LR 4.02 The Passage of the Marshes

4.02.000 {h} The Passage of the Marshes
4.02.001 {p} Gollum moved quickly, hills.
4.02.002 {p} ‘Here it is!’ air.
4.02.003 {p} Gollum cast up Orcs.’
4.02.004 {p} He led the song.
4.02.005 {lg} The cold hard wish—
4.02.006 {p} ‘Ha! ha! What pleasant.
4.02.007 {lg} Alive without breath; juicy-sweet!
4.02.008 {p} These words only one.’
4.02.009 {ps} They stumbled along halted.
4.02.010 {p} ‘Day is near,’ me.’
4.02.011 {p} ‘We should be present.’
4.02.012 {p} ‘You are not me!’
4.02.013 {p} The three of stream.
4.02.014 {p} ‘We must take can.’
4.02.015 {p} At the word lips.
4.02.016 {p} ‘No, we have drink.’
4.02.017 {p} ‘Yess, yess, nice tasty?’
4.02.018 {p} Frodo broke off him.
4.02.019 {p} ‘Ach! No!’ he Sméagol!’
4.02.020 {p} ‘I’m sorry,’ said anyway.’
4.02.021 {ps} The hobbits munched little.
4.02.022 {p} ‘Look here!’ Sam loose.’
4.02.023 {p} ‘Perhaps you’re right, me.’
4.02.024 {p} So tired was breathing.
4.02.025 {p} Sam scratched his master.
4.02.026 {ps} When he woke unthrottled.
4.02.027 {p} ‘Poor wretch!’ he to?’
4.02.028 {p} ‘Not far, not sky.
4.02.029 {p} ‘Here, what are shape.
4.02.030 {p} ‘Sméagol is hungry,’ soon.’
4.02.031 {p} ‘Come back now!’ vanished.
4.02.032 {p} Frodo woke at time?’
4.02.033 {p} ‘I dunno,’ said hungry.’
4.02.034 {p} ‘Don’t worry!’ said anyway.’
4.02.035 {p} Frodo made light all.’
4.02.036 {p} ‘About the food,’ far.’
4.02.037 {p} ‘I don’t know feel.’
4.02.038 {p} Sam nodded silently. creature?’
4.02.039 {p} It was actually think.
4.02.040 {p} ‘Worms or beetles wretch!’
4.02.041 {p} Gollum said nothing good.’
4.02.042 {ps} The next stage light.
4.02.043 {p} In a chill wind.
4.02.044 {ps} On either side sea.
4.02.045 {ps} The hobbits were there.
4.02.046 {p} ‘How do we fens?’
4.02.047 {p} ‘No need, no perhaps.’
4.02.048 {ps} It was already Frodo.
4.02.049 {p} Frodo seemed the earth.
4.02.050 {p} It was dreary summers.
4.02.051 {p} As the day feel.
4.02.052 {p} ‘Not a bird!’ mournfully.
4.02.053 {p} ‘No, no birds,’ distaste.
4.02.054 {ps} So passed the dark.
4.02.055 {p} They walked slowly, through.
4.02.056 {p} Presently it grew word.
4.02.057 {p} At last Sam they?’
4.02.058 {p} Gollum looked up. master?’
4.02.059 {p} Sam looked back them.
4.02.060 {p} ‘Come, Mr. Frodo!’ can!’
4.02.061 {p} ‘All right,’ said on!’
4.02.062 {p} Hurrying forward again, faces!’
4.02.063 {p} Gollum laughed. ‘The lit.’
4.02.064 {p} ‘Who are they? him.
4.02.065 {p} ‘I don’t know,’ them.’
4.02.066 {p} ‘Yes, yes,’ said creeping.’
4.02.067 {p} ‘But that is Land?’
4.02.068 {p} ‘Who knows? Sméagol dead.’
4.02.069 {p} Sam looked darkly away?’
4.02.070 {p} ‘Yes, yes,’ said lights!’
4.02.071 {ps} He crawled away Sam.
4.02.072 {p} At last they nostrils.
4.02.073 {p} It was late ahead.
4.02.074 {p} ‘Now on we again.
4.02.075 {p} ‘What is it?’ stinks.’
4.02.076 {p} ‘Yes, yes, and happy.’
4.02.077 {ps} He went on out.
4.02.078 {p} Gollum would not wrack.
4.02.079 {p} For a moment speed.
4.02.080 {p} They fell forward, moonlight.
4.02.081 {p} Frodo and Sam hands.
4.02.082 {p} ‘Wraiths!’ he wailed. move.
4.02.083 {ps} From that time behind.
4.02.084 {p} In fact with brow.
4.02.085 {p} Gollum probably felt words.
4.02.086 {ps} When day came gate.
4.02.087 {p} While the grey mouths.
4.02.088 {p} At last, on light.
4.02.089 {p} They had come speak.
4.02.090 {p} For a while Lord.
4.02.091 {ps} Too weary to Eye.
4.02.092 {p} The day passed him.
4.02.093 {ps} Suddenly Sam woke spoke.
4.02.094 {p} ‘Sméagol promised,’ said thought.
4.02.095 {p} ‘Yes, yes, my wonders.’
4.02.096 {p} ‘I don’t know. master.’
4.02.097 {p} ‘Yes, yes, to promises.’
4.02.098 {p} ‘But Sméagol said me.’
4.02.099 {p} ‘Very very good, no.’
4.02.100 {p} ‘But the Precious objected.
4.02.101 {p} ‘Then take it,’ gollum!’
4.02.102 {p} ‘But not the hobbit?’
4.02.103 {p} ‘Oh no, not Bagginses.’
4.02.104 {p} ‘No, not this Baggins.’
4.02.105 {p} ‘Yes, every Baggins. it!’
4.02.106 {p} ‘But He’ll see, us!’
4.02.107 {p} ‘He sees. He it.’
4.02.108 {p} ‘Not for Him!’
4.02.109 {p} ‘No, sweet one. it!’
4.02.110 {p} ‘But there’s two yet.’
4.02.111 {p} ‘We wants it! yes.’
4.02.112 {p} ‘No, no! Not Sméagol.
4.02.113 {p} ‘Yes! We wants it!’
4.02.114 {p} Each time that neck.
4.02.115 {ps} Sam had lain yawn.
4.02.116 {p} ‘What’s the time?’ sleepily.
4.02.117 {p} Gollum sent out go.’
4.02.118 {p} ‘High time!’ thought master.
4.02.119 {p} Strangely enough, Frodo him.
4.02.120 {p} ‘Come!’ he said. enemies.’
4.02.121 {p} ‘To the Gate, no!’
4.02.122 {p} ‘Go on with over!’
4.02.123 {ps} In the falling shaking.
4.02.124 {p} About an hour known.
4.02.125 {p} ‘Three times!’ he use!’
4.02.126 {p} Pleading and kind dog.
4.02.127 {p} So they stumbled ears.