LR 3.11 The Palantír

3.11.000 {h} The Palantír
3.11.001 {p} The sun was pace.
3.11.002 {p} Ents in a Fangorn.
3.11.003 {p} They came to black.
3.11.004 {p} ‘The Ents pay Gandalf.
3.11.005 {p} They rode on, valley.
3.11.006 {ps} ‘Are we riding down.’
3.11.007 {p} ‘So you heard concern.’
3.11.008 {p} ‘Thank you!’ said tonight?’
3.11.009 {p} Gandalf laughed. ‘A faster.
3.11.010 {p} ‘When we came, avoided.’
3.11.011 {p} ‘Nothing or a country.’
3.11.012 {p} ‘Then you’d best about.’
3.11.013 {p} ‘All right, I’ll battle!’
3.11.014 {p} ‘Yes, we have better.’
3.11.015 {ps} The road passed them.
3.11.016 {p} At last they tip.
3.11.017 {p} Guards were set, turned.
3.11.018 {p} ‘What’s the matter?’ ant-hill?’
3.11.019 {p} ‘No,’ said Pippin, bed?’
3.11.020 {p} Merry yawned. ‘Work Lórien.’
3.11.021 {p} ‘Oh, that!’ said bedroom.’
3.11.022 {p} ‘Well, Rivendell then,’ tonight.’
3.11.023 {p} ‘You had the Gandalf.’
3.11.024 {p} ‘Well, what of it?’
3.11.025 {p} ‘Did you get him?’
3.11.026 {p} ‘Yes, a good you.’
3.11.027 {p} ‘Can I? Good! all.’
3.11.028 {p} ‘Oh yes, he went!’
3.11.029 {p} ‘Well, if Gandalf himself.
3.11.030 {p} ‘Hullo!’ said Merry. anger.’
3.11.031 {p} ‘But our whole ball.’
3.11.032 {p} ‘Go to sleep!’ you?’
3.11.033 {p} ‘All right! What’s so-go-to-sleep!’
3.11.034 {p} ‘Well, what else night!’
3.11.035 {ps} Pippin said no else.
3.11.036 {p} At last he ground.
3.11.037 {p} Hardly breathing, Pippin back.
3.11.038 {p} Quickly now he again.
3.11.039 {p} ‘You idiotic fool!’ dell.
3.11.040 {p} Pippin sat with still.
3.11.041 {p} The cry was astir.
3.11.042 {ps} ‘So this is haggard.
3.11.043 {p} He took Pippin’s moonlight.
3.11.044 {p} ‘It is not firmly.
3.11.045 {p} ‘Peregrin Took!’ he back!’
3.11.046 {p} The hobbit relaxed me!’
3.11.047 {p} ‘Forgive you?’ said done!’
3.11.048 {p} ‘I, I took remember.’
3.11.049 {p} ‘That won’t do,’ say?’
3.11.050 {p} Pippin shut his said.
3.11.051 {p} In a low say.
3.11.052 {p} ‘I tried to understood.
3.11.053 {p} ‘“So you have long?”
3.11.054 {p} ‘I did not hobbit.”
3.11.055 {p} ‘Then suddenly he that!”
3.11.056 {p} ‘Then he gloated else.’
3.11.057 {p} ‘Look at me!’ Gandalf.
3.11.058 {p} Pippin looked up head.
3.11.059 {p} ‘All right!’ he might.’
3.11.060 {p} He lifted Pippin while.’
3.11.061 {ps} With that Gandalf escape!’
3.11.062 {p} ‘How is the Aragorn.
3.11.063 {p} ‘I think all charge.’
3.11.064 {p} ‘Dangerous indeed, but it.’
3.11.065 {p} Gandalf looked at it.
3.11.066 {p} ‘Receive it, lord!’ wary!’
3.11.067 {p} ‘When have I Aragorn.
3.11.068 {p} ‘Never yet. Do know!’
3.11.069 {p} ‘Yes, there can explained.’
3.11.070 {p} ‘Strange powers have mar.’
3.11.071 {p} ‘That many times longer.’
3.11.072 {p} ‘That hour is Aragorn.
3.11.073 {p} ‘Not yet,’ said sleep.’
3.11.074 {p} ‘I will keep mind.’
3.11.075 {p} ‘As you will,’ Deep!’
3.11.076 {ps} At that moment gone.
3.11.077 {p} They stood up, clenched.
3.11.078 {p} ‘Nazgûl!’ he cried. Ride!’
3.11.079 {p} He sprang away, blanket.
3.11.080 {p} ‘Farewell! Follow fast!’ Shadowfax!’
3.11.081 {p} The great horse mountains.
3.11.082 {ps} ‘A beautiful, restful warning.’
3.11.083 {p} ‘If you had haste!’
3.11.084 {ps} Over the plains them.
3.11.085 {p} Pippin was recovering. breath.
3.11.086 {p} ‘I did not bridle!’
3.11.087 {p} ‘I do not air.’
3.11.088 {p} ‘How fast is are!’
3.11.089 {p} ‘He is running ago.’
3.11.090 {p} Pippin was silent wind:
3.11.091 {lg} Tall ships and tree.
3.11.092 {ps} ‘What are you Pippin.
3.11.093 {p} ‘I was just knew.’
3.11.094 {p} ‘No, not all,’ stones?’
3.11.095 {p} ‘About the palantíri Gandalf.
3.11.096 {p} ‘And what are they?’
3.11.097 {p} ‘The name meant one.’
3.11.098 {p} ‘Then it was Enemy?’
3.11.099 {p} ‘No,’ said Gandalf. Dúnedain.’
3.11.100 {p} ‘What did the last.
3.11.101 {p} ‘To see far lie.
3.11.102 {p} ‘Each palantír replied caught!
3.11.103 {p} ‘Who knows where become.
3.11.104 {p} ‘Easy it is silent.
3.11.105 {p} ‘I wish I doing.’
3.11.106 {p} ‘Oh yes, you heart.’
3.11.107 {p} ‘It does,’ said pockets.’
3.11.108 {p} ‘Good!’ said Gandalf. hoped.’
3.11.109 {p} ‘But I should began.
3.11.110 {p} ‘Mercy!’ cried Gandalf. know?’
3.11.111 {p} ‘The names of Isengard?’
3.11.112 {p} ‘It was a Tower.’
3.11.113 {p} ‘But it was had
3.11.114 {p} ‘Of course not,’ horses!
3.11.115 {p} ‘But I cannot Took.’
3.11.116 {p} Pippin made no them.
3.11.117 {p} ‘See now!’ said behind.’
3.11.118 {p} ‘I thought you then?’
3.11.119 {p} ‘To Minas Tirith, it.’
3.11.120 {p} ‘Oh! And how that?’
3.11.121 {p} ‘Leagues upon leagues,’ swifter?
3.11.122 {p} ‘We shall ride morning.
3.11.123 {p} ‘Away now, Shadowfax! speed!’
3.11.124 {p} Shadowfax tossed his him.
3.11.125 {p} As he fell wind.