LR 4.05 The Window on the West

4.05.000 {h} The Window on the West
4.05.001 {p} It seemed to prisoner.
4.05.002 {p} Sam crept out Frodo.
4.05.003 {p} Sam soon became importance.
4.05.004 {p} ‘But it was it?’
4.05.005 {p} Frodo made no it?’
4.05.006 {p} ‘No, not because Rauros.’
4.05.007 {p} ‘Why so, and founded?’
4.05.008 {p} ‘Because Aragorn is sword.’
4.05.009 {p} A murmur of unmoved.
4.05.010 {p} ‘Maybe,’ he said. ago.’
4.05.011 {p} ‘Boromir was satisfied it.’
4.05.012 {p} Frodo’s tone was Faramir.
4.05.013 {p} ‘So!’ he said. Boromir?’
4.05.014 {p} Vividly before Frodo’s part.’
4.05.015 {p} Faramir smiled grimly. dead?’
4.05.016 {p} ‘I would grieve falsehood?’
4.05.017 {p} ‘I would not Faramir.
4.05.018 {p} ‘How then did left.’
4.05.019 {p} ‘As to the was.’
4.05.020 {p} ‘But he was world.’
4.05.021 {p} ‘Many indeed,’ said least.’
4.05.022 {ps} Sam had been side.
4.05.023 {p} ‘Begging your pardon, else.
4.05.024 {p} ‘See here, Captain!’ would.’
4.05.025 {p} ‘Patience!’ said Faramir, silent!’
4.05.026 {p} Sam sat down brother.’
4.05.027 {p} A shadow of gear?’
4.05.028 {p} Frodo thought for last.
4.05.029 {p} ‘You remember well, unheeded.
4.05.030 {p} ‘Five days ere me.
4.05.031 {p} ‘I sat at it.
4.05.032 {p} ‘An awe fell asleep.
4.05.033 {p} ‘A broken sword Sea.’
4.05.034 {ps} ‘Alas!’ said Frodo. throat.
4.05.035 {p} Faramir looked closely home.’
4.05.036 {p} ‘No more can arts.’
4.05.037 {p} ‘Nay, it was pity.’
4.05.038 {p} ‘Yet how could water?’
4.05.039 {p} ‘I know not,’ boat?’
4.05.040 {p} ‘From Lórien,’ said elven-work.’
4.05.041 {p} ‘You passed through said.
4.05.042 {p} ‘Boromir, O Boromir!’ morning?’
4.05.043 {p} Then turning again said.
4.05.044 {p} ‘And now the horn?’
4.05.045 {p} ‘No, I did friends.
4.05.046 {p} ‘Will you not fellowship.
4.05.047 {p} ‘Go back, Faramir, me.’
4.05.048 {p} ‘For me there still.
4.05.049 {p} ‘But whatever befell delay.’
4.05.050 {p} He sprang to remained.
4.05.051 {p} ‘Now you, Frodo you.’
4.05.052 {ps} There was nothing ever.
4.05.053 {p} They set out voices.
4.05.054 {p} ‘I broke off Frodo.’
4.05.055 {p} ‘I told no Frodo.
4.05.056 {p} ‘I do not mark?’
4.05.057 {p} ‘Near,’ said Frodo, heirlooms.’
4.05.058 {p} ‘Ah, then it life.
4.05.059 {p} ‘But, Frodo, I ago.
4.05.060 {p} ‘And this I him?’
4.05.061 {p} ‘It does,’ said honour.’
4.05.062 {p} ‘I doubt it wars.
4.05.063 {p} ‘But I stray. then.’
4.05.064 {p} ‘The Grey Pilgrim?’ name?’
4.05.065 {p} ‘Mithrandir we called not.’
4.05.066 {p} ‘Gandalf!’ said Frodo. Moria.’
4.05.067 {p} ‘Mithrandir was lost!’ would?’
4.05.068 {p} ‘Alas! yes,’ said abyss.’
4.05.069 {p} ‘I see that end.’
4.05.070 {p} Now Faramir’s voice more.
4.05.071 {p} ‘What in truth stayed.
4.05.072 {p} ‘But fear no Drogo.’
4.05.073 {p} ‘Neither did the matters.’
4.05.074 {p} ‘For myself,’ said wise.
