LR 4.01 The Taming of Sméagol

4.01.000 {h} The Taming of Sméagol
4.01.001 {p} ‘Well, master, we’re gloom.
4.01.002 {p} It was the seen.
4.01.003 {ps} The hobbits stood sky.
4.01.004 {p} ‘What a fix!’ wind.
4.01.005 {p} ‘Yes, I can path.’
4.01.006 {p} ‘Or another and way.’
4.01.007 {p} ‘I wonder,’ said left?’
4.01.008 {p} ‘Only those, what grass!’
4.01.009 {ps} They turned away wind.
4.01.010 {p} ‘Did you see morning.
4.01.011 {p} ‘No,’ said Frodo. now.’
4.01.012 {p} ‘Nor me,’ said neck.’
4.01.013 {p} ‘I hope you’ll nose.’
4.01.014 {p} ‘I hope that’s good!’
4.01.015 {p} ‘So do I,’ somehow.’
4.01.016 {ps} But that day escape.
4.01.017 {p} Sometimes in the teeth.
4.01.018 {p} All that day lowlands.
4.01.019 {p} At last they precipice.
4.01.020 {p} ‘There’s nothing for to!’
4.01.021 {p} ‘A nasty drop, Sam.
4.01.022 {p} The cleft was out.
4.01.023 {p} ‘Look!’ he said. too.’
4.01.024 {p} Sam knelt beside jump!’
4.01.025 {p} ‘It would be more.’
4.01.026 {p} ‘And that’s enough!’ climbing.’
4.01.027 {p} ‘All the same,’ cracked.’
4.01.028 {p} The outer fall stairs.
4.01.029 {p} ‘And if we’re coming.’
4.01.030 {p} The smoky blur said.
4.01.031 {p} ‘Very good!’ said first.’
4.01.032 {p} ‘You?’ said Frodo. climbing?’
4.01.033 {p} ‘I haven’t changed fall.’
4.01.034 {p} Before Frodo could unwise.
4.01.035 {p} ‘No, no! Sam, carefully.’
4.01.036 {p} ‘I don’t know hands?’
4.01.037 {p} ‘Climb back, I Frodo.
4.01.038 {p} ‘Easy said,’ objected light.’
4.01.039 {p} ‘No! Not if call!’
4.01.040 {p} Gripping the stony short.
4.01.041 {ps} The hurrying darkness, cry.
4.01.042 {p} Sam heard him ‘Master!’
4.01.043 {p} He heard no ears:
4.01.044 {p} ‘All right, all see.’
4.01.045 {p} Frodo was calling breath.
4.01.046 {p} ‘Come back! Come above.
4.01.047 {p} ‘I can’t,’ he yet.’
4.01.048 {p} ‘What can I hand.
4.01.049 {p} There was another cold.
4.01.050 {p} ‘I’m coming down said.
4.01.051 {p} ‘No, no! wait!’ rope.’
4.01.052 {p} ‘Rope!’ cried Sam, Rope!’
4.01.053 {p} ‘Stop chattering!’ cried it!’
4.01.054 {p} ‘Yes, Mr. Frodo, it!’
4.01.055 {p} ‘Then get busy down!’
4.01.056 {p} Quickly Sam unslung hands.
4.01.057 {p} Sam stepped back ground.
4.01.058 {p} Thunder growled and roof.
4.01.059 {p} ‘I should have rope!’
4.01.060 {p} ‘Better luck if right.’
4.01.061 {p} ‘A pity I wonder?’
4.01.062 {p} Sam paid it said.
4.01.063 {p} ‘Who’d have thought exclaimed.
4.01.064 {p} ‘Ah! Who would?’ sure!’
4.01.065 {p} ‘Thirty ells!’ said it.’
4.01.066 {p} ‘The rain’s nearly over.’
4.01.067 {p} ‘And I’m thinking Frodo.
4.01.068 {p} With that he moon.
4.01.069 {p} ‘It’s good to somehow.’
4.01.070 {p} ‘It does look cliff.’
4.01.071 {p} Frodo thought for now.’
4.01.072 {p} ‘Very well,’ said time.
4.01.073 {ps} It did not, twilight.
4.01.074 {p} Frodo took rather down.
4.01.075 {p} ‘Well!’ he cried. again.’
4.01.076 {p} But Sam did easy.’
4.01.077 {p} ‘If you can to!’
4.01.078 {p} Sam scratched his farewell.
4.01.079 {p} To the complete knot!’
4.01.080 {p} Sam did not it.’
4.01.081 {p} ‘Then the rope Frodo.
4.01.082 {p} ‘I bet it strand!’
4.01.083 {p} ‘Then I’m afraid Frodo.
4.01.084 {p} Sam shook his pack.
4.01.085 {p} ‘It certainly came,’ Moon!’
4.01.086 {p} ‘They do cheer light.’
