LR 4.04 Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit

4.04.000 {h} Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
4.04.001 {p} For the few gladly.
4.04.002 {p} ‘Soon get more eyes.
4.04.003 {ps} The dusk was Morannon.
4.04.004 {p} For many miles southwards.
4.04.005 {p} With hearts strangely dared.
4.04.006 {ps} The growing light lasted.
4.04.007 {ps} The day passed pot’.
4.04.008 {p} As soon as rider.
4.04.009 {p} The road had way.
4.04.010 {ps} So they passed abroad.
4.04.011 {p} Day was opening loveliness.
4.04.012 {p} South and west Anduin.
4.04.013 {p} The travellers turned end.
4.04.014 {p} Here they washed bark.
4.04.015 {p} Sam scrambling below Gollum.
4.04.016 {p} ‘Let’s find a me.’
4.04.017 {ps} A little way heat.
4.04.018 {p} Sam had been weeks.
4.04.019 {p} ‘If we reach might!’
4.04.020 {p} Besides, at the fern.
4.04.021 {p} ‘Hi! Gollum!’ said hobbit?’
4.04.022 {p} ‘Yes, perhaps, yes,’ nicely.’
4.04.023 {p} ‘Right!’ said Sam. begs.’
4.04.024 {ps} Gollum disappeared. He no.’
4.04.025 {p} Gollum returned quietly greedily.
4.04.026 {p} ‘Sméagol always helps,’ minute.’
4.04.027 {p} Sam, however, had minutes.
4.04.028 {p} ‘Now, Gollum,’ he back!’
4.04.029 {p} ‘Sméagol will fetch washed.’
4.04.030 {p} ‘Never you mind,’ mincemeat.’
4.04.031 {p} While Gollum was up.’
4.04.032 {p} Sam gathered a himself.
4.04.033 {p} He set the it!’
4.04.034 {p} ‘Mustn’t do what?’ surprise.
4.04.035 {p} ‘Not make the will.’
4.04.036 {p} ‘I don’t think coneys.’
4.04.037 {p} ‘Stew the rabbits!’ fire.
4.04.038 {p} ‘Now, now!’ said you.’
4.04.039 {p} Gollum withdrew grumbling, seemingly.’
4.04.040 {p} ‘Gollum!’ he called Sam.
4.04.041 {p} ‘No!’ said Gollum. Sméagol.’
4.04.042 {p} ‘Sméagol’ll get into taters.’
4.04.043 {p} ‘Sméagol won’t go, taters?’
4.04.044 {p} ‘Po – ta that.’
4.04.045 {p} ‘Yes, yes we chips!’
4.04.046 {p} ‘Oh you’re hopeless,’ sleep!’
4.04.047 {ps} In the end broth.
4.04.048 {p} When he thought peace.
4.04.049 {p} ‘Hullo, Sam!’ he time?’
4.04.050 {p} ‘About a couple proper.’
4.04.051 {p} Frodo yawned and stewed?’
4.04.052 {p} ‘A present from herbs.’
4.04.053 {ps} Sam and his feast.
4.04.054 {p} ‘Wheew! Gollum!’ Sam answer.
4.04.055 {p} ‘Oh well, I Sam.
4.04.056 {p} ‘And then you Frodo.
4.04.057 {p} ‘Don’t you drop all.’
4.04.058 {ps} They finished, and out.
4.04.059 {p} ‘That won’t do! uphill.
4.04.060 {p} He found that Frodo.
4.04.061 {p} ‘Did you hear maybe!’
4.04.062 {p} ‘Hush!’ whispered Frodo. voices.’
4.04.063 {ps} The two hobbits listening.
4.04.064 {p} There was no hand.
4.04.065 {p} ‘Here! Here is is.’
4.04.066 {p} ‘Aye, and what voice.
4.04.067 {p} At once four swords.
4.04.068 {p} If they were speech.
4.04.069 {p} ‘We have not found?’
4.04.070 {p} ‘Not Orcs,’ said hand.
4.04.071 {p} ‘Elves?’ said a doubtfully.
4.04.072 {p} ‘Nay! Not Elves,’ said.’
4.04.073 {p} ‘Meaning we’re not, rest.’
4.04.074 {p} The tall green White.’
4.04.075 {p} ‘But we are say.’
4.04.076 {p} ‘Then make haste company?’
4.04.077 {p} ‘The third?’
4.04.078 {p} ‘Yes, the skulking fox-trick.’
4.04.079 {p} ‘I do not South.’
4.04.080 {p} ‘Boromir!’ all the exclaimed.
4.04.081 {p} ‘Boromir son of climbing!’
4.04.082 {p} ‘Are the riddling replied.
4.04.083 {lg} Seek for the dwells.
4.04.084 {p} ‘The words are them.’
4.04.085 {p} ‘Aragorn whom I of.’
4.04.086 {p} ‘That I see,’ Bane?’
4.04.087 {p} ‘That is hidden,’ time.’
4.04.088 {p} ‘We must learn you.’
4.04.089 {p} ‘Farewell!’ said Frodo, swords!’
4.04.090 {p} ‘The Halflings are ‘Farewell!’
4.04.091 {ps} The hobbits sat Westernesse.
4.04.092 {p} After a while River.
4.04.093 {p} ‘It is close them!’
4.04.094 {p} ‘Aye, curse the malice.’
4.04.095 {p} ‘But still we end.’
4.04.096 {ps} Their talk died shrank.
4.04.097 {p} ‘I wonder where doze.
4.04.098 {p} He woke, thinking Gondor!
4.04.099 {p} ‘It sounds like now.’
4.04.100 {ps} But the noise leading.’
4.04.101 {p} Sam, eager to sword.
4.04.102 {p} It was Sam’s ground.
4.04.103 {p} ‘Ware! Ware!’ cried Mûmak!’
4.04.104 {p} To his astonishment Swertings.
4.04.105 {p} On the great up.
4.04.106 {ps} Sam drew a sleep.’
4.04.107 {p} ‘Sleep while you long.’
4.04.108 {p} ‘Go quietly when night.’
4.04.109 {p} Mablung laughed. ‘I see.’