p} ‘Mithrandir, Mithrandir!’ said changes.’
3.07.161 {p} The hosts of again.