LR 3.09 Flotsam and Jetsam

3.09.000 {h} Flotsam and Jetsam
3.09.001 {p} Gandalf and the hobbits.
3.09.002 {p} ‘Well, well! The Aragorn.
3.09.003 {p} ‘And now that of.’
3.09.004 {p} ‘And there is enough.’
3.09.005 {p} ‘All in good first.’
3.09.006 {p} ‘Or second,’ said you.’
3.09.007 {p} ‘Then you shall road.’
3.09.008 {p} ‘Less than an mauled.’
3.09.009 {p} ‘We wouldn’t ask provisions.’
3.09.010 {p} ‘And pipe-weed?’ asked Gimli.
3.09.011 {p} ‘No, I don’t lunch.’
3.09.012 {p} ‘Well let us Dwarf.
3.09.013 {ps} The hobbits led burning.
3.09.014 {p} ‘I lit a afraid.’
3.09.015 {p} Aragorn and his doors.
3.09.016 {p} ‘Store-room in there, sorts.
3.09.017 {p} ‘And you need content?’
3.09.018 {p} ‘Indeed yes,’ said reduced.’
3.09.019 {p} The three were said.
3.09.020 {p} ‘You are full again.’
3.09.021 {p} ‘Maybe; and why content.’
3.09.022 {p} ‘It does not health.’
3.09.023 {p} ‘Aye, you do you.’
3.09.024 {p} ‘He has not,’ change.’
3.09.025 {p} ‘You have drunk Fangorn.’
3.09.026 {p} ‘Many strange tales Ents!’
3.09.027 {p} ‘Ents,’ said Pippin, ideas.’
3.09.028 {p} ‘Now, now!’ said broken.’
3.09.029 {p} ‘You shall have Rivendell.’
3.09.030 {p} He produced a unspoilt.’
3.09.031 {p} Gimli took some said.
3.09.032 {p} ‘It is good!’ now!’
3.09.033 {p} ‘It would,’ said plunder?’
3.09.034 {p} ‘No, I am pinch.’
3.09.035 {p} ‘Half a moment!’ said.
3.09.036 {p} ‘Settle it!’ cried debt.’
3.09.037 {p} ‘Well, I am Legolas.
3.09.038 {p} ‘We will come Aragorn.
3.09.039 {p} They went out breeze.
3.09.040 {p} ‘Now let us smoke.
3.09.041 {p} ‘Look!’ said Pippin. back!’
3.09.042 {p} ‘He has never North.’
3.09.043 {ps} They smoked in tale?’
3.09.044 {p} ‘Well, my tale today?’
3.09.045 {p} ‘The fifth of guesses.
3.09.045-fn {fn} Every month in days.
3.09.046 {p} ‘Here are some knives.
3.09.047 {p} ‘Well!’ said Merry. him.’
3.09.048 {p} ‘And here also thing.’
3.09.049 {p} ‘I know,’ said do?’
3.09.050 {p} ‘Nothing else,’ answered rightly.’
3.09.051 {p} ‘The cutting of say.’
3.09.052 {p} ‘And set us wings!’
3.09.053 {p} ‘Unfortunately not,’ said arms.
3.09.054 {p} ‘All this about cutting.’
3.09.055 {p} ‘Yes, whichever side Rohan.’
3.09.056 {p} ‘We caught a Forest.’
3.09.057 {p} ‘When was that?’ Pippin.
3.09.058 {p} ‘Five nights ago,’ Aragorn.
3.09.059 {p} ‘Let me see,’ marched.’
3.09.060 {p} ‘If Saruman had Pippin.
3.09.061 {lg} ‘Though Isengard be door!
3.09.062 {p} There was very now.’
3.09.063 {p} ‘We came down later.
3.09.064 {p} ‘It was the believe.
3.09.065 {p} ‘There is a them.
3.09.066 {p} ‘Well, in the all.
3.09.067 {p} ‘Treebeard and a listening.
3.09.068 {p} ‘Then all at were.’
3.09.069 {p} ‘I thought of another.’
3.09.070 {p} ‘Well, of all stone.”
3.09.071 {p} ‘But, though I through.
3.09.072 {p} ‘As soon as tin.
3.09.073 {p} ‘When Treebeard had moments.
3.09.074 {p} ‘They pushed, pulled, Isengard.’
3.09.075 {p} ‘No,’ said Aragorn. others.’
3.09.076 {p} ‘The Ents are valley.
3.09.077 {p} ‘When the Ents door.
3.09.078 {p} ‘When Saruman was sight.
3.09.079 {p} ‘That sent them it.
3.09.080 {p} ‘So Treebeard went time.
3.09.081 {p} ‘They set a hills.
3.09.082 {p} ‘In the afternoon it.
3.09.083 {p} ‘At dusk Treebeard tired.
3.09.084 {p} ‘“Tired?” he said, himself.
3.09.085 {p} ‘We were just couldn’t.
3.09.086 {p} ‘There was no Quick!”
3.09.087 {p} ‘Treebeard heard his there.
3.09.088 {p} ‘“Hoom! Gandalf!” said here.”
3.09.089 {p} ‘“Treebeard,” said Gandalf. manage.”
3.09.090 {p} ‘Then those two then.
3.09.091 {p} ‘“But Gandalf,” I others?”
3.09.092 {p} ‘“Wherever I have Good-bye!”
3.09.093 {p} ‘Treebeard was very again.”
3.09.094 {p} ‘Before he went, it.
3.09.095 {p} ‘“Huorns will help,” morning.
3.09.096 {ps} ‘It was deep echoed.
3.09.097 {p} ‘It must have mountains.
3.09.098 {p} ‘Isengard began to bubbling.’
3.09.099 {p} ‘We saw a us.’
3.09.100 {p} ‘Not he!’ said all.
3.09.101 {ps} ‘Since then the sleep!’
3.09.102 {ps} They all fell there?’
3.09.103 {p} ‘Oh yes, I outside.
3.09.104 {p} ‘“I have just see.”
3.09.105 {p} ‘He had hardly Saruman.
3.09.106 {p} ‘“No one else wolves.”
3.09.107 {p} ‘I caught the of.”
3.09.108 {p} ‘“Let me go, way.”
3.09.109 {p} ‘“You knew the see!”
3.09.110 {p} ‘He let Wormtongue us.
3.09.111 {p} ‘“Let me go now.”
3.09.112 {p} ‘“They are indeed,” have?”
3.09.113 {p} ‘The man shivered said.
3.09.114 {p} ‘“The water is now!”
3.09.115 {p} ‘With that the progress.
3.09.116 {p} ‘“Well, he has counsellor?
3.09.117 {p} ‘He was,’ said him.’
3.09.118 {p} ‘Yes, I don’t stuff.
3.09.119 {p} ‘“We want man-food drink.
3.09.120 {p} ‘“What about drink?” Ents.
3.09.121 {p} ‘“There is water arose.’
3.09.122 {p} ‘We understand it Gimli.
3.09.123 {p} ‘All except one barrels?’
3.09.124 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Pippin. year.’
3.09.125 {p} ‘Ah well, whatever affairs.’
3.09.126 {p} ‘I wonder what sight.’