4.01.087 {p} ‘Yes,’ said Frodo; moon.’
4.01.088 {ps} Under the first ledges!’
4.01.089 {p} They picked their lasted.
4.01.090 {p} ‘We had better something.’
4.01.091 {p} ‘I suppose so,’ way.’
4.01.092 {ps} They did not shadows.
4.01.093 {p} ‘Well!’ said Frodo, cliff!’
4.01.094 {p} Sam looked and wall.’
4.01.095 {ps} Down the face again.
4.01.096 {p} ‘Do you think Sam.
4.01.097 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ Moon.’
4.01.098 {p} ‘Then why is Sam.
4.01.099 {p} ‘Quietly, Sam!’ said ago.’
4.01.100 {p} ‘Well, I’m sick cliff.
4.01.101 {p} ‘Careful!’ whispered Frodo looks.’
4.01.102 {p} The black crawling whistling.
4.01.103 {p} ‘Ach, sss! Cautious, eyes.’
4.01.104 {p} He was getting them.’
4.01.105 {p} ‘It doesn’t sound the—’
4.01.106 {p} ‘Hsh!’ breathed Frodo. whisper.’
4.01.107 {p} Indeed Gollum had himself.
4.01.108 {p} At last he snapped.
4.01.109 {p} Sam was out go.
4.01.110 {p} Things would have sky.
4.01.111 {p} ‘Let go! Gollum,’ throat.’
4.01.112 {p} Gollum collapsed and whimpering.
4.01.113 {p} ‘Don’t hurt us! yess.’
4.01.114 {p} ‘Well, what’s to say.’
4.01.115 {p} ‘But that would throat.
4.01.116 {p} ‘No,’ said Frodo. harm.’
4.01.117 {p} ‘Oh hasn’t he!’ plan.’
4.01.118 {p} ‘I daresay,’ said him.
4.01.119 {p} It seemed to past:
4.01.120 {p} What a pity chance!
4.01.121 {p} Pity? It was need.
4.01.122 {p} I do not death.
4.01.123 {p} Deserves death! I ends.
4.01.124 {p} ‘Very well,’ he him.’
4.01.125 {ps} Sam stared at head.
4.01.126 {p} ‘Yess, wretched we hobbits.’
4.01.127 {p} ‘No, we won’t,’ another.’
4.01.128 {p} ‘Yess, yes indeed,’ eyes.
4.01.129 {p} Sam scowled at reply.
4.01.130 {p} Frodo looked straight believe.’
4.01.131 {p} ‘Ach! sss!’ said places.’
4.01.132 {p} ‘So you have you?’
4.01.133 {p} ‘Yess. Yess. No!’ sleep!’
4.01.134 {p} ‘He will not land.’
4.01.135 {p} Gollum sat up now.’
4.01.136 {p} ‘Perhaps we’ll find Frodo.
4.01.137 {p} ‘No, no, never! Gollum.
4.01.138 {p} ‘Get up!’ said Frodo.
4.01.139 {p} Gollum stood up cliff.
4.01.140 {p} ‘Now!’ said Frodo. tonight.’
4.01.141 {p} ‘The big lights hobbits!’
4.01.142 {p} ‘Then sit down,’ move!’
4.01.143 {ps} The hobbits seated listening.
4.01.144 {p} Frodo looked across sign.
4.01.145 {p} Suddenly, with startling him.
4.01.146 {p} ‘Your rope might said.
4.01.147 {p} Sam got out too.’
4.01.148 {p} Gollum lay quiet look.
4.01.149 {p} ‘All we need end.’
4.01.150 {p} He stood over screaming.
4.01.151 {p} At last Frodo you.’
4.01.152 {p} ‘It hurts us, us.’
4.01.153 {p} ‘No, I will trust.’
4.01.154 {p} ‘We will swear us.’
4.01.155 {p} ‘Swear?’ said Frodo.
4.01.156 {p} ‘Sméagol,’ said Gollum Precious.’
4.01.157 {p} Frodo drew himself ‘Think!
4.01.158 {qt} One Ring to them.
4.01.159 {p} Would you commit Beware!’
4.01.160 {p} Gollum cowered. ‘On repeated.
4.01.161 {p} ‘And what would Frodo.
4.01.162 {p} ‘To be very Precious.’
4.01.163 {p} ‘No! not on you.’
4.01.164 {p} For a moment knees.
4.01.165 {p} ‘Down! down!’ said promise!’
4.01.166 {p} ‘We promises, yes again.
4.01.167 {p} ‘Take the rope Frodo.
4.01.168 {p} Reluctantly Sam obeyed. old.
4.01.169 {p} ‘Well, Gollum, or start.’
4.01.170 {p} ‘Yes, yes,’ agreed Sméagol!’
4.01.171 {p} He took a handy.’
4.01.172 {p} ‘No, no!’ said promised.’
4.01.173 {p} In the deep silence.