4.05.075 {p} ‘So fear me you.’
4.05.076 {p} Frodo made no akin.
4.05.077 {ps} They walked on Ithilien.
4.05.078 {p} Sam had taken place.
4.05.079 {p} Once, looking suddenly could!’
4.05.080 {ps} So they passed Anduin.
4.05.081 {p} ‘Here, alas! I you.’
4.05.082 {p} ‘As you will,’ it.’
4.05.083 {p} ‘It is to force.’
4.05.084 {p} He called softly falter.’
4.05.085 {p} With green scarves spoke.
4.05.086 {p} Then came the gasped.
4.05.087 {p} They stood on fire.
4.05.088 {ps} ‘At least by see!’
4.05.089 {p} Even as he victuals.
4.05.090 {p} ‘Well, here is set.’
4.05.091 {ps} The hobbits were table.
4.05.092 {p} Faramir went about abroad.
4.05.093 {p} ‘You saw and comer.
4.05.094 {p} ‘Well, no, lord,’ said.’
4.05.095 {p} ‘Perhaps,’ said Faramir. asleep.
4.05.096 {p} Sam struggled with eyes.
4.05.097 {ps} Now more torches washed.
4.05.098 {p} ‘Wake our guests,’ eat.’
4.05.099 {p} Frodo sat up him.
4.05.100 {p} ‘Put it on ears.
4.05.101 {p} ‘Is it the hobbits.
4.05.102 {p} ‘No, before breakfast,’ bit.’
4.05.103 {p} They were led likewise.
4.05.104 {p} ‘So we always meat?’
4.05.105 {p} ‘No,’ said Frodo, him.’
4.05.106 {p} ‘That we do Faramir.
4.05.107 {ps} After so long Lórien.
4.05.108 {p} When all was niche.
4.05.109 {p} ‘You may soon Lothlórien.’
4.05.110 {p} Frodo no longer agreement.
4.05.111 {p} Frodo told many bridge.
4.05.112 {p} ‘It must have leave.’
4.05.113 {p} ‘He was the fled.’
4.05.114 {p} ‘Maybe, it would Rauros.’
4.05.115 {p} ‘Maybe. But tell war?’
4.05.116 {p} ‘What hope have autumn.
4.05.117 {p} ‘The Men of men.
4.05.118 {p} ‘It is not destroyed.
4.05.119 {p} ‘Death was ever heir.
4.05.120 {p} ‘But the stewards Haradrim.
4.05.121 {p} ‘So it came Rohan.
4.05.122 {p} ‘Of our lore call.
4.05.123 {p} ‘For so we Darkness.
4.05.124 {p} ‘Yet now, if while.
4.05.125 {ps} ‘You don’t say suspicions.
4.05.126 {p} ‘No indeed, Master dread.
4.05.127 {p} ‘Yet there are Lady.’
4.05.128 {p} ‘The Lady of mark.’
4.05.129 {p} ‘Then she must fair.’
4.05.130 {p} ‘I don’t know face.
4.05.131 {p} ‘Yes? Now Boromir him?’
4.05.132 {p} ‘Yes sir, begging Ring!’
4.05.133 {p} ‘Sam!’ cried Frodo late.
4.05.134 {p} ‘Save me!’ said dear!
4.05.135 {p} ‘Now look here, quality.’
4.05.136 {p} ‘So it seems,’ glinting.
4.05.137 {p} Frodo and Sam again.
4.05.138 {p} ‘Alas for Boromir! them.
4.05.139 {p} ‘But I am enough.’
4.05.140 {ps} The hobbits came over.
4.05.141 {p} ‘Well, Frodo, now honour.’
4.05.142 {p} ‘Not all is honoured.’
4.05.143 {p} ‘But folk must us.’
4.05.144 {p} Frodo had felt longer.
4.05.145 {p} ‘I was going there.’
4.05.146 {p} Faramir stared at sleep.
4.05.147 {p} Another bed was sir.’
4.05.148 {p} ‘Did I so?’ Faramir.
4.05.149 {p} ‘Yes sir, and highest.’
4.05.150 {p} Faramir smiled. ‘A done.’
4.05.151 {p} ‘Ah well, sir,’ wizards.’
4.05.152 {p} ‘Maybe,’ said Faramir. night!’