LR 4.03 The Black Gate is Closed

4.03.000 {h} The Black Gate is Closed
4.03.001 {p} Before the next heads.
4.03.002 {p} Upon the west eyes.
4.03.003 {p} Across the mouth land.
4.03.004 {p} The two hobbits beneath.
4.03.005 {ps} Day came, and battlement.
4.03.006 {ps} ‘Well, here we me.
4.03.007 {p} ‘I suppose it’s lift.’
4.03.008 {p} ‘No, no!’ said knew.’
4.03.009 {p} ‘Then what the reasonable.
4.03.010 {p} ‘Master said so. master.’
4.03.011 {p} ‘I did,’ said me.’
4.03.012 {p} ‘No, no, master!’ Gate!’
4.03.013 {p} ‘I am commanded come.’
4.03.014 {ps} Sam said nothing. Gollum.
4.03.015 {p} Gollum, however, did you!’
4.03.016 {p} ‘Another way!’ said eyes.
4.03.017 {p} ‘Yess! Yess indeed! there!’
4.03.018 {p} ‘You have not before.’
4.03.019 {p} ‘No. Master did helps.’
4.03.020 {ps} Sam frowned. If doubted.
4.03.021 {p} ‘And it’s a next.’
4.03.022 {p} Frodo did not River.
4.03.023 {p} As he gazed Gollum.
4.03.024 {p} ‘Sméagol,’ he said, danger.’
4.03.025 {p} ‘Yes, yes, master!’ master.’
4.03.026 {p} ‘I did not Sméagol!’
4.03.027 {p} Sam looked at master.
4.03.028 {p} Frodo waited patiently haste.’
4.03.029 {p} But Gollum was southwards.
4.03.030 {p} ‘On, on, on,’ land.’
4.03.031 {p} ‘No!’ said Frodo. turning?’
4.03.032 {p} ‘O yes, O hide.’
4.03.033 {p} ‘See it, see see?’
4.03.034 {p} ‘The old fortress, patiently.
4.03.035 {p} ‘Tales out of Moon.’
4.03.036 {p} ‘That would be Enemy.’
4.03.037 {p} ‘Yes, He has city.’
4.03.038 {p} ‘What does he us?’
4.03.039 {p} ‘Well, master, there shuddered.
4.03.040 {p} ‘But how will it?’
4.03.041 {p} ‘O no, not Watchers.’
4.03.042 {p} ‘So that’s your do?’
4.03.043 {p} ‘No, no indeed,’ about.’
4.03.044 {p} ‘You seem to Orcs?’
4.03.045 {p} ‘Not nice hobbit, Watchers.’
4.03.046 {p} ‘Just so!’ said tramp.’
4.03.047 {p} ‘Don’t make jokes it.’
4.03.048 {p} ‘What did you Frodo.
4.03.049 {p} Gollum crouched down not.’
4.03.050 {p} ‘I don’t like reply.
4.03.051 {p} ‘Is it not ago.’
4.03.052 {p} ‘It’s a lie!’ escape.’
4.03.053 {p} Frodo felt a back.
4.03.054 {p} ‘I ask you guarded?’
4.03.055 {p} But the name answer.
4.03.056 {p} ‘Is it not repeated.
4.03.057 {p} ‘Yes, yes, perhaps. not.
4.03.058 {p} Its name was pity.
4.03.059 {p} Maybe Frodo felt choice?
4.03.060 {ps} The day drew thought.
4.03.061 {p} Not even an peck.
4.03.062 {p} Frodo’s head was Mordor.
4.03.063 {p} Sam took a they?’
4.03.064 {p} ‘No, perhaps not,’ fear.’
4.03.065 {p} The feeling of that?’
4.03.066 {ps} A new fear impossible.
4.03.067 {p} Gollum rose slowly hollow.
4.03.068 {p} ‘More Men going inside.’
4.03.069 {p} ‘Were there any places.
4.03.070 {p} ‘No, no oliphaunts. Gollum.
4.03.071 {p} Sam stood up, began:
4.03.072 {lg} Grey as a lie.
4.03.073 {p} ‘That,’ said Sam, sighed.
4.03.074 {p} ‘No, no oliphaunts,’ Sméagol?’
4.03.075 {p} Frodo stood up. you.’
4.03.076 {p} ‘Good master, wise be!’