LR 3.10 The Voice of Saruman

3.10.000 {h} The Voice of Saruman
3.10.001 {p} They passed through Orthanc.
3.10.002 {p} ‘There is Gandalf, them!’
3.10.003 {p} ‘Walk warily!’ said care.’
3.10.004 {ps} They followed what them.
3.10.005 {p} ‘Well, Treebeard and yourselves?’
3.10.006 {p} ‘We have,’ said did.’
3.10.007 {p} ‘Do you indeed?’ it.’
3.10.008 {p} ‘I will come,’ you.’
3.10.009 {p} ‘And how will out.’
3.10.010 {p} ‘What’s the danger?’ distance?’
3.10.011 {p} ‘The last is voice!’
3.10.012 {ps} They came now Ents.
3.10.013 {p} On the eastern horns.
3.10.014 {p} At the foot peril.’
3.10.015 {p} ‘And I too falter.’
3.10.016 {p} ‘As you will,’ see.’
3.10.017 {p} ‘Nay!’ said Gimli. behind.’
3.10.018 {p} ‘Come then!’ said him.
3.10.019 {p} The Riders of unsafe.
3.10.020 {p} ‘Half a sticky wanted.’
3.10.021 {p} Gandalf stood before forth!’
3.10.022 {p} For some time opening.
3.10.023 {p} ‘Who is it?’ wish?’
3.10.024 {p} Théoden started. ‘I it.’
3.10.025 {p} ‘Go and fetch time!’
3.10.026 {p} The window closed. it.
3.10.027 {p} ‘Well?’ it said undeserved.
3.10.028 {p} They looked up, ears.
3.10.029 {p} ‘Like, and yet Gimli.
3.10.030 {p} ‘But come now,’ now.’
3.10.031 {p} Théoden opened his silence.
3.10.032 {p} It was Gimli beg.’
3.10.033 {p} ‘Peace!’ said Saruman, friend.
3.10.034 {p} ‘What have you before?’
3.10.035 {p} Still Théoden did spoke.
3.10.036 {p} ‘Lord, hear me!’ Deep!’
3.10.037 {p} ‘If we speak Men.
3.10.038 {p} ‘But my lord command.’
3.10.039 {p} ‘We will have charm.’
3.10.040 {p} The Riders gazed strike.
3.10.041 {p} ‘Gibbets and crows!’ huts!
3.10.042 {p} ‘But you, Gandalf! counsel?’
3.10.043 {p} Gandalf stirred, and unsay?’
3.10.044 {p} Saruman paused. ‘Unsay?’ up?’
3.10.045 {p} So great was lost.’
3.10.046 {p} Then Gandalf laughed. smoke.
3.10.047 {p} ‘Saruman, Saruman!’ said down?’
3.10.048 {p} A shadow passed him.
3.10.049 {p} ‘Will I come command.’
3.10.050 {p} ‘The treacherous are choose.’
3.10.051 {p} ‘That sounds well,’ presume?’
3.10.052 {p} ‘Reasons for leaving them.’
3.10.053 {p} Saruman’s face grew balcony.
3.10.054 {p} ‘Come back, Saruman!’ claw.
3.10.055 {p} ‘I did not Council.’
3.10.056 {p} He raised his up.
3.10.057 {p} ‘The murderous rogue!’ aimed.’
3.10.058 {p} ‘The aim was Aragorn.
3.10.059 {p} ‘That may be deserves.
3.10.060 {p} ‘Here, my lad, away.’
3.10.061 {p} ‘But he may least!’
3.10.062 {p} ‘It is the go.’
3.10.063 {ps} They turned their dismissed.
3.10.064 {p} ‘Well, that is gone.’
3.10.065 {p} ‘He will have way?’
3.10.066 {p} ‘Not likely,’ answered do?’
3.10.067 {p} ‘And what if Pippin.
3.10.068 {p} ‘I? Nothing!’ said us.’
3.10.069 {p} A shrill shriek, above.
3.10.070 {p} ‘It seems that them!’
3.10.071 {ps} They returned now wonder.
3.10.072 {p} ‘Here are three one.
3.10.073 {p} The Old Ent be!’
3.10.074 {p} ‘And still is,’ back.’
3.10.075 {p} Treebeard’s eyes gleamed said.
3.10.076 {p} ‘I will come, leave.’
3.10.077 {p} ‘Any Elf that Treebeard.
3.10.078 {p} ‘The friend I ground.
3.10.079 {p} ‘Hoom, hm! Ah friendship!’
3.10.080 {p} ‘Strange it may battle.’
3.10.081 {p} ‘Hoo! Come now!’ house.’
3.10.082 {p} ‘Yes, we must them.’
3.10.083 {p} ‘Maybe I shall,’ it.
3.10.084 {lg} Ents the earthborn, people,
3.10.085 {p} they shall remain can!’
3.10.086 {p} ‘We will!’ said Gandalf.
3.10.087 {p} ‘So Saruman would in.’
3.10.088 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf. escape.’
3.10.089 {p} ‘Indeed no! Ents him.’
3.10.090 {p} ‘Good!’ said Gandalf. windows.’
3.10.091 {p} ‘Leave it to him.’