LR 3.08 The Road to Isengard

3.08.000 {h} The Road to Isengard
3.08.001 {p} So it was wood.
3.08.002 {p} Suddenly there was strong.
3.08.003 {p} ‘Forty-two, Master Legolas!’ you?’
3.08.004 {p} ‘You have passed legs!’
3.08.005 {p} ‘Welcome, Éomer, sister-son!’ indeed.’
3.08.006 {p} ‘Hail, Lord of said.
3.08.007 {p} ‘Unlooked-for?’ said Gandalf. here.’
3.08.008 {p} ‘But you did White!’
3.08.009 {p} ‘That may be. night.’
3.08.010 {p} Then they all his.
3.08.011 {p} Gandalf laughed long proved.’
3.08.012 {p} ‘Then if not learn?’
3.08.013 {p} ‘It is not rang.
3.08.014 {lg} Ere iron was ago.’
3.08.015 {p} ‘And what may Théoden.
3.08.016 {p} ‘If you would Gandalf.
3.08.017 {p} ‘To Isengard?’ they cried.
3.08.018 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Gandalf. things.’
3.08.019 {p} ‘But there are Théoden.
3.08.020 {p} ‘Nevertheless to Isengard moon!’
3.08.021 {p} ‘Nay!’ said Théoden. counsel.’
3.08.022 {p} ‘I wish to ride?’
3.08.023 {p} ‘My men are Gandalf.’
3.08.024 {p} ‘Then let all fight.’
3.08.025 {p} The King then behind.
3.08.026 {p} ‘It was only back.’
3.08.027 {p} ‘I will tend Aragorn.
3.08.028 {ps} The king now Deep.
3.08.029 {p} No Orcs remained mercy.
3.08.030 {p} The Men of work.
3.08.031 {p} ‘Help now to been.’
3.08.032 {p} The men of alive.
3.08.033 {p} In the midst Gate.
3.08.034 {p} The Orcs were peril.
3.08.035 {p} ‘Let the Orcs counsel.’
3.08.036 {ps} In the afternoon meet.’
3.08.037 {p} The sun was them.
3.08.038 {p} The Riders came seen.
3.08.039 {p} Legolas and Gimli wood.
3.08.040 {p} ‘It is hot ears?’
3.08.041 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Gandalf.
3.08.042 {p} ‘What has become Legolas.
3.08.043 {p} ‘That, I think, Gandalf.
3.08.044 {ps} They rode in it.
3.08.045 {p} ‘These are the thought.’
3.08.046 {p} ‘No, no!’ said strangling.’
3.08.047 {p} ‘Not of all guess.’
3.08.048 {p} ‘Then that is it.
3.08.049 {p} ‘Strange are the glance!’
3.08.050 {p} ‘And I would in!’
3.08.051 {p} ‘You have not starlight.
3.08.052 {p} ‘And, Legolas, when them.’
3.08.053 {p} ‘Then I will made.’
3.08.054 {p} ‘No, you do return.’
3.08.055 {p} ‘You move me, Deep.’
3.08.056 {p} ‘That would not me.’
3.08.057 {p} ‘You have my Gandalf?’
3.08.058 {p} ‘About fifteen leagues, night.’
3.08.059 {p} ‘And when we guess.’
3.08.060 {p} ‘I do not behind.’
3.08.061 {ps} At last the cry.
3.08.062 {p} ‘There are eyes!’ before.’
3.08.063 {p} The others, surprised back.
3.08.064 {p} ‘No, no!’ cried eyes!’
3.08.065 {p} ‘Stay, Legolas Greenleaf!’ time.’
3.08.066 {p} Even as he sword-hilts.
3.08.067 {p} ‘You need no all.’
3.08.068 {p} So it seemed vanished.
3.08.069 {p} ‘Herdsmen!’ said Théoden. strange.’
3.08.070 {p} ‘They are the matter.’
3.08.071 {p} The king was Sun.’
3.08.072 {p} ‘You should be not.’
3.08.073 {p} ‘Yet also I Middle-earth?’
3.08.074 {p} ‘It may,’ said begun!’
3.08.075 {ps} The company turned rocks.
3.08.076 {p} ‘The carrion-fowl have Éomer.
3.08.077 {p} They rode now place.
3.08.078 {p} The road dipped sand.
3.08.079 {p} ‘This is become too?’
3.08.080 {p} ‘So it would Gandalf.
3.08.081 {p} ‘Alas!’ said Théoden. Mark?’
3.08.082 {p} ‘This is our Come!’
3.08.083 {p} They rode down banks.
3.08.084 {p} ‘Look!’ said Gandalf. here.’
3.08.085 {p} And they saw spears.
3.08.086 {p} ‘Here lie all Gandalf.
3.08.087 {p} ‘Here let them Isen!’
3.08.088 {p} ‘Is this your night!’
3.08.089 {p} ‘With the help return.’
3.08.090 {p} ‘And glad shall there.’
3.08.091 {p} With that the anew.
3.08.092 {p} There was an sky.
3.08.093 {p} ‘What do you burning.’
3.08.094 {p} ‘There is ever dry.’
3.08.095 {p} ‘Maybe he is,’ can.’
3.08.096 {p} They camped beside northward.
3.08.097 {p} ‘Stay where you by!’
3.08.098 {p} A mist gathered arms.
3.08.099 {ps} Away south upon Orcs.
3.08.100 {ps} The king and done.
3.08.101 {p} At dawn they land.
3.08.102 {p} It was not led.
3.08.103 {p} After they had ahead.
3.08.104 {ps} Beneath the mountain’s idle.
3.08.105 {p} This was its chains.
3.08.106 {p} Many houses there green.
3.08.107 {p} To the centre Mind.
3.08.108 {p} A strong place strength.
3.08.109 {p} This was the saw.
3.08.110 {ps} Now Gandalf rode stones.
3.08.111 {p} At last Gandalf Isengard.
3.08.112 {p} But the doors ruin.
3.08.113 {p} The ring beyond feet.
3.08.114 {p} The king and smoke.
3.08.115 {ps} For a moment king.
3.08.116 {p} ‘Welcome, my lords, guests.’
3.08.117 {p} ‘Doubtless he would!’ bottle?’
3.08.118 {p} ‘No, good sir, best.’
3.08.119 {p} ‘And what about marvel!’
3.08.120 {p} ‘You speak for wine.’
3.08.121 {p} ‘One thing you comforts!’
3.08.122 {p} ‘Well-earned?’ said Gimli. that!’
3.08.123 {p} The Riders laughed. Holbytlan?’
3.08.124 {p} ‘Hobbits, if you Pippin.
3.08.125 {p} ‘Hobbits?’ said Théoden. truth.’
3.08.126 {p} Merry bowed; and hobbits.’
3.08.127 {p} ‘My people came said.’
3.08.128 {p} ‘It could indeed, Merry.
3.08.129 {p} ‘For one thing,’ mouths.’
3.08.130 {p} ‘That is not plant
3.08.131 {p} ‘You do not Merry?’
3.08.132 {p} ‘Away on the triumphantly.
3.08.133 {p} ‘And is Orthanc Gandalf.
3.08.134 {p} ‘There is the stair.’
3.08.135 {p} ‘Yes, a tall door-tree.’
3.08.136 {p} ‘It is past mind?’
3.08.137 {p} ‘He left a bowed.
3.08.138 {p} Gandalf laughed. ‘That things.’
3.08.139 {p} ‘I will come Farewell!’
3.08.140 {p} The hobbits bowed polite.’